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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Say the name of the office, don't be scared of them, in fact there is a line where you can report them, I'm sure someone will tell you what it is.
  2. I have asked this question before and never had a straight answer, can a Thai policeman who is not an IO ask to see your passport? I did read somewhere that only a high ranking officer, not sure which rank there are that many, can actually ask to see your passport.
  3. Maybe he was one of the guys mentioned recently in a post exercising by running down Beach road with his titties bouncing up and down.
  4. He should be heavily fined and deported, we don't want farangs like him giving the likes off the guy posing as a DPM any ammunition.
  5. When I bought a new truck with red plates, I new full well that I should not drive after dark or out of state, I did not agree with that law so I just broke it.
  6. and how many people have died in an ambulance on the way to hospital because it had to keep slowing down for speedbumps?
  7. How much has the soldier posing as a PM's bank account risen since him and his Junta stole the country in 2014? Let him pay for it, his off shore account could probably stand it.
  8. No common sense, no doubt about that, but referring to it as murder?? No way.
  9. Wrong! There should never be speed bumps on any road, they slow down the traffic which is fine, apart from emergency vehicles Slowing them down could cost lives.
  10. If someone squirts you in the face or eye, you are not going to make any mistakes.
  11. My experience is that I felt more safer driving and riding in Bangkok, than in any other Thai city.
  12. Forget education, genuine common sense is the most important thing of all when you are driving or riding. The Thai road behavior is all the proof you need to see how much common sense the majority of Thais really have. Is this a Thai bashing post? Yes! And with good reason.
  13. Yes I would, but it would never have or will happen, as I use a bit of common sense and knowing what my temperament is like, just stay home at Songcran.
  14. Can the Saudi people speak Thai? How are they able to communicate? If the Saudi's could just keep him there, they would be doing us all a favour here in Thailand.
  15. They may as well keep him, he is not wanted by the vast majority of people in Thailand.
  16. I have never been anywhere near a fight with either a farang or Thai in the 14 years I have been here, but if anyone assaults me or even tries to, I am not going to stand by and let them. I have had a bit of that in the UK, but here in Thailand, being a non drinker and never go into bars, it is 99% certain I am not going to get attacked.
  17. Anything's possible, but we are dealing with Farangs here, not Thais, so going by your way of thinking, just because you are scared he might have pals, anyone is allowed to just assault you and you will just walk away?
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