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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I have never seen anything to suggest how competent the unelected PM's English is like. But being educated at a Military Academy I have a good idea, even though he has had 8 years to learn.
  2. Apart from the Burmese unelected PM or whatever they call him, the Thai unelected PM is the only person in South East Asia who illegally took over their countries by default. I wonder if the majority of the American people knew what Prayut did when the see it in the news how Mr Biden has welcomed him to their country.
  3. I wonder if Mr Biden knew about what Thailand's unelected PM and his soldiers did to Thailand in 2014 before he came to America.
  4. I cannot see the unelected PM having the brains to speak good English, it is now about 8 years since him and his soldiers stole the country, surely time enough to learn even a little English. Maybe he has a translator following him around.
  5. Health Min may propose lowering COVID ALERT from Level 3 to 2 Alert Level 2 means people can resume life almost as normal,with most restrictions removed, but are still advised to avoid congested areas and closed venues with poor ventilation. "Advised to avoid congested areas." I wonder why that could be, nothing to do with the protesters I suppose. ????
  6. A soldier with only a Military Academy education and probably a low IQ to match most of the Thai population in among all these proper politicians???? Would any part of this be on American TV ???? What is the Thai unelected PM's English like?? Anyone know?
  7. Is it really too much to expect things now to be the same as before this virus? Why the hell can't we just board the plane, fly to this Banana Republic, then leave the plane? All this nonsense just for the entertainment of these soldiers. Or is it really the fear of the protesters. Is it the soldiers entertainment, or the protesters, or a bit of both?
  8. Changing the Thai Pass?? They should be doing away with it. They are just a bunch of typical illiterate soldiers who don't know any better, and enjoy their authority.
  9. A local plod told Mrs Possum to tell me I must wear a mask riding my bike for exercise or I will get fined. I told her to point him out to me and we will see if I get fined.
  10. "these clowns have no media training." and also no political training either, and here they are trying to run the country.
  11. Yes, and I'm one of them, although not exactly a tourist. These Chuckle Brothers, the unelected PM and his "health" minister can stuff their rules.
  12. Exactly, there own citizens, well most of them, are not backed up by guns, if they were, the unelected PM and his soldiers would be hiding under their tables.
  13. They are soldiers with a Thai IQ similar to the average IQ which is way below the people from western countries, You cannot expect any more from them.
  14. Not necessary. Maybe some people do not trust this Banana Republic with their money. Don't forget that the banks reduced their responsibility with your money from 5000000 to 1000000 Bt. I don't think that was without reason.
  15. A poorly Military Academy educated soldier up against an educated politician?? Wish I was a fly on the wall.
  16. I don't care whether his ending is happy or not, just as long as he has an ending, and the sooner the better.
  17. No wonder the unelected PM wants his Banana Republic to remain neutral. He did much the same thing, putting the elected government out of office in 2014. What would have happened if that government resisted? Would the unelected PM have got his soldiers with their guns and overpowered them?
  18. "No, you can catch Covid well standing." Yes I understand that, I was just wondering why there was no social distancing on the BTS or MRT seats yet there is on the airport train. another poster explained the reason and I think he was right.
  19. I would say about half of the people getting their food did not wear a mask. they were certainly not sitting down.
  20. Yes, but I think If anyone did sit there, their neighbour would probably not be to happy.
  21. Not enough room on the floor, there were too many people standing.
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