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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. As soon as he gets the same treatment as Bin Laden the better.
  2. Yes that's it, can anyone answer it, maybe a mod?
  3. Go to Youtube and download Alan Jackson singing "Playing Possum" that should answer your question.
  4. I think you have more chance of being mugged or stabbed in the UK than in Thailand. I read the UK news online all the time and it is always full of stabbings.
  5. "waiting for the government to approve and purchase it." of course, waiting for it so they can charge ripoff prices for the mugs with plenty of money to spare, then brown envelopes going in a certain direction.
  6. When you read though some posts in a topic, at the bottom of the page it tells you the user name of posters who are at present reading that topic. What I would like to know is what does it mean when a posters username has different wording ie, scorecard "NoshowJones" thaibeachlovers? doctormann thaibeachlovers scorecard doctormann thaibeachlovers scorecard
  7. When I was younger yes, definitely, in my line of work there was no shortage of attractive girls, so why should I pay for sex? It may be different now with me being older and not having the looks I had then.
  8. A guy lying drunk on the road in the way the post says this guy was then no, I would not be willing to touch him at all, not because it was self inflicted, but because I care about my own health, if being a bit drunk and not full of vomit, I would help to get him out of the road, but that is as far as it goes.
  9. Just another case of a rich billionaire not having much savvy. You don't need to be a billionaire to not have much between the ears. The unelected Thai PM and his sleeping partner has proved that time and time again.
  10. I am sure there are ways of wording something so that you can name the place without having to worry about Thailand's defamation laws, ie if you named the place and mentioned the price increase of 300% without being derogatory about it, how can it be defamation?
  11. Yes, but some have 2 acronym's ie IO Immigration Officer or Office.
  12. It is not a coincidence that most really evil people have some kind of facial hair.
  13. I have been away from the UK for 15 years now, but there were reports of it in the Glasgow area then which would not be read in England.
  14. I carried a hammer under my car seat back in the UK, no I never had to use it, but I always felt safe. There were always reports of people in cars regularly being attacked. I also kept a pick shaft handle beside my front door, again never had to use it, but again it made me feel safe.
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