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Posts posted by NoshowJones

  1. If you have ever taken the Thai written/electronic test, you would know how difficult it is to pass (English version). There are questions with no right answers, there are questions with two answers that could be correct, there are questions where the answer is correct for one question but incorrect for another, and questions that make absolutely no sense at all. There are also questions that have incorrect "right" answers according to the handbook that can be had for 50 baht (all in Thai though).

    When brought to the attention of the proctor and the instructor, they both just walked away saying nothing.

    I experienced the same problems with the questions and answers. I was about 3 questions short of a pass and the machine gave the correct answers that I memorised. Then I was put on a different machine a few minutes later where the questions and answers were clearer and I passed.

    What I did fail on is lining up the vertical bars. But I passed anyway LOL.

    I got 28 out of 30 for the motorbike theory test, only 7 passed out of 21.
  2. A 52-year-old drunk Norwegian tourist and 17 year old GIRL. What a shame.

    Your dead right there, she was just a kid - IF its proved that he was intoxicated, then its another grim statistic.

    Sooner the police clamp down on drinking and driving in Thailand, then the safer we'll all be.

    Commit any crime you like in Thailand, Just don't murder anyone (in some cases that is) break immigration laws, or get involved with drugs. Anything else goes.

    Obviously, your list of crimes that do not go unpunished (unless one hides very well) is far than exhaustive.

    Murder, attempted murder, rape, serial thievery, paediphilia, breaking immigration rules are on top of the list. Any others?

    Maybe I did not word it properly. I should have said the main priority is drugs and immigration.
  3. A 52-year-old drunk Norwegian tourist and 17 year old GIRL. What a shame.

    Your dead right there, she was just a kid - IF its proved that he was intoxicated, then its another grim statistic.

    Sooner the police clamp down on drinking and driving in Thailand, then the safer we'll all be.

    Commit any crime you like in Thailand, Just don't murder anyone (in some cases that is) break immigration laws, or get involved with drugs. Anything else goes.
  4. I'd suggest going to the courts over this blatant rip-off. You start by making a formal complaint to the police, and hire a lawyer.

    Until the case gets settled your passport will be confiscated, and you will have to stay in-country.

    These procedures are fairly uncomplicated. Over the next couple of years you will have to occasionally show up at one hearing or another with your lawyer (and translator if you are not fluent in Thai). In the meantime you are free to enjoy the beach life.

    I wonder if anyone has used this ploy as a Visa dodge?

    A way of staying in the Kingdom without doing the Visa runs?

    Just asking like ... not suggesting like!


    I thought that myself.
  5. I hope you will have a great trip! I am planning a similar trip: 90 days going south from Bangkok to Phuket and visiting Koh Hkun Seng, Samui, and whereever else I feel like on the way, taking it very easy. smile.png

    Did you buy the scooter in Bangkok? I need to find a dealer in Bangkok for a new Honda Click or similar, and I need to get in contact with them by e-mail before going to Thailand (to sort out what papers I need etc.). Does anyone know a dealer with a website in English? I have only been able to locate one using Google (hondasumetcycle), and they are in no hurry to answer e-mails.

    Not answering e-mails? What do you expect in the LOS, Land of Stupidity?
  6. Take your dogs to the chickens. When ever they show ANY interest in the chickens give them a hit (not hard) to take their attention away from the chickens.

    Your not far wrong with that..........you need to teach the dogs a negative connotation with chickens, hitting can work, the one I preferred training my dogs was freezing cold water. As soon as the dogs make a move for the chickens soak them......it will give them the shock of their lives and they won't be long learning to connect chickens with being freezing. Just use your left over songkran water pistol.....and try not to hit the chickens, wait till you see their reaction if you hit them cheesy.gif

    ps......another cracking dog training tip.......get a large plastic bottle and half fill it with shale / pebbles. If you have a problem with your dog charging or excessively barking, smash the bottle on the floor in front of it.......remember smash the floor, not the dog, again it gives them the fright of their lives.

    So if your sitting at home and the door goes, and the dog goes wild this is the best way of stopping it.......get someone to knock your door, and as the dog makes a move, smash the bottle down......keep doing it, until it sinks in. It won't take long and you'll be amazed at how quickly the dog will learn.

    Dogs are all about learned behaviour, teach them correctly and you will have the best pet imaginable.

