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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. As long as the Thai people keep the soldiers away, anything, or any method to get into government will be fine, and will be an improvement on the last nine years.
  2. The thing is the soldiers chased away hundreds of expats and tourists because they don't lose out personally financially, it's the country that loses out, the ordinary Thai person who depends on tourism for a living who loses out big time. If the soldiers really cared about the country and it's people and not just themselves, they would trying to encourage tourism and expats to come and live here.
  3. I think the answer to that is you can refuse to take the piss test, but you will have to go to the police station to do it.
  4. Just typical insurance companies, they will take loads of money from you for years, then when you reach 76 it's bye bye.
  5. He should just get himself and the rest if his soldiers back to their barracks and parade grounds where they should have stayed during the last nine years instead of misruling the country.
  6. Heh! Heh! The UK used to be a Christian country, look at it now, an ethnic "minority" PM. Also what about Scotland? A Muslim First Minister. Thailand may have had a soldiers government for the last nine years, but even with a soldiers mentality, that sort of thing would never be allowed to happen in Thailand.
  7. As many as they want I should think, as long as they are not trolling, it is a public forum after all.
  8. There is no excuse for anyone under the age of 50 to be smoking, deliberately putting smoke into their lungs, it is just pure stupidity, the warnings have been there for years. It is not just a Thai problem.
  9. What details? As KannikaP says, just leave the UK and come back. Do you think that out of millions of OAP state pensioners all the ones who have changed addresses have notified the DWP?
  10. How would Thailand manage if all expats, retiree's, long stayers suddenly started packing and making arrangements to leave. I am not saying that we should be treated as Thais, but the Thai authorities should remember what we expats are contributing to their economy, taking Thai families out of poverty etc, and should treat us accordingly.
  11. I admit I could be wrong, and I do agree with "where who you know counts for far more than what you know," I suspect brown envelopes involved in some way, but surely you need a good education with university degree's to be successful in politics. Think about it, imagine the unelected caretaker PM being in charge of a full government of people with university degree's in anything, and none of the 200 odd senator's/generals involved. Would he have lasted one month never mind nine years?
  12. It wouldn't be an all you can eat buffet by any chance. ????
  13. Best advice, as some IO's have different rules from others, and even make up their own.
  14. Are there any proper politicians? If you put Thailand and the UK together, All senior politicians are liars, thieves (in the case of the UK) and hypocrites, and that's not counting the soldiers, who are even worse. Unlike "proper" politicians, the soldiers don't even have the brains to cover up their corruption.
  15. You have a point, but when you have soldiers probably with a similar IQ as the ordinary Thai person running the country, what happens? I don't know how long you have lived here, but I came here when there were proper politicians, with good education running the country, no forced 90 day reports like common criminals. After 2014 "the coup" which and leading up to the pandemic, hundreds of ex pats were leaving Thailand. Compare the streets and entertainment places in Bangkok and Pattaya in 2014, then again in 2019 before the pandemic. "who wants Thailand to be like the west?" despite an unelected caretaker government running the country, the good still outweighs the bad compared to the UK.
  16. No one can be really sure about anything, I wonder what would have happened if there was no covid when the last protests were ongoing. If it wasn't for covid, would the government have survived? They were very quick to bring out a law which forbade any crowding.
  17. I am not sure about another coup, I don't think the Thai people would stand for that, especially the younger ones.
  18. The soldiers government are to blame for all this, I don't think I need to point out the reasons for this. They just don't care.
  19. Not long ago I was riding my motorbike along a busy highway and found a case right in the middle of the lane, I tied the case onto my bike expecting to find someone parked on the hard shoulder, I did and returned the bag to them. If I could not find anyone, my intention was to take the case home, open it to see if I could find any ID, then return it to them.
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