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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. I now live in a town house. 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room and kitchen all to myself. Low water and electric rates. No security problems. I find it quieter too.

    What I do feel is missing is the interaction of people around you. You are more isolated in a house. You go out to the shop, pub or wherever and you hardly see any neighbours, though I do have friends I can meet up with.

    living in a house in the village as I did for a couple of years with one of my ex's was better. Interaction with the neighbours, beers together, helping each other out and plenty of other plus points.

    Not sure about a housing development / village in town as I have never yet lived in one of those.

    One apartment block I did live in for a long time was good. They gave me one of the best rooms. It was quiet. People living there were friendly and even the staff and security guards were pleasant amenable people. What let it down was living in one room - albeit large and airy - but no cooking facilities, cable tv (boring) and the high cost of internet, water and electric.

    Apart from the lack of social interactivity, I prefer a house.

  2. I feel the sorry will come only when you have gone.

    It is so difficult when we are ignored by our SO's in favour of the advice (good or bad) given by family and friends.

    From 2 particular relationships, one of 2 years and one of 9 months or so of living with these partners full time, I got the overall impression that Thai people generally feel we understand nothing at all of the world. We know different. But the Thai way of thinking does tend towards us foreigners as being fools and in so many cases where we see logic and have forward thinking / planning, so many Thai people have none.

    Maybe she does love you and care a lot for you. She may also be quite intelligent etc., but that base level of us foreigners not understanding does still seem to simmer under the surface.

    You rightly try to look to the future to pay for the education of the boy. Sensible to us. No problem to her because it is many years away.

    What to do? Others have said their piece. Me? I moved on. Life is too short for so much aggravation and seemingly petty attitude and all this talk of 'face' over your wanting to do what is best for you and the family.

    After I moved on from my 2 year stint i got all sorts of sorry and pleas to come back. Many things were changed. But it was too late for me.

    Maybe if you moved away for a month or more you might suddenly be missed? Especially if you took your money with you and she thought it a permanent move.

    • Like 1
  3. So, has your TOT internet been down since Thursday afternoon?

    yes it was. that's why i keep 3BB as an alternative provider. when both work i prefer TOT, faster and more stable.

    edit: TOT came back today around 0400hrs. i am living about 2km east of Sukhumvit.

    Nope my ToT internet is fine, I am in Central Pattaya, my friend who is in Soi Siam also has no problems (since Thursday that is wink.png)

    But because of the many outages I have 2 Internet Providers (ToT and 3BB) so I can switch over.

    Edit: //

    Their 1100 number will not relay your problem back to Pattaya, I noticed that on more than 1 occasion.

    Thanks for that. I noticed nothing was getting done from the 1100 number until I spoke to the supervisor.

    Ahhh, OK, Naam. Thanks for that. Maybe problems in some areas and not a Pattaya-wide outage.

    Hopefully all is well again now :)

  4. After 36 hours with no internet and speaking to their 1100 line, I finally spoke to a supervisor who said that TOT had a system wide failure in Pattaya. Yet there is not mention of it here. So I am beginning to think what he told me is a load of BS, unless others here have had their internet off for the last 36 hours or so.

    I get the feeling it was a story to cover up the ineptitude of those on the TOT helpline, but would be happy to be proved wrong.

    So, has your TOT internet been down since Thursday afternoon?

  5. AEK Hospital has apartments to rent for 3 to 6k per month. Tel 042340999. Mob 0854565111, 0854564111. www.aekudonapartment.com.

    I was interested in that place. Deposit is 5000 and they stated refund on departure. I hate to pay double US electric rates, though. They do have a website.....Promo on VIP room...pay 15K for two months and get the third month free.

    I'd feel cramped in there. They do look small. And that is expensive electric if at those rates.

  6. Unforseen events like these are also why I will always rent unless it happened to be a stand alone house on a decent plot of land (but that also will never happen because I refuse to sell my home back home and also cannot own the land here).

    I lived next door to a policeman and unbeknown to me I was disturbing him and his wife every night. I only found out after the wife complained to my g/f. By then it had been going on for over 6 months. So if he could not do anything about it, I feel you have little chance to do anything about the problem(s) you have, except move out or put up with it.

    I'll add that I did rectify the problem with my neighbour and it was noise related, me not realising how loud my tv, music and computer were due to my own hearing problems. The sounds travelling further and seeming louder in the dead of night.

  7. I remember when I was out in a village with satellite internet the woman I was living with was asked by many other ladies if I would make up profiles for them so they could get foreign men to meet. They were more than happy to pay for the service too. The ladies offered to pay by the week or month. Not huge amounts but it could have been a steady income.

