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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. or when you return. Think about it.
  2. When I first came to Thailand I was going out with an office girl and it was 1200 so she took me in to the back of the office where the staff were having lunch, they were all sharing the food and I keep remembering this fish head on the plate which had it's two eyes staring at me, and yes, they ate it.
  3. I wonder if he will miss all these silly medals that the British royalty have all over their chests. 😄
  4. I hope something will be done about the keyboard warriors, there's nothing worse than people insulting you from hidind behind their keyboards.
  5. After a certain change in the not too distant past, I would say that the mods on AN/TV have been handling things very well.
  6. I don't think you will have anything to worry about, I have always found them to be fairminded.
  7. True Crossy, better to stick with the Thai rules.😄
  8. Not if a Thai guy is on his own, although maybe if he has a gun, they are the biggest of cowards who always needs their mates.
  9. On my motorbike I always pump at anyone coming down the wrong side of the road, that is being dumb and dangerous, they are putting my wellbeing at risk. I was warned in a recent post that some day I will get attacked for doing that. I am not worried about that, a Thai on his own is not going to attack you 99.9% of the time especially if you are a big guy.
  10. Another one of your nonsense posts, how do you know I have no experience of "IOs making up their own rules"? I most certainly have, I have even been accused of being on 25 days overstay when doing a 90 day report.
  11. Coming here for over 20 years and never had a problem with Immigration at any of the airports. In saying that, I am no fan of Thai IO's due to them all making up their own rules as they go along. The many posters who have said this over the years can not all be wrong.
  12. Maybe after the former unelected soldier who called himself the PM after leading an illegal coup and hiding behind the rest of his soldiers with their guns and tanks for nine years gets prosecuted and jailed.
  13. Is it not more likely they will do a Makro and put western food prices up, ie tins of Ayam baked beans and tins of spam? Then blame foreign wars as an excuse.
  14. I will put it in inches then. 30.
  15. I don't use a tower any more, I have an all in one, but the monitor sits about 5 or 6ins to high for my level of vision. I see lots of desk tops on Lazada, but they are all to high. I will put your post in my "important" part of my browser for future ref. Thanks a lot.
  16. You are not going to find a Thai wife with a lot in common with yourself. The cultures are far too different. I am an ex professional musician. My wife is a College/ University graduate, and never even listens to music, when I let her listen to a CD of one of the bands I played with she just laughed, we have very little in common, but have had a very successful life together, the first 5 years as BF/GF and then 13 years married. We do go out to the city from time to time, she will hold my hand when we walk together and in front of her family, but if I try to kiss her near an open door or a window she will start shouting "people see".
  17. i agree with you, But the odd one or two may attack you for just riding your bicycle, there is no excuse for that so they just have to take the consequences.
  18. metres. Using a saw was the first thing I thought about but it is not just four legs, my desk does not have any legs, ie the space for the tower.
  19. Apart from the children's and very cheap desktops, all the Lazada ones are about 74mts tall. I'm looking for one about 10mts shorter but they seem to be non existent.
  20. It should be an offence for any man to be shirtless in public apart from being at the beach or a swimming area.
  21. "in previous posts you have mentioned you sometimes shout at shop and bank staff." Would you care to elaborate on this? I do not shout at anyone unless i am retaliating for someone shouting at me, and no bank staff have ever shouted at me. I have no intention of making any scene, these overhead lockers are for carry on cases and if I have to move anything to get mine in I will do so within reason.
  22. as the OP says, what would you do? Answer please.
  23. Of course, yes if one is available, they would know what to do with peoples "other things".
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