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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I keep laughing in their faces, an unelected caretaker PM and his soldiers who think they are politicians trying to run the Banana Republic of Thailand who are trying to fleece tourists with a 300Bt charge which they cannot find a way to implement, so have to keep postponing it. How many times is that now? About 5 or 6? Yes, I'll just keep on laughing.
  2. Anyone know of a gold shop in either Pattaya or Bangkok where you can buy gold through transfer from your bank app? I have tried so many particularly in Chinatown who only accept cash.
  3. The posts here have somehow gotten mixed up. "Where no insurance was involved" was about someone getting charged for medical treatment with no invoice. Not anything to do with the British guy in the motorbike accident.
  4. Are you saying that the unelected caretaker PM is a hypocrite as well as a liar?? Tut tut!
  5. When you have soldiers mainly with the average low Thai IQ running the country, there isn't that much which does make sense.
  6. If I had facial hair I would keep scratching all the time. Before it became fashionable, handsome guys very rarely would grow facial hair, tell me a person, say a former pop star ie Elvis, Ricky Nelson, Billy Fury, Engelbert, who ever had facial hair. Another thing, what employer has any right to tell someone they can or cannot have facial hair? I once walked out of a college course when told I would need to get a haircut.
  7. No normal person would tattoo their face. Before facial hair became the fashion it is now, people with unattractive faces would just grow facial hair.
  8. To be honest, and I have stated this before, it is years since I have had an insurance policy, so I cannot disagree with you. When small print it is exactly what you said, posters keep on going on about small print or fine print. When small print is mentioned, my mind goes to restaurant menu's and the extra charge of 17% for taxes. You have got it spot on in your last paragraph about motorbike rental shops.
  9. The letters should all be the same size, I don't care what size, and there should be no small print. Is that plain enough for you?
  10. I know someone who went to a government hospital for very minor treatment, he was given the price of 500 odd Bt written on a piece of paper, the previous cost for the same treatment at the same hospital was 300 odd Bt, in a proper itemised invoice.
  11. I may be wrong but only Immigration or the courts can do this, not hospitals, but laws will probably be different in different countries.
  12. I agree with you, but why is the print small in the first place? Why can't it be the same as in the rest of the policy? Don't answer that. Does the policies ask in proper English "will you be riding motorcycles" or is it in some sort of legal jargon? If the insurance companies ask in normal print "will you be riding motorcycles? Then the problem is almost eradicated. So why don't they do that? Again don't answer that.
  13. Would not be surprised if the electricity companies are going the same way as the banks and insurance companies and screwing ordinary people. I understand companies have to make a profit, but they should be fair about it, let's have an example, someone's electricity bill is 5000Bt, or £200, how much profit is made on that? 50%, 100%, 500%, maybe even more. I have no idea, but when people become millionaire's several times over, surely something is wrong somewhere.
  14. Yes I understand that, I do not frequent bars although I have made the very occasional walk in Nana Plaza. I was really referring to the quietness of the road from Soi 3 down to Asoke. You have got it spot on about online. All I am saying is the main Sukhumvit Road was always busy in the years up to around 2017, I remember saying to myself not too long before the pandemic started that the streets were so quiet and believed, and still do that certain immigration issues have caused long stayers and expats to leave Thailand.
  15. I know your feelings and I respect them, but it would seem most of the posters are like me, we do not want soldiers in any part of government and as I said, and stand by. any government will do me if they are all well educated politicians, they are all for themselves anyway. You live in lower Sukhumvit, you must have noticed how empty the streets were and the nightlife, and that was before the pandemic, compare that with 2014, then from about 2017 till about 2019. The soldiers chased many expats and tourists away.
  16. Round about my small town/village here up country, nearly all the pictures of Anutin have been deliberately knocked down, and I am the only farang who lives here now. The only pictures of that despicable man that have not been vandalised are the ones in the town centre.
  17. There is far too much greed and capitalism amongst big business. ie if something negative happens and your average business loses money ie one country invading another, a pandemic, they always pass all the financial losses on to the public, to me that is wrong, they should bear some of the losses themselves. there should be some thought to the people who made them rich in the first place. Most of the people at the top of any big business are financially secured for life, they should start being fair to the very people who put them in the position that they are in.
  18. "We need to send a strong signal to the Thais," Just who are you referring to here? The soldiers making an a$$ of running the country or the Thai people themselves? If the former, then yes, I agree with you, if the Thai people themselves, no! Countries all over the world will have their share of scammers, especially in tourist area's. I find that most of the Thai people are decent, and honest, but I admit that some of their behaviour has gone back a bit since the end of the pandemic, but not their honesty.
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