    Personally I felt uncomfortable with doing so, yet I can imagine that if you have a good English speaking Thai woman nearby that she would be more than happy to do the work for a living.

    Is it deception? I don't think so, but I do not like the idea of a big pay off at the end of the day if a relationship / marriage ensues. And no-one is forcing these women to pay for such a service.

  8. I totally agree. Have you ever had an asthma attack? It is likened to being like a fish out of water gasping. You are trying to get air into your lungs as you wheeze and feel your throat and chest tightening more and more. You have to get to your inhaler(s) fast. That can mean panic. In that panic you can easily slip on a wet patch of floor and down you go and smack your head hard. Then the head injury can kill you if the asthma attack does not.

    Get someone to 'water-board' you and you will soon understand the panic a bad asthma attack can trigger !!

    He clearly died from a wound caused by a fall, at least based on the press report. Yes I know all about asthma. There is no proof whatsoever he died of asthma or high blood pressure. Yes of course people die from asthma attacks but when people with asthma die from a WOUND to jump to the conclusion they died from asthma is completely unscientific. The majority of asthmatics have their condition completely under control with a combination of both preventative and relief medications, going for years or decades with no attacks. For all you know he was that kind of common asthmatic and hasn't had a serious attack in decades. The fact that he had MEDICATION means he was treating it, lessening the chance he actually had an attack. All we KNOW from the report is a strong indication of an accidental fall sadly resulting in a fatal injury. Think about it, when a person with diabetes dies in a car crash, did you say he died from diabetes? I hope police investigators/medical examiners are a little more professional than a lot of the posters (or the press) here!

    Because someone has medication for Asthma does not mean it is always under control. Different people have different triggers for their attacks - bleach, perfume, dust, smoke, so many different triggers. And it is not impossible he had an attack.

    Yet you asked why inform about his medication. I did not say he died because of his asthma. I simply put forward just one explanation.

  9. I think a lot of the problem is, when you ask a silly question, you are inviting a silly answer.

    When you confess to going against all forum advice, you invite criticism and 'told you so' posts.

    A few prime examples.

    I bought a car/house/condo in my gfs name and she took it away from me.

    I gave my wife access to my bank account and she emptied it out.

    How much sin-sot should I pay/my gf wants 1 million sin-sot.

    I paid 2 million sin-sot to marry my girl, and now she has divorced me.

    I paid a bribe to the police and they took it.

    I left my wife at home while I worked overseas for 10 months of the year, now she is sleeping with someone else.

    I was overcharged because I am a foreigner.

    Have I missed any out?

    You forgot....

    I met a bargirl. Is it true love?

    To the OP.

    People will always b*tch, whine and complain because it makes them happy. Others will post comments about TiT and if you do not like it go home because that makes their days too.

    Thai Visa is a community and you will always get good and bad in any community. Don't stress too much over those posts that aggravate you. Life is too short. Go have a beer and chill out.

  10. Why his asthma and high blood pressure is relevant is anyone's guess!

    Asthma attacks can be lethal. What's say he was gasping for air and rushed to get his medication in the bathroom and slipped on the wet floor.

    Ridiculous. No evidence of that. There are millions of asthmatics in Thailand. So every time one slips on a tile, the asthma is definitely the cause? So scientific of you.

    Right over your head... your point was that being asthmatic had no possible relevance. There's 101 scenarios where it could have been a factor in his death.

    I totally agree. Have you ever had an asthma attack? It is likened to being like a fish out of water gasping. You are trying to get air into your lungs as you wheeze and feel your throat and chest tightening more and more. You have to get to your inhaler(s) fast. That can mean panic. In that panic you can easily slip on a wet patch of floor and down you go and smack your head hard. Then the head injury can kill you if the asthma attack does not.

    Get someone to 'water-board' you and you will soon understand the panic a bad asthma attack can trigger !!

  11. Oddly enough, before I ever moved to Pattaya, most of the ladies I had relationships with all warned me of the dangers in Thailand. Some were very worried about letting me out on my own. Yet I've only had 2 incidents and neither have been in Pattaya.

    Being in the Merchant Navy - starting at 17 years old - I can say that even back in the 'good old days' there were very many bad places in many countries to be and I am not talking about hanging around the docks either. Yet I took the advice of my elders at the time and I took care and I survived and enjoyed the life.

    A few basic steps are all that is generally needed to stay relatively safe, but those who insist on knocking Pattaya will never be convinced it does have its virtues as well as its bad side like so many other places in the world.

