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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Use an agent? It is not illegal as the "scared of your own shadow" brigade would have you believe.
  2. But are they really? Does anyone actually believe anything that comes out of the unelected, caretaker, "there will be no coup" PM's mouth?
  3. If that happened, it would not be long before the protests start again, and this time the protesters would win. Just an opinion.
  4. I repeat again just for you. I am not referring to the dedicated doctors and nurses, is that plain enough, will I repeat it again?? This debate with you is now finished.
  5. "when COVID is spreading and increasing in Thailand," That is not what I read, I read that some health authority said there was no cause for concern. I repeat "no cause for concern".
  6. Are the medical profession and big pharma not on the same wavelength? Sorry if I got that wrong. During the height of the pandemic, who was it that was responsible for putting people into hospital just because they were found to be sitting near someone on the plane who tested positive and charging them around 15,000 Bt for the privilege? It wasn't the soldiers government all on their own.
  7. Looks like I have to explain myself again. I am not hitting out at the dedicated nurses and doctors, it is the head ones at the top who are more interested in their own financials. The pandemic is finished, we do not need certain parties to try and keep some kind of virus fear going and creating more anguish for the ordinary Thai people, the fact that most of them are afraid to dispose of their masks proves that.
  8. He was involved too much with soldiers to be any good as a PM. A lot of his posters have been torn down where I live, I just laugh to myself as I ride past them.
  9. The medical profession don't want to lose all the extra income the have aqquired since the pandemic started.
  10. Anyone who deliberately blocks anyone in deserves all they get, what if the person being blocked in has a family emergency? Do they have to start phoning people and waiting around?
  11. Does a senior honest politician exist anywhere?
  12. "Rest assured, I will personally oversee the matter,” the Prime Minister stated". Of course, just like many of his other lies, ie there won't be a coup. ????
  13. Why the up side down head look? No one can help a bald head, but a beard to go with it?? It happens to be a very common look these days.
  14. Whether it is true or not, it was reported that the guy accused the DJ of stealing his smartphone, if it is true, then surely it has to be looked into.
  15. Seems like some of these conscripts and those volunteer enlistment soldiers have much better education than the unelected caretaker ex soldier PM himself. ????
  16. "What point were you trying to make?" You mean you don't understand??
  17. "Next thing will be a requirement for a Covid insurance." Yes, that may be coming up next, that is what all this is about, more money for the medical profession, and I do not mean the dedicated doctors and nurses, I mean the head people in the offices with their cash register brains.
  18. I understand what you are saying, there are always exceptions, just like a very small amount of farangs think that the unelected caretaker government have done a good job in running Thailand.
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