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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. "and will propose the cancellation of the Thailand Pass starting next month". How many times have we heard this?
  2. Yes, they are that stupid, they are only soldiers with a normal soldiers intelligence and a low Thai IQ.
  3. The wearing of masks is not the only thing, what about the stupid Thai pass, insurance scams?
  4. It certainly does, I am in the UK now and can vouch for that, it is no different from the last time I was there about 3 years ago. It is never mentioned in the news, or amongst anyone I have spoken to.
  5. If people chose to stay in these bars with the excessive loud "music" I have no sympathy for them, I am sure there are plenty of bars around which have real music and at a decent volume.
  6. The most they should be concerned about is if they open the country up like it was before the pandemic, the protesters will be pouring in to Bangkok in their many thousands.
  7. Who is going to believe anything that this unelected PM says says? Except maybe his soldiers. Just about everything that comes out off his mouth is lies, lies, and more lies.
  8. and what if the unelected PM doesn't want to be voted out? He has the soldiers and guns to stay in control.
  9. They are not going to make that known. Just as the unelected PM will always keep quiet about how him and his cohorts personal fortunes and off shore accounts are now compared to when they illegally stole the country in 2014.
  10. I saw an announcement here on TV/AN saying the TP was finishing on 1st June then saw another one saying that it's not. It is all just so confusing. These soldiers in charge of the country sure have a lot to answer for.
  11. If you want to talk about interference and wars, the UK ruled over two thirds of the world about only 100 years ago.
  12. The unelected PM and his soldiers are scared of the protesters.
  13. Excellent post Bill, but it was not Yingluck who was removed from office by the present unelected PM, it was the PM who took over from her.
  14. and yet there are TV/AN members, although very few, who actually think this unelected PM is doing a good job?? The mind sure boggles.
  15. Just remember this guy is a soldier, not a politician, probably with an average IQ, and is only a PM because he has the army at his back.
  16. All of us sensible posters know about the unelected PM, but this goon should not be doing anything against his daughters or any of his family. He deserves the five years in prison and probably even more.
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