  12. Venue is OK, but car parking is a nightmare. Used to be able to put yor car in Nirun, but Nirun is one big car park now

    And the roads full of stalls does not help. Small car park at the Shagwell itself too. But isn't it like that in most of Pattaya?

    3 cars outside my place last night but not a problem as I use the m/c taxis to go pubbing.

    Next time it would be better to bring a m/c or take a m/c taxi especially as this is expected to be a Bi-monthly event.

  13. I have to admit that when I very first found TV from the UK I did find the information very helpful and had some questions answered in a civil and informative way.

    That profile went the journey because of some fault and i could never get it back again and that was a lot of years ago.

  14. Some good posts which i hope I can add to. Been to Udon many times, agree @home good but the car park is rubbish and no lift. Just spent two weeks inn Khon Kaen very unfortunately and i think citizen33 sums it up very well. A tuktuk took me round to the red light part north of Sri Chan Road and around the bus station area. Agree they look a little shall we say potentially troublesome places. Travel2003 I think is spot on. Even some of the decent looking restaurants have not got an English menu.

    Udon is so easy I think for foreigners KK is way behind.

    Last year in Udon I stayed at Lotus Condotel, a little away from the centre/ Robinsons(but only about a 10 minute walk.)

    A little bit old but nice staff, 24 hr. reception/security plus convenience store on site.

    Wifi( worked well) TV, fridge air-con.

    399 baht a night.( Tel. 042 344081)

    I had a stroll around the night market, pleasant enough with some nice food available and then stopped off at a bar complex called Nutty Park I think, about 20 bars approx., seemed OK there

    I also looked at a room at Silver Reef, think it was 750 baht a night, nice room , very near the bus station so maybe noisy at night.

    Thanks :)

    It is good to have some information at your fingertips before you go and all these bits of information are helpful, especially when you have never been somewhere before.

    In some large towns / small cities it can take weeks and months to gather information and when, like me, you are going to be hopping about from town to town it does help to get this info from people who have been there and done that - even if it is down to some item as small as the car park and the lift info.

  15. I appear to have found an answer to the problem. I have checked all the fuses, connectors, wiring, ignition switch and prodded and poked about.

    Then I had the idea to leave the ignition on and test the fuses again knowing that the cooling fan operates when the ignition is on. Almost the last fuse/relay I checked in the auxiliary fuse box set the fan going and the ignition came on.

    OK., not a fuse but a relay

    (R11 Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ECU power supply (petrol), cold start (Diesel))

    The relay is getting hot after the engine has run for a few minutes while the other relays stay cool. I presume, besides it being faulty, that on cooling it may not be making a good connection because as I pressed on it the ignition system started to work.

    Off to find a shop in Pattaya that will have the correct relay tomorrow :)

    Thanks to those who might have looked at this and been pondering on an answer.

  16. Really good night,couple of drinks and it all comes flooding back,danced like an 18 year old,instead of 80 plus one?.

    I heard there were about 150 people there.

    How fast did the free beer run out?

  17. Oddly enough I saw 2 very tall, blonde ladies with large chest attachments last night in Cloud 9 in Pattaya. Natural chest though, not those hard plastic things the OP seems to want. Russian women too. Maybe the OP ought to change his location and look a bit further afield than BKK.

    How about a full transgender job? They usually have large plastic chests and can be tall, but usually a darker colour than the OP seems to want.

    On the other hand maybe ...... I give up

  18. A few days ago I went to replace the in-line fuse for the cigarette lighter and had to replace the in-line fuse unit because one wire was loose on the in-line connector. That was all I did.

    Then I later drove the car to a shop, got out, turned the ignition off and when I got back to the car I put the key in the ignition, turned the key and there was nothing. It was dead.

    I tried the headlights - not working. Same for everything, interior lights, horn, wipers, indicators, electric windows.

    I dropped down the panel under the dashboard near the steering column where I'd replaced the in-line fuse and the ignition lights came on and the car started. I had the car running yesterday but today there is nothing again when I turn the ignition key today.

    I have taken the same panel off and checked the wiring and the main fuses and cannot get any electronics at all.

    The fuse box under the bonnet has power running to it and to the fuses there, so there is electric available. The fuse for the ignition itself has not blown.

    The battery is almost new and fully charged so that is not the problem.

    I have downloaded the Haynes maintainence manual for the car but in the fault finding section, this problem is not covered.

    Can someone give me an idea what I should be looking at? Ignition switch? Wiring loom?


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