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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. If I knew of any of the road racers, I would report it reward or not, so call me a snitch if you like. I will snitch on child molesters, rapists, and any crime that risks innocent persons life's. So there you have it.
  2. When you say "thank you Thailand", who exactly are you thanking? Is it the soldiers who have been running the country for the last nine years, or the Thai people themselves? If the former, then I don't understand your mindset at all, if you mean the Thai people themselves, then you have it spot on. IMO although most of the Thai people are not the brightest, you won't find a country with more honest, decent, helpful people than the Thai's.
  3. "What is the matter with these politicians?" They are not all politicians, some of them are soldiers who don't have the brains to be brain dead. Talking of soldiers, there was about 6 posters quite close together, at the side of the roads as me and Mrs Jones were driving past, they were all destroyed and torn down how I laughed . And who was the "politician" on the posters? It was the former sleeping partner of the unelected caretaker PM. ???????? ???? ???? ????.
  4. I was sitting in the front of traffic at red lights along with other motorcyclists in Nakhon Sawan when a grab bike just carried on straight through the lights. I was furious at him, but I then noticed that he was at no risk either to himself or others, it was these particular lights that were at fault. They should have been at green. It was at a T junction, and when traffic was moving in the other direction on a green light, there was no way that traffic from the right could move as they were at red, so as I said, the lights that I was sitting at should have been at green. They just haven't been set properly.
  5. In this case I agree, a motorist pays tax on his car and tax again on fuel, is that not enough? If anyone can avoid the toll fee then good luck to them.
  6. Good for them, if only the restaurants and hotels would also have industry watchdogs to outlaw the practice.
  7. Well you have answered one thing, fine print and small print are both the same and yet you said that insurance policies don't have small print.
  8. You told me in another post that there is no small print on insurance policies, assuming small print and fine print are the same thing. If small print and fine print are not the same thing then you have my apologies.
  9. "Someone posted the fine print on their policy." Assuming fine print and small print are the same thing. a very prominent poster said there was no small print in insurance policies. I will keep that in mind for any debate on insurance companies in the future.
  10. No one actually, the same applies to western countries, so what country's government? actually can be trustworthy? Just keep lying, cheating, money grabbing soldiers away from politics.
  11. I am no financial expert so I cannot agree or disagree with you. I am just so against a soldier deciding to get rich quick on the back of his guns and tanks. IMO this guy has done more damage to Thailand than a dozen Thaksins, just think of it. In the not to distant future some other soldier will look back and see how this present unelected caretaker PM has done financially for himself in the last nine years with his off shore accounts etc, and want to do the same himself as he will also have the guns and tanks behind him, and to hell with the Thai people.
  12. With the exception of car and motorbike insurance I have not looked at a policy in many years. If you are saying that there is no small print in insurance policies any more, then fair enough, that is the case, but what about all the legal jargon? You don't mention that, has that been done away with also? You would need a law degree to understand that. Along with banks, insurance companies are the biggest crooks of all.
  13. I know your opinion about Thaksin and remember the rioting in Bangkok, but the yellow shirts did something at the airport though I cannot remember what, and I think you may be right about what could happen if Thaksin comes back to power in some way. I thing the pandemic stopped the protests against the unelected caretaker PM and his soldiers, and soon there could be protests and riots again against Thaksin or the soldiers, depending who is in charge.
  14. What you are saying makes sense, though I think they may be a coup no matter who is in charge. The guy with the guns and tanks will always decide, that's just the way Thailand is and it will never change. I just want to see a government with no soldiers to see what happens, and take it from there.
  15. I have not been here long enough during Thaksin's time as PM to know a lot about him, but I have seen the lies and corruption, Uturns and flip flops from the present unelected caretaker PM to know I do not want any soldiers anywhere near a government. I think of the country I first came to live in about 16 years ago, and compare it with now. Just no more soldiers please.
  16. A very true statement indeed. Take away the guns and tanks and he is just the same as the ordinary Somchai in the street, and with much the same low IQ.
  17. Does Thaksin really tell more lies that the present unelected caretaker PM? I doubt it very much. Or maybe it's just the case that Thaksin has the brains to cover things up where the unelected caretaker PM with only a Military Academy education doesn't.
  18. If that is true it sure makes a change, insurance companies have their small print, it is small because they do not want you to notice it, and then there is their legal jargon made out so the people with no legal knowledge (which is most people) do not understand it properly, and just accept it when their claim is refused.
  19. I am not going to disagree with you there.
  20. Tell me any western country who's government is not filled with potential crooks, ie there is an MP in the UK who has been in the news for claiming living expenses while living in her parents house while also claiming for her own property. She has an MP's annual allowance of around £85,000, plus she get's other wages/wage for "part time work" of around £65,000 annually as well.
  21. I don't care if he has said virtually nothing or stands for nothing, though I would prefer Thaksins daughter for her good looks, if I'm honest, any of the average Thai people with the average Thai IQ would do me fine as the next PM, just as long as there are no soldiers in his/her government in any shape or form.
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