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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Anyone who was in favour of the coup should just be ignored, and every word he/she says should be laughed at.
  2. It is still a few days of peoples livelihoods. I bet the Thai military government would be horrified if they had to lose wages on these non drinking days.
  3. Definitely backwards just like the soldiers in charge. A typical Banana Republic.
  4. Everytime I try to download, a notice comes up that my C disk is full, on checking it, I notice loads of things that I don't understand, I don't want to empty it in case there are things on it that the computer needs. Anyone tell me what I can delete and what I can't. Thanks.
  5. It just comes up as errored in red writing.
  6. Absolute rubbish, now run along, any more nonsense and you will be ignored.
  7. But the security guy and the policeman are French people, and if I come across their nonsense twice in three days, yet don't have any similar problems in 15 years in Thailand, what does that say about the French people, though there are good and bad in every civilised country.
  8. I got it from Pirate Bay same as all my other tv series came from, I will need to wait to find out exactly what the error message was. How do I check if the HDD is full?
  9. Taking photos of the Eiffel Tower from more than a mile away and was stopped by a policeman. Was shouted at by a security man for sitting on a step waiting for my GF who was in the toilet, there was no other seating or any people about. It was in the basement of a shopping centre.
  10. France is a dreadful country, I had more issues with police and security guards in 3 days than I have had in 15 years in Thailand.
  11. "then having to report to a Police dept. every 90-days and every time you move residence" Being a retiree in Thailand is similar to being an ex prisoner on parole.
  12. I doubt they would in the UK, the main reason, maybe apart from costs would be the weather.
  13. Very true, but don't forget the many immigration issues, particularly in recent years.
  14. No, PMs are elected in the UK and they chose their own cabinet. I cannot say about other countries. Thailands elections and PMs are all about money as I understand it.
  15. It certainly is a factor, but I'm not sure it is the biggest. What about the unelected PM and his soldiers?
  16. What does YMMV mean? Some posters want to come off their smartphone and remember they are not texting.
  17. Or that the country has been ruled by the military at the point of a gun (figure of speech) for the last 7 years.
  18. I don't think it is possible to find out, but I will ask this question. How many retirees have left Thailand for good in the 7 years before 2014 compared to the seven years between 2014 and now?
  19. Anyone know why my qBittorent client when I am trying to download Only Fools and Horses only goes so far then stops, then it comes up with red printing saying something about corrections. This doesn't happen with any other TV show or movie.
  20. Why is it so hard to buy free range eggs in Thailand? I live in a small town up country and the place is surrounded by farms with chickens and ducks, but my wife says you cannot buy free range eggs nearby. She says there is a place about 40 Ks away where they only sell to regular customers. Another thing, what a pleasant surprise to find tins of spam at Makro after they have been non existent for years.
  21. I don't agree, the survey seems very straight forward to me. Three simple questions which are easy to answer.
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