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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. What about the insurance scams? They are going to charge everyone entering Thailand 300Bt which is supposed to help cover this.
  2. It is no problem for me to do my 90 day report as I go to the local Makro. But I hate being told what to do, and would never have stayed here if I had known that would have happened. so yes, I feel like a criminal, and also don't like taking orders from anyone. With you having been in the RAF you would be used to taking orders, so being told what to do will not matter to you. But we are all different.
  3. If there are, and I would think that is a strong possibility, no one is going to admit it, especially on a public forum.
  4. SURELY NOT!! Is this taking the ridiculous everchanging immigration issues into consideration? I would never have come to stay in Thailand if I knew I was ever going to be treated like a prisoner on parole with this 90 day reporting nonsense.
  5. Orphans can also have brothers/sisters, aunts/uncles, cousins. ????
  6. No, but it was suggested, insurance companies do not have the best reputation when it comes to paying out claims, and it has been backed up by posters time and again on this forum, and they can't all be wrong. I am fed up debating this, so there will be no more answers on this.
  7. I agree about the wearing of shorts and the smoking, but a top, long trousers and trainers should suffice.
  8. Good post, but does the soldier posing as a PM and his Junta really want this to become an endemic? IMO and it is only an opinion, is that the protesters will arrive in Bangkok in larger numbers than they did before, and we will see something similar to what happened with the red shirts, unless of course the soldier "PM" resigns and we have a proper democratic election, or as near to it as possible.
  9. "an insurance claim for an event that happened within the insured period should still be met." What should happen and what could happen are two very different things. If someone coming on holiday for three weeks and has insurance for three weeks, then has to make a claim for something that happened on these three weeks, surely the insurance company cannot refuse to pay out for treatment that lasts longer than those three weeks. Insurance companies do not have bad reputations for no reason.
  10. What do you want him to wear, a suit, collar and tie? Any friends funerals I attended here and even family funerals back in the UK, I always just wore casual clothes. Apart from when I was a teenager or playing in a band, I have never worn or owned a suit or collar and tie, apart from my wedding day.
  11. There was a very bad bloomer in making it very difficult for long stayers under 50 before this pandemic even started. This soldier posing as a PM should thing about the ordinary Thais livelihoods, and start making it easier for all tourists, retirees, expats to come here.
  12. The vendors operating on the sidewalk on the odd Soi no's on lower Sukhumvit had to stop. Street food etc has been very successful and should never have been stopped. But in the case of lower Sukhumvit, these vendors were forcing people off the sidewalk and on to a dangerous busy road. That just could not go on. Let the vendors all over Thailand earn their livelihoods, but not to the extent off blocking off most parts of the sidewalks. Common sense with this Junta in charge never existed.
  13. "and the government has got buckley's of being re-elected in May." Have I missed something here? Is there an election in May that the people of Thailand will get the chance to rid the country of this unelected PM and his Junta? Please enlighten me someone.
  14. UK has many faults, but not a Junta. If Boris had a offshore bank account which filled up the way I believe the soldier posing as an PM here in Thailand has, be would have been jailed long ago.
  15. Infringing traffic rules is costing peoples lives and well being, driving after dark and out of province is not affecting anyone, well unless some Somchai is riding his motorbike in the dark without lights and I hit him, but then that will he his fault, not mine.
  16. Don't pay it, if you do you are just giving this rogue officer the chance to keep on wanting money without receipts.
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