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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I wore a mask all day in Bangkok and my nose was running really badly, more than at anytime in my life, and I was sneezing a lot, shortly after I arrived back at my hotel the nose running stopped and so did the sneezing. It was obvious what caused it, so the mask was worn the next day below my nose, and kept there, problem solved and to hell with the soldiers rules about masks.
  2. No, it is not a new card. There is a long story about it. Both of us were about 50 per cent to blame.
  3. I have always looked at the average Thai as being non confrontational. Why do the put up with this unelected PM? Oh! I know! Soldiers and guns.
  4. I got charged 400Bt for new debit card from Bangkok Bank. I am not worrying about the 100Bt. It is the principle, or is a staff member pocketing that 100Bt?
  5. OK. Have you ever heard of Royal Vacation? They fix things for you when you fly to Bangkok.
  6. Anyone used Royal Vacation for sorting out their return to Thailand? I understand they sort out the certificates like the insurance and vaccination after you have arranged them? I have a re entry permit.
  7. I always thought his biggest allergy is common sense. ????
  8. Like a previous poster said, you only carry a gun if you are intending to use it.
  9. "it is common on Thailand to use violence whatever reason there is". Look at it another way. Over in Thailand I can walk the streets after dark through the middle of Bangkok and Pattaya and be safe and feel safe, but here in Glasgow where I am at present, I would not dare do that.
  10. If they want to stay then let them as long as they are contributing to the Thai economy and behaving themselves.
  11. Much too sensible for the unelected, Military Academy educated PM and his soldiers who call themselves politicians.
  12. Of course they do, there is more money that way by the time the agent sends them their share.
  13. I will keep going on about it just like many others on this forum and if you don't like it then just move along.
  14. What elections? If The Chuckle Brothers want to remain in power they will, one way or another.
  15. Bunch of illiterate soldiers running the country by default.
  16. "you don't think corruption happens in every single country on the planet" Of course it is, but the unelected PM and his soldiers just do not have the brains or intelligence to cover it up.
  17. I think the Baht is being manipulated by the unelected PM and his soldiers.
  18. Most Thais do have below average intelligence, but on the whole, they are civil, honest, nonconfrontational, and decent.
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