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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Won't the lifejackets stop them from drowning?
  2. Never mind America, keep the scrounging b@st@rds out of the UK. As one poster said throw them life jackets, much cheaper than keeping them in hotels etc.
  3. Yes, I agree it is usually middle aged ladies who jump queues, in the many times I have stopped people jumping into a queue ahead of me, not once has anyone questioned me.
  4. On my smartphone I have two bank apps. I wish to change my phone. Do I have to go to my banks with my phones to get staff to change them? Or can I just take my new phone to my banks and get the staff to put in a new app?
  5. In nearly 20 years here, apart from road behaviour which I previously mentioned, the only problem I ever have with Thai's is queue jumping, when it happens I put a stop to it immediately.
  6. If you don't include their disastrous road behaviour I would say about 90%.
  7. I don't disagree with your opinion on Thaksin OMF, as unlike me you were here in Thailand during the whole length of his premiership and he was no friend of the retiree's, but, and this is only an opinion, the unelected leader of an illegal coup was much worse, and at least Thaksin was democratically elected.
  8. If the guy is that drunk he had to be escorted then that is the case. nothing wrong with having a drink but there is no need for drunkiness.
  9. It's the same with AIS, they can be a nuisance.
  10. I think Emirates would be the best if it was not for all the hassle changing at Dubai for Bangkok.
  11. I will never except any excuses for paying out to people who accuse you of any crime if you are 100% innocent. Now let's just agree to disagree and leave it there.
  12. You can make all the excuses for him that you want, I am no legal expert, but no one who is genuinely 100% innocent is going to give an accuser millions.
  13. If a guy pays out millions to a woman because of his questionable behaviour towards her, and then says he is innocent, he has to be a liar, he has to be guilty, same with Michael Jackson. Does anyone seriously believe that the pair of them are innocent????
  14. What a load of nonsense. This topic makes a lot of sense and must be a great help to anyone thinking of retiring here to Thailand.
  15. "Seems like Labour were lying about a £22 Billion black hole" . They lie about everything else so why not the £2 Billion black hole The Government of the working class?????????
  16. We will just agree to disagree. This debate is OVER.
  17. I wonder why he was afraid of the police.
  18. He said he was afraid of the police, I wonder why that was.
  19. These overmuscled monkeymen are usually filled with steroids.
  20. If he was frightened of the police, maybe he had reason, I say maybe.
  21. I know this is a bit off topic, but I had a 3 hour changeover at Dubai on my way to Bangkok, but the time the bus with all the waiting and travelling took to get from one part of the airport to get the Bangkok plane, I just made it on time for the plane to Swampy. A real horrible airport.
  22. That's fair enough if there is good reason for it, but try going into a shop and buy something then the shopkeeper asks for the item back and will not refund your money. Same thing.
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