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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. "I can remember when you were Possum... ?? Or is that incorrect." Yes, that's correct.
  2. I can remember all my teachers names from Primary one right up until I left, also the majority of class mates. Here's a few of P1. David Cooper Gillian Paul John Rutherford Marie Brownlee David Paterson Eleanor Mitchell Ewan Grant Jennifer Mears Robin Cummings Barbara Orr Ian Davis Fiona Keys Gordon Robertson Carol Taylor Alan Muir Sandra Collins Alan Hendry Elaine Walker Ian Riddell Morag Jamieson Ian Henderson Kathleen Young Alister Davidson Margaret Todd Billy Syme Jim Tolson James Armstrong Alistair Black Neil Douglas Douglas McAra Drew Ballantyne
  3. I would be very interested to know how many names you remember from your first day at school, I think there would be an average of about 40 in the class.
  4. So do I when I was not well and about 3 years old.
  5. Absolutely nothing, The woman who says she is Maddy could only vastly remember one thing about being on a beach when she was 5 years old.
  6. I walked in to the TTJ bank in Nakhon Sawan to try and open an account, went to get my ticket. I was given a choice of which service I wanted, there were about seven or eight choices, all in Thai no English, I did not know which one to press, then a guy pressed one for me, I took my ticket, thanked the guy then sat down. I looked at the numbers in order, there were about one of three different letters and three numbers, ie A 230 in no order at all. As I was sitting, I began to notice people getting served in front of me who came in behind me. I then just got up and walked out. Is this bank so much against western customers that they can not have services printed in English? What are the thoughts of any customers of this branch of TTJ? Do other branches of this bank not print their services in English either?
  7. If it is true that what some posters were saying last week, that the majority of the Russians agree with their invasion of The Ukraine, then yes, I would deport them back to their mighty leader in Russia. But I still say that the vast majority of Russians do not agree with the invasion.
  8. This is not related to Thailand but I think it may be interesting. In the News now is a woman who says she is Maddy who disappeared age 5 about 16 years ago. It is reported she only has vague memories if something she remembers when she was about 5 years old. How Far Back Can You Remember? I remember at 4 years old talking to my pal at the back of the house where I lived, who was 5 and at school. I remember telling him I was 4 and cannot go to school yet. I can remember where this was said and all the houses, walls trees and an old wash house nearby. Another thing, I can pick off nearly all the names of the children who I started school with at 5 years old. What about you?
  9. No point. IO offices change their staff regularly, there are plenty of decent IO's as well as a$$holes.
  10. I used to slum it with visa's and I had more than 400K in the bank. Even today I can put 800K in my account. No way do I trust Thai banks or would give them more business than I could help. 200+ Bt to use my UK debit card to draw money from a Thai ATM, which I have never done even once, getting charged extra to draw my own money from my bank in another province. At least Dick Turpin had the decency to wear a mask.
  11. I would certainly feel sorry for the child, as it was not their fault their stupid parents gave them the motorbike keys. For the benefit of the poster with the saddo emo, how would you feel if one of your family was killed by an underage rider?
  12. If I was involved in the death of an underage rider and the rider was 100% at fault, there is no way I would have any guilt.
  13. True, but the parent responsible for the child riding the bike should have been heavily fined.
  14. I haven't had one of their fridges, I learned my lesson with a Samsung microwave. It conked out just after the one year warranty was up, I took it to be repaired and was told it would cost just as much to repair it as to buy a new one. No more Samsung electrical appliances for me.
  15. When looking through movies and you pick one you want to see, your download icon should appear, in my case it is IDM. I just click on it and away you go, in my experience, it can take anything from a few mins to a few hours, but it always eventually does it.
  16. Try downloading Crossroads, and some other TV series on Tinyzone. About 3 years ago you advised me to use a client and told me how to do it, I did and have used it successfully ever since, I have always been greatful to you for that.
  17. Just recently I discovered Tinyzone, over a thousand movies from the thirties right up to now. Just download and keep them, great quality, I thought it was great, then I tried them live, they all have English subtitles but plenty of buffering, doesn't matter about subtitles, downloaded the movies I want, and still plenty to see. Now on to the TV series. Sometimes cannot even get them, up pops a very old UK TV soap which ran for years, probably about the best soap ever. UK people will remember Crossroads, it's there from series 1 in 1964 right up until the end. Only one thing, try clicking on, it just doesn't work. How I would have loved to watch that series again. Great for movies, as long as you download them and don't watch them live. TV series?? What a disaster.
  18. I completely agree with your post Bill. but your last paragraph, was it not the PM after Yingluck who was deposed by Prayut and his soldiers?
  19. I came to live in Thailand during the last couple of years of Thaksins premiership, so am not really qualified to comment much on him, but there is one thing here. I have seen how bad the country has been with an unelected soldier as PM, I have seen all the lies and incompetence from him. When I first came to Thailand I saw all the happiness of many farangs and was recommended by them all to come and live here. If Thaksin was really deserving of getting a jail sentence that forced him to leave the country, where must that leave the present unelected PM? From my own experience, am I expected to believe that Thaksin should be in jail and this unelected PM should not?
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