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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Yes it is, mostly because the soldiers government do not have the brains to cover it up.
  2. Excellent post, but your use on the word "guests" I take it that it is just a figure of speech.
  3. I would not be too sure about that, TV/AN are very good at letting you give your opinions, if you keep it civil there won't be a problem.
  4. It isn't just the police, hospitals, banks, insurance companies etc. etc, use foreigners as a walking ATM.
  5. Normal countries have the brains to cover up a lot of corruption, but a country like Thailand run by soldiers with an average low IQ like most Thai's do not, and it sticks out like a sore thumb. Hotels, hospitals, insurance companies etc are all at it and people with any brains can see through it.
  6. They have the soldiers and the guns. They can do what they want. Thailand belongs to them. Why do you think these soldiers have been in power for 8 years and still no sign of them getting out and getting an elected government in?
  7. Bangkok Bank do not answer emails, customer satisfaction is not important to them.
  8. What's better than being a professional musician playing the music you love and getting well paid for it and a choice of beautiful women. Why would I want to change that for anything else?
  9. I use the VLC media player, I will try the other two things you mention. Thanks.
  10. Most certainly not, I have admiration for people who go to gyms and keep themselves fit, it's the steroid taking weight lifters (not weight tralners) who look like freaks with veins sticking out all over their bodies I don't understand. I don't know who is the most unsightly, them or the daily beer drinking guys with the massive bellies.
  11. My Lenovo Yoga520 it's the one that folds back into the shape of a tent, cuts out every so often when watching anything on my external hard drive, After it cuts out, I click on play and what I am watching goes back to the very beginning. It happens maybe about 4 times during 4hours viewing. Anyone one know what could be causing this?
  12. They don't cause me any anxiety, I am not scared of them. I have had another altercation with another one since then.
  13. How true. I did a 90 day report once. The IO looked at my passport then snarled at me "you are on 25 days overstay". I certainly was not expecting that. I snarled back at him, "No I am not." I promise that is really true, and I have never trusted another IO since.
  14. Just because someone is highly educated, or has university degrees does not guarantee they also have good common sense.
  15. "Those complaining probably never bothered to read the small print and every insurance company will avoid paying given the opportunity." Exactly! The small print says it all. Why is the print small in the first place? Because they are hoping you will not notice it.
  16. I have probably missed something Joe, but does that visa based on marriage to a Thai not last for up to 15 months?
  17. I will just end this debate and say it was wrong of this unelected PM and his soldiers to take out a government elected by the Thai people. I like to try and respect the TV/AN posters opinions, even if I don't agree with them but not when they think it is ok to go against the vast majority of the electorate and support a bunch of money mad soldiers to run the country.
  18. He was shot in the shoulder, I am no medical expert, but I would wonder why he died from a shoulder wound? Would there not always be trained medical staff at a shooting range to stem any flow of blood?
  19. You are an American so I don't know how the US dollar was in 2014, but the GBP was around 50 Bt then, now 8 years it is around 42 Bt now. It is not just a coincidence how that has happened. i am no financial expert, but IMO the unelected PM and his soldiers have been manipulating the Thai Bt since they stole the country.
  20. You do talk a lot of sense here, but I have no time for anyone who thinks it is OK for anyone with soldiers and guns behind them to just walk in and oust an elected government, the place to do that is the ballot box. If the government in office refused to move out when this unelected PM (remember, this guy lied and said there would not be a coup) and his soldiers just walked in and took over the country and got many of their politicians to try and stop the coup, would Prayut's soldiers fight them off with guns? Remember what happened back in the seventies at Thammasat University? The soldiers shot and killed 20 odd protesting students, so there is no reason not to believe that Prayuts soldiers would eventually remove anyone who stood in their way by use of some sort of force. So I do not want to hear from anyone who supports coups.
  21. "Would the country have been better off, had Yingluck been allowed to continue?" For a start, it was not Yingluck who the soldiers illegally ousted, it was another PM and party. But anyone would have been better than this Military Academy educated PM and his soldiers. As for being no bloodshed, what would have happened if the sitting government refused to move out and decided to fight back and try to prevent the soldiers taking over? Would the guns have been out? I do not want to have a debate with any poster who stands up for this unelected PM and his soldiers.
  22. Try walking up or down Lower Sukhumvit passing the odd Soi's at the cables crossing the whole sidewalk being used by the street vendors, my trolley wheels were catching the cables all the time and I had to keep yanking them. I was not going to stop and keep lifting my trolley over them all the time. One thing I do not want is big biceps looking like an over muscled monkey man.
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