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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. You should know yourself if your bike exhaust is too loud, it only takes a little bit of common sense, if you do not have that common sense, then you should not be riding a motorbike. There is no excuse whatever for having a loud exhaust.
  2. There is supposed to be policies for ages up to 99, so what if you are 80, have underlying medical issues, I believe that would apply to the biggest majority of people in that age group. <removed>
  3. This is the first time I have never known how to answer a post, your first question. I don't know. Your second, I don't understand. Your third, I cannot think of anything.
  4. I worked with a school teacher who is now 43 and his wife an ex bargirl, is 53, although he never met her until she had left the bar, they now have two teenage daughters.
  5. My wife is a university educated girl, I never paid a dowry, or have financially supported any of her family, she is above average in looks and we lived together for five years before we got married.
  6. Money is no factor at all with Mrs Possum and me, I am 20 years older, she has her money and I have mine, and it has been highly successful the 15 years we have been together.
  7. Yes, the big bellied, facial haired lot certainly look about 20 years older than their age.
  8. I have booked an Emirates flight to the UK, and I know there is some sort of insurance with it. Can anyone tell me what that insurance is? Also, is there a name for the part of the Mochit bus terminal where the small buses run from which is across the road from the main terminal? This is so I can tell the taxi driver exactly where I want to go. Thanks.
  9. He is not because he was not voted in by the electorate, so as I said, he is only posing as a PM. That is my last word on this.
  10. Look at it anyway you want but he is running the country under false pretences. No need to go into how he got into office.
  11. Governments in the western world are not running scared of protesters the way the soldiers in the Thai government are. So you have the fear of the protesters, then you have the government and their money mad connections that have to be looked after.
  12. Does that mean we can actually speak on chat line instead of only virtual chatline where you can only ask the questions that they want to answer?
  13. I know, but the baht has kept rising since then and it is no coincidence, I still believe the soldier government is manipulating it.
  14. Only recently, I was sitting in a service area after just finishing my lunch, and a police pick up drew up next to me, Out stepped three policemen, one with an obvious high rank and two officers, one of the officers spoke English and held a conversation with me, they were very respectable towards me, so I was very respectable back to them. If someone of a good appearance approaches me in a respectable manner, then I am going to return that respect. So I think it would be wrong to say I have no respect for the BIB. But again, I do see where you are coming from.
  15. This may sound like a stupid question, but will the Thai people be able to vote the unelected PM and his soldiers out? Just supposing a democratically held election votes in a proper government, will it not be the case that a little further down the line, some general, seeing how well off Prayut is through organising a coup (which he said would not happen) with his other generals, will stage a coup of his own. It would seem that coups will be the normal way of life in Thailand far into the future, as the past has proven.
  16. "Its a massive money maker for Thailand," I suspect you mean for the soldiers government, and their many connections, certainly not for the ordinary people.
  17. I would never pay upfront as you cannot be sure the insurance company won't wangle their way out of it. Just tell the hospital that you do not have the money to pay upfront as you only keep day to day living expenses while you are in Thailand. You have already done your bit by getting insured, there are far too many if's and but's where this covid insurance is concerned.
  18. In what manner did this unelected PM take the country over in 2014? Did they just walk in to parliament and say "right you lot, all out now, we are taking over"? Suppose the elected government said "no you are not, we will fight to stay here, we are the elected government"? Would Prayut and his generals then get their armed soldiers with their guns and force them out? Now, fast forward to the present day. Suppose the protesters arrive and say to Prayut, "we want you to leave now and let the opposition take over." What is the first thing that Prayut and his generals would do? Would they get their armed soldiers to come and force them out, even shoot them? If you go by Thailand's history, that is what they would do. Is that what would actually happen?
  19. So you think that these generals, particularly the one who is posing as the PM are well educated enough from their Military Academy to run a country??
  20. IMO. I believe that the protesters/students are the main reason the poorly educated soldiers will not open up the country like Cambodia and The Philippines.
  21. The soldiers in government with only a Military Academy education and an IQ as low as an ordinary Thai citizen, will never learn, they just haven't got the brains, you need well educated politicians to run a country, not a circus full of clowns and midgets from the army.
  22. Excellent answer, I cannot comment on Thaksin as I know very little about him, but I would rather have any elected government than these soldiers who are there now. IMO, they are even manipulating the Baht to suit there own ends, look how week it has been from 2014 onwards.
  23. What about the soldiers who stole the country, what they did was a criminal act forcing an elected government out of office. These soldiers may not be convicted criminals, they are worse than that. It is only because they are soldiers with many guns that they cannot be convicted, there is no one to convict them.
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