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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. Back to the point.

    20K is a lot for many Thai people.

    If you are already paying for so many things and she still wants more it needs careful consideration because so many Thai women seem to feel this need to get more and more from us. Also the amount you currently have coming in.

    Depending on how you feel about her and you are comfortable with the idea you could offer her another 5K a month as suggested earlier and see how it goes. See if that does satisfy her, or if she then needs yet another increase in a few months. If she does ask for more, you can see where it is heading.

    You could as easily say no and also see where that leads. See if the sex stops - often a good weapon in their arsenal.

    Whatever else you do, do not let it grind you down, there are plenty more women out there.

  2. Did someone leave the Thai Visa asylum door open again??

    Please, please wrap this guy in a straightjacket and put hin in a soundproof cell with no internet.


    you msut never be rude or unkind or impolite with your new wife. And this because Thai ladies are very knid and sensitive and will be unhappy if you say the rude or bad things.

    give alittle money some of the times so your new wife can take care of her family and buy the things for your house and the food such as bread and milk and butter from 7-11.

    is not to drink the alcohol or beer or whisky. And this is because Thailand is very hot and beeer will for sure make you sad and unhappy and you will say bad things about Isann.



  3. Motorcycle seems to be the only way to get anywhere at times like these.

    The BiB do seem to have very little idea on traffic management so taking the car out is nuts.

    Whistles, more whistling, arm waving and utter chaos delivered by the BiB for your entertainment whilst sat in your car. Better than the music festival itself.

  4. There are some interesting observations here regarding striking up conversations with other farang you see around.

    The obvious question is 'why?'

    You wouldnt initiate conversation with random men back home, so why do it here, simply because they are the same race as you. It's no different from saying that you should initiate contact and strike up a conversation with people wearing the same colour teeshirt.

    I'd take it further. If anyone randomly strikes up conversation with me, I make it a point to be very wary. If they are farang in Thailand, even more so.

    Go away people. Leave me alone. Simply having fair skin and blue eyes does not give you the right to invade my life.


    Maybe some of us are more civilised and polite and see nothing wrong with a friendly hello. That friendly hello is not an interrogation. No-one is applying thumbscrews to force you into a conversation.

    Don't do it back home? Why ever not?

    So let me get this right. Back home you nod and say hello to every white male you see walking around? You must get some very strange looks.

    My point is a simple one. That they are the same race as you, doesn't automatically equate to some kind of affinity. Usually, frankly, it's the exact opposite.

    No, not ever white male or female walking around.

    But you can be sat in a bar having a quiet drink, watching sport, listening to music or whatever. You can be sat outside on the beach front. People sit near to you. Often you look up and see who is sat there. Your natural instincts initially tell you things about that person. Body language and eye contact can often tell if they are friendly or not.

    You can simply nod in their direction, raise your glass or say 'Hi.'

    If they ignore you that is no problem at all.

    Often you might be watching that rugby match and have some banter with others who are also interested in the game, the same with football or F1 or whatever.

    I have had some great conversations with strangers both older and younger than myself. One of those led me to having a really good friend here. He looked after my house while I was away for 6 weeks and sorted the bills where possible.

    Yes, I have met some right idiots here. You get those everywhere but that does not stop me being friendly initially.

    I an not Xenophobic like many on here seem to be.

    I am what I am. I consider myself to be a reasonable and friendly person with nothing to hide. If others are not that way inclined, up to them.

    Before I lived in Pattaya I lived almost exclusively amongst Thai people. It is surprising how many would simply stop and want to talk. No ulterior motives either. They were being curious. Many friendly. Often they had never spoken to a foreigner before. To me it would have been the height of ignorance to ignore them.

    The OP asks why can it be so hard to find friends? Because there are many unsociable and Xenophobic people out there. IMHO of course :)

    • Like 1
  5. Cha-Am?

    On the main road through Cha-Am turn at the traffic lights onto the road heading to the beach. At the Family Mart on your left, turn left. Maybe 100 yards down that road on the right hand side is a tall building set back a little from the road.

    He did a couple of jobs on my motor and was efficient, courteous and well priced. Speaks enough English to understand the problem.

    I have his phone number. If you want it, PM me.

    A word of caution. He seems to dislike a foreigner turning up with a Thai lady in tow especially if the Thai lady tries to tell / order him what to do and how quickly. Much better, faster service when dealing man to man. Maybe a foible of his, many of us have them :)

  6. I have been asked to do an hour as a geust 'DJ' so get your requests in......

    I will double check but I think the promoters said it will start 25th May, It's all for charity

    400Baht to get in and free drink all night....

