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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I just downloaded the app as normal in the normal way, but I will check it out. Thanks.
  2. You mean they are worse than this Thai unelected PM and his Junta?
  3. On the app , the prices are not even in Thai Baht, they start with an RM whatever that means. Not even any means of changing them to Thai Baht, what a load of Lazada garbage.
  4. I don't have a bad email address. Is Lazada right and all my other email addresses wrong? I don't think so.
  5. I can log in to everything else no problem. when I log in to the lazada website I used to print the first letter of email address and the whole address come up, now I have to print the whole address where if I log on to anywhere else my email address appears right away. Lazada by a long way is the worst online experience ever.
  6. Have done that and I do have the correct password.
  7. I arrived in Thailand with visa exempt then got an agent to get me on to the retirement extensions, a very well known one. I had to pay him 31000 Bt for this.
  8. "Don't know of any official sources promoting this site, but other members are likely to come back it up if you're unsure about it." ????
  9. It does not make any difference, I am not logged in to anything else, I have tried 6 times now, they still insists my email or password is incorrect. There is no excuse for this nonsense.
  10. Tony Benn used to write a weekly column in the Scottish Daily Record and started complaining about the working class taking two extra weeks holiday for a sore back while he and his colleagues got 3 months a year for their summer holidays alone.
  11. Yes your right, I have got that the wrong way round. I will try and edit it. I'm too late. but I think everyone knows what I mean.
  12. They are all for themselves first, everything else including the health service comes before their own personal wealth.
  13. No Labour PM kept his promises, they are all liars and hypocrites, Wilson, Callaghan, Blair and Brown, they were worse than any Tory PM, including Margaret Thatcher. But if Jeremy Corbyn was genuinely for the working class, and kept his promises, then you would be right.
  14. "It would be fun to see Labour also fail in such an epic way!" It sure would. Labour has never been the party of the working class in my adult lifetime. Now they have a "Sir" as it's leader and probable next PM. Even the Tories have never had a "Sir" as a PM in my adult lifetime, and people with a "Sir" in front of their name are all stinking rich. Does anyone really believe that this present "Sir" and leader of the Labour Party will do anything for the working class? If so they can dream on.
  15. I have only recently downloaded the app, when I do, I am asked for my email and password and then informed that it is not correct.
  16. Does the Lazada App not have the same email and password as their website. Apart from always having to print out my email and password to get into the website. I always get in, but when I try to get use of the app, they will not accept my email and password.
  17. OK. No they shouldn't be deported unless they make a bit of it.
  18. A person out in the street who is drunk and incapable, note incapable, is a danger to people and other road users, people on motorbikes, driving cars etc.
  19. Being drunk and incapable in public is very wrong as far as I'm concerned, typical Pattaya quality tourist or not.
  20. "He promised that the government would do its best to manage water resources and supply,". This unelected PM would put real politicians to shame with his lies. there will be no coup" immediately springs to mind.
  21. What about officers in police cars, when there is only one driving. Surely there should always be two officers in a police car, when you see them that is.
  22. Except for children and old people, I just walk straight through them as if they weren't there.
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