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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I do have Opera as my main browser, I will check it and make sure it is off.
  2. The two step verification is turned off. I do not want to mess with passwords as I don't even know what my password is, I have set up at leaast 3 and they keep getting knocked back. Google keeps asking me for my last password and I just keep using that.
  3. I don't see any sign of a VPN on my new phone. May I point out that gmail is no problem on my phone, I just need to tap the app and it is on straight away, I did not have gmail on my last phone. I am logging on from my desktop which I have had for more than 3 years.
  4. Yes, and then certain soldiers will be moving back to parliament probably led by Cha Cha and sleepyhead.
  5. Every day and twice today I have to go through a password and a link sent to my smartphone asking me to confirm by tapping in a box saying "Yes it's me" before I can get back into my gmail account. Then I get "Your Google account was recovered successfully". Does anyone know why this is happening? May I point out that I have just bought a new smartphone and my gmail account is fine there.
  6. Yes, My gmail account stays on my phone. But on my desktop when I try to sign in after a short time, I am told I have a wrong password, then I have to click "Yes! It's Me" on my phone, then punch the number then it takes me to Gmail. They never confirm my password, they just take me to gmail. Doing that every so often is some hassle.
  7. Not surprised you did not get a reply, Facebook are run by the most incompetent people anywhere. I have to sign in my full password every time I sign in, this has been going on for months now. I do everything they ask me to do but it makes no difference.
  8. Can anyone tell me if it is the case that you do not actually have a password to sign in to your Gmail account and that you use your Google account password instead?
  9. Yes maybe that's why banks are ripping us all off and forcing agents to charge ridiculous fees to open a bank account for you. Maybe agents would be better sticking to working with immigration than working with thieving banks.
  10. I do not have access just now, I will get back to you soon on it.
  11. I have asked this question on another topic, I will try again. Does Thailand have any asylums?
  12. Imagine having to look at that face regularly, just as well he spends a lot of his time sleeping.
  13. and just who is going to believe these lies? I think we all remember that he said there would be no coup.
  14. Going by reports over the years and what I have seen for myself, I get the impression that there are a few Thai's with mental issues. Are there Mental Asylums in Thailand? Serious question.
  15. "and anyone with half a brain" A "politician" from the army barracks with half a brain??
  16. The new government provided there are no soldiers involved will probably cancel it, that is if there is a new government by next January. ????
  17. I feel a bit stupid now, this started yesterday afternoon and has now just righted itself. Jus another computer with a mind of it's own. Thanks.
  18. The above title keeps on appearing on my desktop whenever I try to log on to the forum's Newsletter. It is not an internet problem as I can log on to everything else, I can also log on to the Newsletter on my laptop and smartphone. I know computers can at times have a mind of there own, but this?? Can anyone help?
  19. Read my post again and see the reasons why, another thing, I mislaid my debit card earlier this year and my Bangkok bank charged me 500 Bt to replace it, also the time before that when I renewed my debit card it had a few hundred Baht in it for use on the BTS, they did not replace it on my new debit card, they just kept it. I can afford the money in the bank for the retirement extensions, but I keep the bulk of my savings in my UK bank and gold in a safe place. "Most people who make statements like this don't actually have any money to deposit here." I am not one of your most people, so don't blether about what you know nothing about.
  20. It should never be compulsary for anyone who is not a convicted criminal to have to report to anyone else. This again shows you why Thailand is nothing more than a Banana Republic.
  21. There is a female dog which lives up the road from me but often comes in for a visit. I have known it since it was a pup, it is about one year old now and never had any pups, it has mixed with other dogs all over the place. What are the chances of it still being able to have pups, or is it unlikely now?
  22. When I was a teacher, I entered my classroom one day to find most of the boys absent, when I made enquiries, I was told they were taken for compulsary hair cuts as their hair was deemed too long. They returned with their heads shaved way above their ears. IMO that was a ridiculous way to treat young boys.
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