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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Your the one who is being ridiculous pal, and not the sort of person I would want to debate with. Now run along.
  2. Like to hear what you would say if you ended up in some sort of expensive hospital because you sat near the wrong person on the plane.
  3. This should be the last place they should come, maybe to better try The Philippines, no ridiculous immigration issues there, unlike Thailand.
  4. I tried to find their office once with no success, even the motorcycle taxis could not help me, I had to give it up.
  5. I wonder what the protesters will do about that, just picture it, the Cvirus is endemic, and this clown posing as a DPM becomes a PM.
  6. They might not be the best of people, but unlike the soldier posing as a PM and his Junta, I would think that being in charge of the likes on the US and the UK, they will be well educated and probably also have a high IQ.
  7. One Chuckle Brother out and the other one in?? Could it get any worse??
  8. Yes, get the unelected buffoon out along with the other Chuckle Brother and the rest of his Junta. He makes circus clowns look normal.
  9. You let a policeman take the money out of your wallet?? You should have been careful not to let him take your wallet in the first place. I bet you did not even get a receipt. There's one born every minute.
  10. 2k baht?? Why did you give them all that? It should only have been 2 or 3 hundred. DUI?? ????
  11. Because there are that many fancy ranks in the RTP, probably paid for, that it is very hard to keep up.
  12. "like thai's, expats who live here dont want u or anyone else here lots of them on here". You speak for yourself, I am an expat having lived here in Thailand for 15 years, and I want to see plenty of tourists and expats come here as it means plenty of employment for the Thai people. So try and not be so selfish.
  13. I am blaming Honda, their dealerships should stock spares like batteries for common bikes like Forza's. Where I live has got nothing to do with it.
  14. Battery shop where? i live in the middle of nowhere in a village, and have no transport. I rely on my bike.
  15. I live upcountry about 60 Ks from the nearest city and my bike is showing signs of getting harder to start, so waiting 3 days for a battery is all I can do, may I also point out that my local Honda shop will not accept payment with credit or debit cards. Customer service????
  16. A warning for Honda Forza owners. If Nakhon Sawan is anything to go by, if you need a new battery, there are two Honda dealerships there. Honda don't sell them anymore, they have to be ordered from Bangkok, which takes about 3 days, so if you go on a road trip and your battery packs in, you could be in a lot of trouble. So here was me thinking that Lazada had about the worst customer service. I would say that now belongs to Honda.
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