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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. At least the UK are ruled by educated politicians voted in by the electorate, not like the Banana Republic of Thailand which is run by poorly educated tinpot soldiers who bullied their way into power at the point of a gun.
  2. There is a minimum price of 1000Bt, so why is it so hard to find the prices? Are they that expensive it might be an embarrassment to them?
  3. I have always been against speed humps on any road as they slow down emergency vehicles which are often in a life saving situation.
  4. I would leave the country before I would put 400.000 or 800.000 Baht in a bank account, it's not that I couldn't afford it, I just don't trust the country. There is a reason why the bank protection of 5million Bt went down to 1million Bt.
  5. How many times in the last 60 years have there been Junta's in charge of the country. Say's it all doesn't it?
  6. "I ended up paying for the whole lot." Are you off your head or what? Oh! I know, you are a member of the "scared of your own shadow" brigade. ????
  7. A person should show their intention to cross by putting a foot on the crossing in plenty of time. then the driver has no excuse for not stopping, though I do take the fear of being rear ended into consideration. If a person is not driving too fast they will see someone with their foot on the crossing and slow down gradually which would make the possibility of being rear ended almost non existent.
  8. "There are good Thai drivers," Yes there are, but only a small minority, common sense is by far the most common when driving or riding, and I think we all know where the average Thai stands on that.
  9. Sorry about your dog Rob, I thought it was very hard to get a vet to put your dog down, it has always been my big fear about having a dog which was suffering and you could not do anything about it.
  10. What Thailand does not need is bullies with guns taking over the country for their own financial ends. You have The Chuckle Brothers, one of them a soldier posing as a PM and the other, a guy with a degree in engineering, posing as a health minister. They look more like a pair of demented circus midgets.
  11. There should not even be this 90 day reporting nonsense, all they are doing is treating us like ex prisoners on parole.
  12. These big fat bellies and titties bouncing up and down running along Beach Road?? These very unfit farangs as you describe, would not be able to even raise a gallop, never mind get off their barstools.
  13. The numbers are there to suit various governments all over the world who are using this pandemic for their own financial gains in various ways. Also keep it in mind that western governments have politicians who are full of corruption but have the brains to hide it where here in Thailand the government are playing at being politicians, and with most of them having a Military Academy education, with very little brain power in comparison.
  14. Why should all these people even have to go to immigration at all? What a Banana Republic this country really is.
  15. I think that the soldier posing as a PM is terrified of things getting back to near normal as the students will then start their protests again, and I believe there will be much more than was there the last time. I see bad things happening in the future. "Once Covid is gone, so are the creeps, hopefully." I really sincerely hope that is the case.
  16. When I bought the bike new in 1916, the original battery only lasted 12.000Ks, the replacement bought from a Honda agent cost around 5000Bt and has lasted about 33.000Ks and still going strong. I am assuming one of these 1450Bt batteries was on the bike when I bought it, so I expect to pay about 5000Bt rather than one from Lazada's dodgy sellers. But Thanks anyway.
  17. Does go a few days without usage, always kept in the shade. no long road trips in the past year because of the Cvirus. I take what you said about CCA, though I'm confused about the common battery shops and where they are.
  18. What do you expect? Most of them are soldiers with a Military Academy education and an IQ no better than your street Somchai.
  19. A teller in my own bank installed mine while I waited, I suppose it is possible she downloaded from Google Play.
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