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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Why do you work or live in any Muslim country? We all know how unstable they are.
  2. I have now sent for these earphones. Thanks Jai Dee, and thanks to you too Lopburi3.
  3. Thanks, I know Jai Dee. I will look into that link.
  4. Well you done me a good favour, and also a few in the past. I'm greatful for that. Thanks.
  5. You said the price is 238 Bt, but thanks a lot.
  6. At least I have got hair. ☺️
  7. You two posters with the confused emo's. Do you not understand plain English?
  8. Thanks. Yes your right I am looking for something similar but extra good sound quality. Would want to pay about 1000Bt. I have looked at Lazada, but it is all Bluetooth. I want something that you can just plug into your computer or smartphone, not something that decides to work or not.
  9. Anyone recommend a pair of good quality earphones, not headphones, from Lazada? I bought a brilliant pair at about 1000Bt from Lazada over a year ago recommended by a kind poster, great sound and reliability. I now want a second pair but without the wiring having to go round your ear before you plug it in, your ear that is, my hair covers my ears so it is a hassle to put them in and take them out. I am fed up with these Bluetooth air pods as they are so unreliable, cutting out, not working and then working again, they also keep falling out of my ears. Anyone give me a link to a good pair of earphones from Lazada?
  10. Is that really true? Are foreigners actually paying 500Bt to go into a temple? When I first came to Thailand in 2001 I don't remember paying to go into a temple, and I was in a few unless any girl I was with was paying behind my back.
  11. Elephant pants just like shorts do not look particularly nice on a grown man, but they are probably the most comfortable to wear in hot weather.
  12. In the UK there are zig zag lines approaching the crossing and flashing yellow lights at each end. You must not overtake on these zig zag lines, and pedestrians should put their foot on the line to let the vehicles know they want to cross. IMO, there should not be any of these crossings, they should have lights instead which should always be working.
  13. What a load of BS. Go back and read my post again. Where did I say anything about anyone getting in my way? And I am not like many.
  14. What an ignorant post. Some poor lady has just been killed. This is no laughing matter. Have some respect.
  15. Also remember that many crosswalks are badly marked and when you are driving behind other traffic you do not see the "black and whites" of the crosswalks until you are almost on it. If I see anyone waiting at a crosswalk, I will not stop unless a pedestrian steps on it first or makes it obvious they want to use it.
  16. This is not an excuse and I do not condone anyone going through a red light, but every driver knows that if he/she pulls up at a red light there are going to have to wait along time before it returns to green again. The vast majority of Thai drivers cannot wait 4 seconds like alone 4 minutes.
  17. 10 years is better than one year, then being treated like someone on parole with the ridiculous 90 day reporting.
  18. Maybe slightly of topic, but I always used the Nana Hotel when I was in Bangkok, but the AC now has buttons on the wall which makes it far difficult to use, the second last time I put up with it, but the last time I was kept awake at night because it was so cold. I moved out the next day and have not been back since. Pity that because I enjoyed their buffet breakfast.
  19. How do you stop a program running on your computer, Windows 11, without deleting it?
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