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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. What happens when a driver or rider is involved in an accident with you, a farang, and is either underage, unlicenced, uninsured, and is 100% to blame, and causes you very serious health or financial damage? Is it just a case of "sorry, the person who caused to all this grief, and serious financial damage has no insurance and unable to compensate you in any way, bye bye?
  2. If the biggest majority of people started to look after their health. no smoking, moderate alcohol. moderate sugar intake. exercise regularly, etc, etc, what would that do to the bigwigs in the medical professions offshore bank accounts?
  3. Don't forget that the UK contributed to that as well.
  4. So you think the soldiers will have the mentality to understand that?
  5. That's what happens when you have a Banana Republic run by soldiers with no more mentality than a person with the low Thai IQ.
  6. I think there is more to this than what you are saying, though it does look like there is some sort of corruption involved. Did the person you know want to enter by visa exempt? From a certain country, or some sort of tourist visa? I have made many entrances into Thailand in the last 20 years, and never as much as even asked a question.
  7. What does FTFY mean? Nothing wrong with initials for the usual things, but some of these initials are very annoying, just being made up by the poster.
  8. Quite a lot, I have to take time to find the English. to get my English langauge back I press a little sort of star which is on the top half of the right hand side.
  9. Edge is a problem for me, I keep having to reset the English language every so often and it is a hassle as it keeps changing back to Thai. I only use Edge for the open navigation menu.
  10. Got it fixed, thanks. That link helped a lot.
  11. Why should you let your local Immigration office know where you are staying if you have not changed your address?
  12. I will look at that. Thanks. It seems better now, but will probably be back the same tomorrow.
  13. Mainly Opera on windows 10.
  14. I have found out that every time I want to sign in to anything, where I used to always only have to click in, I now have to always sign my email address and password, this happens every time I want to sign in to my AN/TV, and my three email accounts. Is this anything to do with cookies or something like that? Thanks.
  15. You think Shopee's bad? What about Siamburies expat foods? I tried to order just as I did a few times previously, now they tell me my password is wrong, I tried to get a new one, they told me they would send a link to my email address. that was lies, they never did, I tried three times, no link sent at all. They have now lost a good customer.
  16. Yes Trans, a new Mr DIY has just opened in my village and it is really cheap as you say, only one downside, I bought an electric shaver for about 200Bt hoping to get a couple of months out of it. I tried it out and it did not shave very well at all, just a pity I did not keep the receipt.
  17. Nobody should be very poor unless they keep on drinking and smoking their money away, or very rich like Branston types or certain soldiers playing at being politicians. there are also many other examples.
  18. There should never be any speed bumps anywhere, they slow down the emergency vehicles and can cost lives.
  19. You would think that would have been said without using initials.
  20. The poster was right, and anyone who is fairminded and not a capitalist would be able to see this. I notice your posts and most times I disagree with you so there is no point in me getting into a debate with you. So let's just leave it at that.
  21. "Prayut Says He Will Respect The Constitutional Court’s Ruling" He also said there will be no coup, we all know what happened then, so now he is saying he will respect the decision of the Constitutional Court, and we are supposed to believe him??
  22. Court To Give Verdict On Prayut’s 8-Year Tenure On Sept. 30 Why is it taking so long? Why not just throw him out now and hold a proper general election without all these old Army General dinasaurs. Get some fresh young blood in. Nothing is perfect, the country is steeped in corruption, that will never change, but there is bound to be an improvement on soldiers with an average Thai IQ which is not exactly high.
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