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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. So the strength of the Baht rising between 2014 and now did not bother you? I suppose it depends on your nationality. You have obviously been in Thailand a very long time and can remember proper governments, so I can't argue with you. It has been mostly soldier governments in the time I have been here, and this unelected poser of a PM is hated by the majority of members of this forum going by the posts, but it is working for you and you are happy about it, so that's fine.
  2. Yes they are, but when the actual movie itself starts most times the title and movie are different.
  3. Maybe I'm the only one this happens to.
  4. I downloaded all my Lifetime Movies from youtube, they give you a title, the title comes up on screen before the credits start, then you find it is a different title and movie that you downloaded in the first place from youtube. Try it.
  5. Thanks. I will try something else. Will someone please watch any Lifetime Movie from the very start, only for the credits, and keep in mind the title of the movie, and tell me if the title in the credits is the same as the title for the actual movie.
  6. Not the ones I have watched, there has been blood and gore in some of them. Besides, I can enjoy love stories as well sometimes.
  7. You could not be more wrong, I researched all right, when I came here 15 years ago, it was just a nice pleasant drive to Maesot every ninety days, most of the other expats I got talking to were doing the same thing. Then I was on a work permit as a school teacher for a few years. I will say it again. If I knew I would be getting treated like a prisoner on parole, I would probably have headed for the Philippines.
  8. "Udonjoe the visa expert doesn't say retirement extensions have changed requirements." That's true, but you will find out as you go along that different IOs and even different officers have their own interpretations of the rules.
  9. The difference Thailand today, now, is it is run by an unelected soldier masquerading as a PM instead of a democratically elected government.
  10. Being married to a Thai should be enough for permanent residency, but in the case of separation or divorce, PR should be taken away.
  11. You never know what is going to happen with these soldiers. If I knew I would have to do this nonsensical 90 day reporting like a prisoner on parole, I would never have came here even if it took just one min of my time.
  12. Yes, Spidermike is one of the most sensible posters on this forum, and again you send a very sensible post.
  13. Even if I was worth millions of Baht, and wanted to stay in Thailand, I still would not give the soldier government 200.000K or whatever it is for this rip off Elite nonsense. I would give the money to help those put out of work because of the soldiers policies than give the money away for nothing.
  14. Thanks, a very interesting post. but in the. say 2 years before the pandemic came, being a regular visitor to Bangkok, I did notice far less and less tourists around. But I know and have read of so many expats leaving Thailand for good. If the unelected soldier was not in power and there was a properly elected government, there would be many more expats here today.
  15. But what if you don't have a partner when you fall of your perch? I am no financial expert, but I thought that this 800k Bt had to stay in the bank, I know you can take so much out at certain times, but the rules regarding this keep changing from time to time.
  16. I also find it simple to report every 90 days to immigration, but I do not like being treated like a criminal out of prison on parole, but yes everything is simple and easy if you are using an agent to do everything for you. Much easier than throwing away a fortune for the Elite visa. ????
  17. Many do go if what you read regularly in forums is true. Ask yourself this. How many expats have left Thailand for good between 2007 and 2014 compared to between 2014 and now? I don't think there is anyway of finding out, but I would bet there were a lot more from 2014 up to now.
  18. "Keep 800k in Thai bank all year." Everyone to his own, but if you are expecting to live in retirement here in Thailand for the rest of your life, that 800k you keep in the bank, it's just like you have just given it away.
  19. Prayut orders relevant agencies to halt cross-border migration. Where have we heard this before? Was it with the Burma border and all the illegals getting bussed into Thailand with the IOs looking the other way with their filled pockets which started of the second wave of the Cvirus. Did the soldier masquerading as a PM not say he would look into it? Just like the there will be no coup, then more recently, there will be no floods. Does anyone actually listen to this joker anymore?
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