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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I did not get a chance to speak. Can't you read my OP?
  2. Maybe if insurance companies would be less greedy and stop all the legal jargon nonsense and stick to plain English and their wording all the same size and stop looking for excuses not to pay out, people would not be so inclined to take chances and just skip insurance altogether.
  3. Certainly not the case of the key cutter, I have been in the shop a few times over the last two years never wearing a mask and never a problem. besides if they want me to wear a mask all they have to do is point at their mouth.
  4. If the guy in the key shop had just said no or mai mee in a normal voice and did not wave his arms about there would have been no problem.
  5. Richard, if they never had that type of key all he had to say was No have, or Mai mee, there was no need for all these dramatics. his voice was raised immediately. At the phone shop I did not even have the chance to tell them what I wanted.
  6. If that was the case why did they not point to their mouth? I said nothing.
  7. But Charlie, in both cases I did not even open my mouth. I'm just sorry I didn't, but I will the next time.
  8. There wasn't any, I just went in the same as any other customer would, just showed the guy the key I wanted cut, just the same as before when their was a lady assistant. In the other instance this bitch just started before I even opened my mouth. No, I had my fat belly sticking out and not wearing a shirt to cover my big titties.????
  9. I will just state one example. Parents who give their motorbike keys to their 10 years olds. If you don't think that is low mentality you are the one who should provide a photo of yourself. Do you want any more examples?
  10. I would think that when people get promoted in any job it should be on their ability , not on the way they shake hands.
  11. If anyone shouts at me I will shout back, but there will never be any violence.
  12. With the exception of their road behaviour and low mentality, I have always praised the Thai people for their honesty, decency and being non confrontational. I have never had problems with shop assistants from when I arrived here about 16 years ago, but since the pandemic, my experience with them has been terrible, and it's all being about the same thing. I entered a shop to get a key cut, I had been at this shop three times recently, and had no problem, it was a woman serving then, so I went into this shop a couple of days ago and this time it was a guy. I handed him my key along with a big smile, he then started shouting loudly and madly waving his arms about like a madman shouting No! No! I entered an AIS shop with two assistants and no customers. and the same thing happened one of the girls shouting No! No! or similar and waving her hands about. I promise you that the next time someone treats me like this, I will jump right down their throats. I will not take that attitude ever again from anyone.
  13. The unelected caretaker PM is not interested in more tourist arrivals, him and his soldiers have scared have scared away many retirees and tourists since he and his soldiers stole the country in 2014.
  14. Clydesdale Bank, now Virgin Money also no problem. though I think in both cases it may be wise to open an account using a UK address, then after you come to Thailand tell them.
  15. So the Thai electorate voted for this soldier along with his 200 odd senators/generals?? Wait till I see Mrs Jones for voting and not telling me.
  16. Does this gold shop allow you to pay by bank transfer with app? or must it be cash?
  17. Of course they do, but how many other countries have a police force that ask you for money just to "investigate" something?
  18. The soldiers don't need to ask "how can we screw this up"? They keep screwing things up all the time.
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