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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. So you think the ordinary Thai person deserves these soldiers playing at being politicians? Thinking about it you may be right. Maybe the Thai people should have resisted the unelected general and his soldiers in 2014 and tried to take them on guns and all. Thailand's history will show what could happen if the Thai people ever rise up against these soldiers.
  2. True, I was in Bangkok last week, not Nana Plaza or Soi Cowboy, but out and about, mostly daytime, and there was not a great difference in the amount of people around compared to the months leading up to the pandemic. The illegal soldiers government has been chasing tourists away in their thousands way before the pandemic came.
  3. That is true, but only up to a point. If you are always aware of what is going on roundabout you and riding defensively it cuts the odds right down, though nothing is 100%.
  4. I know that OAPs in the UK are entitled to a complete health check every so often, maybe annually. Does anyone know how long you would have to wait for this?
  5. And what do you think the UK government are doing by not allowing our annual pension increases? Is that also not fraud when we have been paying NS contributions all our working lives? What is for the goose is for the gander.
  6. Does the fact that about 40% of OAPs have different addresses since they first became OAPs not mean something? They just never bothered to inform the DWP when they changed addresses.
  7. The other Chuckle Brother said there wouldn't be a coup. One is as big a liar as the other.
  8. I performed in Pattaya a few times a few years ago without getting paid. I did not bother about a work permit, even if I was getting paid.
  9. But were they not in politics after they were soldiers long before they became a President or PM? Did they oust an elected government in a coup and take over a country illegally? The Thais do have a low IQ, and soldiers are just ordinary Thais, so does that give them a decent IQ?
  10. Opening up the country has little to do with the Cvirus itself, but more to do with the protestors who will be filling the streets of Bangkok, and good luck to them.
  11. At least the disgruntled foreigners national governments are not run by a bunch of unelected soldiers with a typical Thai low IQ and their education at a Military Academy.
  12. Both him and his soldiers can do what they want, they have got the guns. Can you tell me any ordinary Thai person who put a cross next to his name to elect him? He is an unelected soldier posing as a PM. End of story.
  13. Medical skill?????????? Engineering skill yes, but not medical skill. Besides, the unelected soldier posing as a PM only has Military Academy qualifications, where does that come in when trying to run a country??
  14. "Foreigners are guests in this country"??????????????????????????????
  15. AND OBEY THE LAW! ???? If everyone wants to obey the laws and rules of every authority, then they may as well not bother getting up out of bed in the morning.
  16. If I was an IO, I would not be happy with anyone entering the country in say, wearing shorts or singlets.
  17. I thought this topic was about UK expats selling their house, not Australians. There seems a big difference between Australia and the UK how expats sell their house to move abroad.
  18. Of course they will be, look at the list of people who are profiteering from the Cvirus. I don't think I need to name them. The people who are doing the profiteering before the Cvirus are much the same who are getting much more profit now. The Cvirus and the war, anything to make these capitalists richer. They have no shame. I hope karma gets these people and they rot in hell.
  19. I blow my horn on my motorbike at every motorbike and vehicle which comes up towards me on the wrong side of the road.
  20. No. I was referring to Thailand meaning Freeland.
  21. Thanks, no I have left it too late now. I booked yesterday.
  22. "Thailand means Freeland". Yes, but that was before all these Coups started, away before The soldiers decided to oust governments voted in by the people, so they could line their pockets. All these generals running a Freeland???????????
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