    The Northern Soul Night will be held in the Boomerang Bar, next to the Wombat Hotel (27 Soi Arunothai, Pattaya Klang, Pattaya City, Chonburi 20260, Thailand, opposite Nirum Condo), on Saturday 26th May 2012, the cost per ticket is 400 baht, that includes free San Miguel Light and free wine from 8.00pm till 10.00pm. All proceeds from the 400 baht go to charity.

    Check out the Boomerang Bar, i believe it has the best live music in pattaya with our Filipino Band, playing 7 nights a week. Great drink prices, happy hours etc. Hope to see you all there.

    Soi Arunothai 7 (not 27).

  7. Not quite what you are asking for, but maybe worth a look if you are in the area. Walking down Pattaya Klang in the direction of beach road past Tops supermarket on the right hand side, there is a small market there and I've seen a guy who paints pictures and frames and sells them. Maybe he can paint something you like?

    Maybe not to your taste, but worth a mention even if for someone else who might be looking for something a little different.

  8. Wouldn't have been a problem to find a rental playing partner on ws.

    I tried a few rental players, but they were useless. Couldn't hold the stick straight, and kep't on missing the balls. rolleyes.gif

    Not sure if any of these are to your taste....

    For a few games why not try the Wombat Bar (Soi Arunothai 7). One pool table in there with food at that location and all the sports on 6/7 TV screens.

    In the Outback bar attached to the Wombat they have a couple more tables in there with air con and Filipino band playing.

    Cloud 9 bar (behind We Are The World Bar) nr junction of soi 8 and Beach Road. Cloud 9 and some of the bars in that nearby location have pool tables. Music can be a bit loud (Led Zep, AC/DC type). You can pay 20 Baht a game with a lady or play with a friend.

    I am not sure about who stays on as I do not play pool, I just observed these places and thought I'd mention them. Down to your taste in location / environment then smile.png

    edit typo

  9. Up the river on a day ticket and stop off where you fancy. Visit the temple. Chinatown or simply enjoy the ride.

    where is the starting point should i embark for the trip ?

    phra athit road is a good place to get on ,right beside kao san rd and all the craziness that goes with it ......

    the boat stop is behind the fort

    are there different boats for different route or only one route ? where does the boat goes too ?

    Near Thaksin ? BTS Station, as I recall? (BKK members can correct me on this one). There are different boats available with different prices. I used to buy the 'Day Ticket'. That may be a more expensive method but I used to like travelling up and down, taking in the sights and getting on and off wherever the fancy took me.

    • Like 1
  10. Now I am very confuse and lost

    Cannot decide anything

    Breathe deeply

    But thank you all for your advice

    Look again through the thread.

    Copy and paste any information you like or feel is important from the topic into wordpad or similar and then sit back and re-read it at leisure.

    Later you can either google the places you are considering visiting or ask for more specific information.

  11. It is thought he had been dead for almost one month and for now Police are unsure if the lack of a head is due to it being eaten by fish or if he was murdered.

    they only missed out suicide there ...

    but seriously , what a stupid remark to make by the police... as the fish might ' nibble ' on a head, but not eat the WHOLE thing and not the reset of the body...

    My thoughts too. Unless Thailand has some weird alien head eating fish off the coast. Be careful when swimming out there!! laugh.png

  12. I am back. More questions

    Which web site is the best for book train and bus in England?

    I had some look but seem so many train company. Is there one that has all routes?

    I look at national express coach for bus I think but seem more expensive than train?

    Thank you smile.png

    BritRail Pass

    Make the most of your visit to Great Britain with this pass which provides access to all trains on Great Britain's National Rail Network. Explore destinations throughout England, Scotland and Wales. Hop on and off the trains as you wish!

    Valid for 22 days 485 Euros per person equivalent to £400

    For England only Valid for 22 days = 389 Euros per person equivalent to £318


    8 days travel in a 2 month period = 265 euros per person equivalent to £217

    Note that is for any train as many trips / stops as you wish. And available to non UK residents.

    You need to work out a rough guide to what your travel arrangements may be because it may not be good value. Obviously it depends on how many trips you will make.

    Maybe the 8 day pass might be best for you. Especially as you will not travel by rail every day.

    For advanced bookings....



    Remember that the earlier you book, the cheaper it is and you can book 3 months in advance. Insurance per ticket is about £1 generally.

  13. My visa stamps for Burma are small ones done at the border crossing with no prior visa to enter. So I am unsure why the OP gets a full page one.

    As said earlier, get an E-visa for Cambodia. Take them with you (2 copies) and no need to stick or staple them into your passport as you get stamped on entry and exit back to Thailand. Easier, cheaper and more convenient than paying the order guards extra and them going off to get you your full page visa.

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