    Depends what kind of dog, try training a wee ankle snapper, no chance.
  7. Another day and another runner

    This will continue until the powers that be decide to seriously clamp down on it

    IMO runners should be given mandatory jail time .... 1 2 3 years ...

    It is especially sad and cowardly to run when the crash caused injuries and or

    death, perhaps if the driver had stayed he could have save a life or helped an

    injured person.

    This driver is a huge coward and should pay a heavy price

    Is it not the case the driver runs for his own safety? He may get beaten up and killed by bystanders. Thais are good at fighting when there is about 6 to 1, not 1 to 1.
  8. You're a week late! biggrin.png

    Why, did all Scots leave Bangkok last week?

    They all wanted to see Andy Murray win in London

    The biggest majority of Scots are more interested in football than tennis, include me in that.
  9. Plenty Scots drink in Finnigans Bar Soi 4 Nana

    Geespot, I will look in there tomorrow night (Sat) if you are there, watch for a guy, tall, slim and long dark hair, but no kilt.
  10. have lived in Thailand for 7 years. I am in Bangkok till the end of the month (Aug) I have never met a Scot in all the time I have been here

    Pure luck! smile.png

    Semper, you are right in some ways, you'd be surprised at the amount of "friends" I lost back home because I'm a non drinker. If I met a Scot here, I would buy him a drink, but only one. I should be able to be in the company of drinkers with my orange juice. Another thing, I would never be seen dead in a skirt (kilt) so I am really only a Scot by birth.
  11. Try the 22 bar. Located on Sukhumvit Soi 22 in the vicinity of the Admiral Suites hotel and just across the street from the hotel. Run by Ray ( a Scotsman ) and Nok for the past ten years I've been going to Thailand. This is definitly a Scotsman's bar and I think Ray himself is from Glasgow.

    Try the 22 bar. Located on Sukhumvit Soi 22 in the vicinity of the Admiral Suites hotel and just across the street from the hotel. Run by Ray ( a Scotsman ) and Nok for the past ten years I've been going to Thailand. This is definitly a Scotsman's bar and I think Ray himself is from Glasgow.

    Thanks, I will do just that.
  12. You're a week late! biggrin.png

    Why, did all Scots leave Bangkok last week?

    Maybe because they knew I was here, and as a non drinker, I wouldn't be buying drinks.
  13. I for one am not one of the R.I.P. posters that continually post these 3 letters every time someone dies in Thailand. I am one of those people that has been here 14 years continually that knows what the press reports is not fact. Saving face is paramount here. Probably a spoilt young woman (who else has an S class Merc at her age) who went out with friends got drunk/wasn't a competant driver and crashed her car. Done thats it. Thank god she didn't wipe out a minibus like the last richie did!!!!!

    If, however, it is proven that this was a tragic accident I will apologise, but I doubt it.

    Very interesting post Whistleblower, I think you may have something there.
  14. Hi there.

    I'm a Scot from the Glasgow area, have lived in Thailand for 7 years. I am in Bangkok till the end of the month (Aug) I have never met a Scot in all the time I have been here, anyone want to meet up?

  15. Since the fine old days of 2006 when it seemed to be 75 baht to the £ and the living was good for expats on some brit income, I have since seen a good friend collapse and die from the stress of trying to keep up and stay out in Thailand, fearing return to the UK , due to burned bridges.

    I love it East but please do not gamble, think shrewd, think logically.

    Also as someone mentioned you really must budget for the expenses your wifes' family will require, it is just the way it is

    If you hold back amazing how suddenly you'll feel alone

    good luck,


    The wifes family have no right to expect you to take care of them financially personally, your wife yes, but not you.
  16. In the language school, the teachers are not allowed to speak English. That is disgraceful for obvious reasons.

    That is not true of all schools. The Uni course teachers speak English very well.

    I agree it would be tough to get answers to the more complex questions about reading, writing, tones etc. without being able to ask questions

    at times in English.

    Which also makes me wonder about the many falang teachers who cannot speak Thai yet teach children English. I am sure these kids may

    also have a few questions they would like answered for clarity & understanding.

    I think that is why folks like Ajarn Adam are so popular with the Thai's both adults & children

    Your right Mania, thanks for answering.
  17. Last week travelling north on the Tollway near Don Muang Airport, it cost me 25 Baht, returning to Bangkok the following week, it cost 85 Baht. Does anyone know why? I entered and left the Tollway at the same place both times.

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