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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. Soccer? It is Football !!!

    And no problem for me. I'll sit at home and watch it.

    A great shame that it comes down to this here but it has been like this for a long time back in the U.K. with people buying the rights to broadcast and then making the people pay through the nose.

    Now the bar owners will have to pay for something that is free on the terrestrial channels? Yeah, screw every last Baht from everyone. I bet most of the Thai bars away from the touristy areas won't be paying.

    Welcome to Thailand.

  2. After the ZX and later models, the first proper PC I bought was a P75. With Windows and DOS disks. Cost well over £1K at the time. My son discovered he now had loads on new friends and my house was full of them all wanting to play on it.

    First one I built was a P90 after discovering how simple they were to build and I saved a few hundred £ doing it myself.

    Great days & great fun.

  3. Yeah mine was a Spectrum too. I upgraded to each new model as they came along. Used to make pirate game copies tape to tape too.

    Hours spent with magazines and typing in the progs only to find either a print error or a typo made by myself so the prog did not work.

    Manic Miner ..... ah, so many happy hours playing that.

  4. Built in obsolescence, hardly anything is built to last nowadays.

    It suffered a few knocks, due to flooding etc, and was seemingly too fragile to take it.

    Some things it benefits to buy cheap, I have a cheap old Tesco kettle which has soldiered on for five years now. When it finally gives up the ghost it will be easily replaced with little inconvenience.

    Fridges, freezers. TVs etc are more fundamental IMO. I always buy the best makes because they are built to last. It is cheaper in the long run IMO. Also, it can be a bit of a b-up if one of these items fail as apart from the expense incurred it usually means a few days of inconvenience and waiting for delivery etc.

    OP says he paid 12K for it. Not cheap.

  5. Good air con in there too and plenty of fans to keep the cool air moving about.

    But if it rains, expect a shower. Whoever did the roof must have not realised rain gets in where you leave gaps whistling.gifrolleyes.gif

    • Like 1
  6. Cheeseburger + chips 110 Baht near soi Arunothai 5. Delicious after a few beers or not. Clean burger stand too unlike many that look as if they have not seen a lick of paint in 10 years.

  7. One baht? Serious question? I think not!

    You are aware of who's head is on the 1 baht coin right? And you are saying you would leave it on the ground? Your actions would offend I think every Thai person in this country, and depending on your intentions, may in fact be illegal.

    Nobody is going to take offence at an accidentally dropped coin ,purposely stomping on a coin to make a statement is another matter .....

    Illegal to drop a coin ......cheesy.gif

    I have found that at Thai funeral, they throw 1baht coins on the ground.

    Then there is a made rush to see who can pick up the most.

    Illegal....I think not.

    And at other parties too.. Though they do seem to object to picking up the Satangs.

  8. While you are in Koen Kaen you could get you Lao visa at the consulate there. That would save you time on the way into Laos and save a little on the visa cost.

    Laos Consulate General , Thailand

    19/1-3 Phothisarn Road











    Thanks a lot too for that information. It will make life easier :)

  9. I'm not a regular, but I did a couple of circuits around the Khon Kaen bars a couple of months ago. As has been the case for many a year, the main Western-oriented bars are in the area around the Kosa and Pullman (formerly the Sofitel) hotels. Most are sleepy little bars with a few serving girls and a band of regulars. 'My Bar' is one of the newer establishments that is more in the style of a hostess bar, albeit with rather disinterested staff, although on a previous visit I did spend an hour or two talking to an agreeable lady there. Another newish bar around the corner in the direction of the Rad Club is the Blue Bar, which has some pretty hostesses and drinks at reasonable prices. The Kosa Beer garden with its "saao BG" - saao Beer Chang etcetera - is worth a visit and sometimes has good live music. Sevens Corner is another reasonable bar a bit away from the main group on Soi Yimsiri. There isn't a great deal of excitement or glamour there but the bar staff are friendly. Khon Kaen is a big city and has some late night clubs with more upmarket wares. There are also a couple of downmarket red light areas, one on the north side of Srichan Road and one behind the Pullman, but they are probably dangerous territory for farang. There are also fish bowls nearby. Again you can visit the relevant local forum (Google on city name plus com), but this doesn't seem to get updated much these days. As far as I know there isn't any modern day successor to the now defunct Nate Night Plaza - where there was a dreadful a-go-go bar years ago - and the High Tech Night Garden. But perhaps others know better.

    Ideally you would stay in the Kosa but it is over your budget. The Khon Kaen Orchid near Central on Highway 2, but just about walkable, is good and around 700-800 baht. Or there is a newish hotel much nearer on Srichan Road, whose name I have forgotten (something Mansion?), which was clean but basic when I stayed there a couple of years ago.

    Brilliant reply and thanks very much for the time, effort and detail you have put in :)

  10. They are, I think most have some kind of emotional problem. To send money to some one u don't know.

    My friend came here for a month when I was not here and fell for one of these girls.

    He came another time when I was here and I told him I wanted to meet her she did not want to meet me,

    She knew I lived here and would figure her out and I did when I seen what she was driving I new there were many farang BF sending money

    She spoke 4 languages including Russia car worth about 1.2 million baht motorcycle worth 125 thousand baht gold jewelry and she told my friend she Sends 10,000baht a month to her family.

    He was so blind this girl worked in an eyeglass store selling to farang.

    I sat him down and explained it to him at first he would not accept it so he started looking at her mobile and found 4 other farang were sending her money when it cam up on her mobile she didn't delete it.

    You know the rest of the story

    Reading some posts, yes these women do seem to like to try it on with 'novices'.

    Go to an internet dating site and put a Thai town in the where you live section. Add in your profile that you live here and have done so for some time. And then see how many replies you get.

    They know you understand the rules and the small time scams and that those are unlikely to work on you.

    Yes, far better to get some novice on the internet to send cash :)

  11. Soon I am heading off up to Khon Kaen and Udon Thani for a few nights stay and then on to Vientiane ( for my 90 day visa run ).

    I have never stay at either Khon Kaen or Udon Thani before so I am wondering what sort of night life is there? Are there pubs with live bands playing?

    If so where are they and are there some cheap(ish) but clean hotels nearby? In, say, the 600 Baht a night range. I'll need a place to park the car as well.

    Is there anywhere worth paying a visit in the daytime? Parks, waterfalls, caves, lakes?

    Thanks for any helpful information to guide me along the way :)

  12. OK.

    Not a tale about Nirun to make it look bad. I personally do not care one way or the other about Nirun itself.

    As for the rest, that is fair enough. The difficulty in getting more accurate details gets lost in the translation. I also should have taken more care over the way I wrote to topic :)

    My impression is that the condo was sold through the office and not by the owner himself, but at his request, yet he does still have the deeds (chanote) to the property. Obviously then the sale has not been completed as you point out yet the new 'owner' has let the condo out - that is where my bad writing came in also about the chanote holder not getting income.

    So it is a case of change the locks and have the present occupiers evicted as long as the owner does have the chanote.

    Seems I'll have to try and get some more details too.

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