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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Maybe that's one of the ones who's insurance doesn't kick in for fourteen days, there are some that do that.
  2. If any country insists on health insurance ie Thailands $100,000 scam, they should have to take full responsibility for any insurance company who tries to wangle it's way out of paying out claims.
  3. No point, someone high in the office may tell you different from another someone high in the same office, or the main person, the boss could be replaced by a new boss the following day, week, month or even year with different interpretations of the same rule. This is Thailand.
  4. If an insurance company refuses to pay out for a claim, which is not exactly unknown, and someone says or writes in public "I am still waiting for The Such N Such Insurance Company to pay out for my claim", or "The Such N Such Insurance Company have informed me they have rejected my claim", how is that defamation? It is not as if they have accused them of cheating, or warning anyone not to deal with them. So I ask again, how is that defamation?
  5. The Thailand Banana Republic don't even have politicians running the country. Just an unelected general and his tinpot soldiers.
  6. The Chuckle Brothers would drive anyone to drink, but I have so far resisted as I have seen what it has done to you.
  7. What do you expect from a bunch of tinpot soldiers. The unelected DWP not a general, may be spouting off the nonsense, but on whose orders? The tinpot unelected PM. another case of The Chuckle Brothers in action. ????
  8. When you open the door you must go slow, slow, very very slow. Then enter on tip toe.
  9. You are only speaking for yourself, there are many posters here that would say different. You can have all the common sense no problem, but that does not apply to many immigration offices who all have different rules, and interpretation of rules. The is no such thing as the "right paperwork" it all depends on the office you are dealing with, no matter how much money you have.
  10. No! They will keep these PCR tests going as they are making the people involved in it rich, and when they get rich, The unelected government get even richer.
  11. "From 1 November, the government will lift quarantine requirements for fully vaccinated travelers from 10 low-risk countries arriving by air." Note the word "will" not "would like to" or "hope to" but "will". Now let's all wait and see what happens. And if it comes to fruition, lets see what other charges you will have to pay 500Bt entry fee, insurance scam, etc, etc.
  12. That's The Chuckle Brothers, the unelected PM and his sidekick Anutin whatever he is, is it the unelected Deputy PM or Health Minister. Anyway, that's them started again, no point in reading all the nonsense they are spouting out, you cannot trust or believe anything they say.
  13. Only about 3 months, with the option to do it again free of charge if you failed the course, but out of a class of about 15, two dropped out during the course.
  14. I did not have any degrees, but did have impeccable TEFL qualifications and experience, and the two schools I worked at always got me work permits.
  15. I was wondering why my local supermarket was short of packets of teabags, some people were blaming the Cvirus.
  16. It may be the smallest minority, but what about accidents which have caused death and serious injury to people caused by wearing a seatbelt which has trapped them in the vehicle? I would prefer to be able to duck down if I saw an occasion when something was going to come through the windscreen in front of me.
  17. Some guys seem to get a thrill looking up a girls skirt, there is no guy on this planet more girly minded than me, I love looking at girls in a short skirt, but I would not get turned on looking up a girls skirt and seeing her knickers.
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