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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Yes, that's the way it should be, but when I pick my item and click on the cart, all I get is a phone number, why the hell should I use a phone number? I have been using Lazada for years, so why all this nonsense with their app? And talking about apps, it has taken me a few weeks to even get it due to some problem.
  2. That's what happens when you have an unelected goon posing as a PM.
  3. Can anyone please tell me how to order using the Lazada app? I tried to google it and the instructions just don't add up, I can see things I would like to order but nothing to click on.
  4. Take a good look at this Military Academy educated soldier, prancing about the beach like a demented circus midget.
  5. How many politicians, if any, are actually in this Thai government led by an unelected soldier posing as a PM?
  6. I have also went to the frozen Park section and not seen them, on more than one occasion, I have had to ask an assistant where they are and been taken to another section to get them. Makro can be bad for this sometimes.
  7. Yes, but only as far as his height goes, he looks more like Mickey Rooney with died black hair.
  8. Where are you Steven100? A certain soldier needs your support, come on lad, sober up and get behind your keyboard pronto.
  9. And yet some retirees still put 800.000 bt in their bank account. If they can really afford to lose that, would they not be better off in a normal country which is not ruled by soldiers?
  10. His wife does it for him, and he even still has to go to his IO every year.
  11. and that's all there is to it??. No constant changing of rules and different IOs interpretation of these rules? etc, etc.
  12. Does the fact that retirees in Thailand are getting the same treatment that normal countries give to prisoners on parole, with this reporting to people?
  13. This soldier posing as a PM does not need to care, you can bet his financial situation will be improving all the time from 2014 right through the pandemic. Some sort of authority needs to look into his finances. This guy is worse than any criminal. He is responsible for the loss of many livelihoods and suicides. Sure the Cvirus statistics may increase if the bars and other businesses reopen, but healthy people are recovering all the time in their thousands, and the vaccinations will have helped as well. Time to open the bars and other businesses and do away with this stupid alcohol nonsense. As it is always being said, the prevention is much worse than the cure.
  14. I think the OP means the Visa where you have to go ie Laos for visa based on Marriage to a Thai, then you cross the border every 90 days for up to 15 months, not the extensions with 400.000 bt in the bank.
  15. I already said that and got one of many saddos from a certain poster from Liverpool.
  16. I could not pay beIN sports my monthly payment by my Bangkok bank, beIN stopped my account during half time of a recent football match. I went to Bangkok bank, and the teller just had no idea of what to do or what to tell me, so I ended up just using my UK debit card. beIN don't come out with it well either, but what can I do? There is no competition at anywhere near their price.
  17. "Ask any Thai what their safe braking distance is and they would have no idea". Ask me the same thing and I have no idea either. Safe braking distance varies according to the weather, road conditions, traffic conditions etc. Not doing a stupid wee sum in your head trying to calculate the distance between yourself, your speed and the vehicle in front of you.
  18. Saying that if you drown you die is sensible? ????
  19. He certainly isn't proficient at running a country Steven, that's for sure, but at least he seems to know that if you drown you die. ????
  20. I have always wondered if the unelected soldier posing as a PM is able to speak English, or how competent he is at it.
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