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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. What is worse, pulling down a flag, or making big cities in the UK unsafe to walk the streets at night, I have experienced this personally having to run for safety because of getting chased by Eastern Europeans?
  2. No one can tell what your future life is going to be like in any country.
  3. I made three journeys back home after meeting my wife before I decided to stay here, all the farangs I met were happy and recommended staying here, no compulsary 90 day reports, no having to see agents for immigration purposes. Now look at it, I am alone with no farang friends nearby, they have either died or moved away. Yes I am bitter at how so many immigration situations have changed mostly for the worst. But all is not lost as my wife is still the same loving person I met here 18 years ago.
  4. I could knock out a tune on the piano at 5 years old and went on to be a professional musician playing bass, keyboards and doing vocals in various pop and country and western bands. Also got HGV, PSV and Taxi licenses because I had loads of spare time during the day, like the OP I was only average at school and never done any homework. But ask me to do any manual work or even simple DIY around the house, I am entirely hopeless.
  5. Yes and it is very easy to get lost in it, both inside and outside.
  6. Yanks worse than Indians?? You are surely joking.
  7. No problem It's probably helped someone.
  8. What a load of nonsense. The circumstances are completely different. People are entitled to their state pension increases, they have paid all their working life for it. It is the UK government who are the corrupt ones, not the OP.
  9. I feel the same way about the UK, as for nanny state rules, if you don't like them or disagree with them then don't obey them, try and find a way round them, you usually can. Well I could. 😄
  10. Because insurance companies give you such lousy deals, and it is probably the case that at 88 years old his insurance was cancelled years ago. If insurance companies were not so greedy there would be far more older expats who were insured.
  11. Is that in the Mini bus station across the road?
  12. What country would that be? Certainly not the UK.
  13. I believe many expat's would prefer insurance if they would get a fair deal.
  14. No, My bus from upcountry arrives at Mochit. Only need to change over, but thanks anyway.
  15. Not so much. Mostly hairy faced Indians. I bought two seats so as not to have to sit next to any of them.
  16. No, if I go to any music festival it has got to be music. Did you not get my PM?
  17. Last month I arrived at Mochit midweek at 2.00pm to go to Pattaya. There were no buses available till 4.30pm as they were all booked. Was this just a one off because of the High season, or was this normal? I am arriving again at the same time next week and wondering if it will happen again. Thanks.
  18. Suppose you enter a taxi at a rank in Bangkok and you want to go to Pattaya for a fixed price. Firstly you and the Taxi driver come to an agreement what that price is. Tolls do not even need to be mentioned. If you and the taxi driver agree to a fare of 1,400 Baht, then that is what you pay at arrival in Pattaya, plus a tip if you so wish.
  19. Excellent post, I read right through it and agree with what you said, I did learn a bit of German for singing one particular song back in my band days. The German from 🎼can't you see I love you🎶 please don't break my heart in two, 🎵that's not hard to do cause 🎵I don't have a Wooden Heart.
  20. I went to learn Thai not long after I arrived here, I spent 5000Bt for a one month course. and never missed a class, what put me off was the stupid tones and finding it hard to understand what a Thai person was saying to me. i honestly believe that if the Thai language was a normal language like the French, German or Spanish etc I would have been fluent in it long ago.
  21. True, There are many, many guys who are members of the "scared of your own shadow" brigade. They must lose lots of sleep wondering if they are obeying all the rules that a$$holes sitting around tables make up.
  22. Maybe they are, but I have only lived in two countries and the Thai's are more stupid than UK people although they are more decent and honest, It is really the horrendous road statistics that prove how stupid Thais are, when driving and riding are about 80% common sense. World wide I would accept that probably most people on the planet are stupid.
  23. I think I have it Nong, I will be there on Monday. On the off chance, do you know where the big AIS store at The Walk shopping centre has moved to?
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