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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. I'm the same too. I go down Beach Road, Walking Street and many different places on my own - sometimes I prefer my own company - but I never get too drunk and have never had any trouble.

    Common sense applies, as usual.

    less trouble here on a Fri / Sat night than in the UK !

    That has to depend on where in the UK you live. I rarely saw much trouble on a weekend unless I was in one of the larger towns / cities for a night out.

    In Pattaya there seems to be newspaper reports of shooting, robberies and drug problems, yet you rarely hear of any problems in the smaller towns and villages except seeing the wife beating the drunken husband down the road to their house - seen that a few times laugh.png

  2. I have 4 cards. 1 Thai & 3 UK bank cards.

    There is always one UK card in my wallet because you never know when some urgent cash my be needed and I refuse to have too much floating about in a Thai bank - but that is just me :)

    I do put my other 2 cards somewhere safe and only ever lock up my cards and money if I have a lady coming round for the night. Then again I do not live in a condo and my house is pretty secure.

    To carry a dummy wallet does seem extreme. Why not simply carry your wallet in a pocket that is less likely to be picked? In all my years in Thailand I have never had a wallet stolen though I did have money taken one night by a lady who slept over.

    Each to their own though.

  3. Family History. Fascinating subject, though you cannot do it all on-line. I have traced parts of my family back to the 1600's in Yorkshire. I have oodles of cousins in Oz.

    Computers, internet, travelling about, pubs, friends, music, reading, watching torrents I've downloaded. There are loads of things to do it is all a case of setting your mind to do what you want to do.

    In many ways it is much the same as having free time anywhere and finding some way of filling in that free time.

  4. My personal preference for temperature is 23c in the air-conditioned rooms. The main living area is without A/C, however. It is an open floor plan including kitchen and living room roughly 6x16, with a ceiling angling up to 7 meters. Facing north and with the high ceiling, that area is not too hot most of the year.

    The house is also surrounded by fields so we get whatever breeze is available. I still like my A/C though.wink.png

    23 deg C sounds more like living in a freezer. But each to their own :)

    I am happy with 27 deg and that is maybe too cool for some. For me it is wonderful when on the sofa watching television.

    Talking to 2 friends, they do not have air con and run several fans in their condos here in Pattaya. That is not something I could live with when the temperature is well over 35 deg C.

    • Like 1
  5. Archa, Chang, Tiger, Cheers, Leo. Tried them all.

    I prefer the taste of Chang but sometimes a few can blow your brains out - not always a bad thing w00t.gif

    Archa tasted OK to me, as does Tiger.. Leo is boring and tasteless as is Cheers.

    I'd drink vodka every night but I refuse to pay the corkage fee here in Pattaya. Massive rip off and makes drinking a few bottles a week very expensive. crying.gif

  6. Hahahahaha.


    Physical and mental endurance and stamina, including better concentration ??

    Willingness to work hard, over an extended period of time, to achieve objectives ??

    ^^^ In cricket?

    They stand around half the time doing nothing or one swinging a piece of wood at a ball ( A bit like Rounders the Americans play - sorry!! World Baseball LOL).

    Good joke topic though clap2.gif

    The problems faced by Thailand, as outlined on countless TV threads, are no joke

    One only has to look to the success story of Australia to see the potential benefits from the introduction of cricket

    Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

    I agree that the problems faced by Thailand are numerous. But to think cricket could instill mental endurance and stamina? No. Neither is it likely to make them work hard.

  7. Yes.

    Air con in bedroom when (prior to) shagging as I hate dripping all over my women or they over me when they are on top. When on my own - fan only.

    Air con never in the computer room.

    Air con when very hot in the lounge and watching television.

    Been here long enough :P

  8. In Thai tradition, there is an astrological rule (which has influence from Hindu mythology) that assigns color for each day of the week. The color is assigned based on the color of the God who protects the day or Navagraha. For example, the God of Sunday is Surya which has red color. These colors of the day are the traditional Thai birthday colors. For example, King Bhumibol was born on Monday, so on his birthday throughout Thailand will be decorated with yellow color. Day Color of the day Planet God of the day Sunday red Sun Surya Monday yellow Moon Chandra Tuesday pink Mars Mangala Wednesday green Mercury Budha Thursday orange Jupiter Brihaspati Friday light blue Venus Shukra Saturday purple Saturn


    Hope this helps.

    dark blue - TMB/ Bangkok Bank (blue with orange)

    yellow = Bank of Ayudhya

    green - Kasikorn Bank

    sky blue - TMB

    purple - Siam Commercial Bank's

    pink - Government savings Bank

    So thats your questions answered. next............ wai.gif

    Bravo! Thanks very much.

    I never thought to Google this as I'd always assumed there was no real logic to the way colors are assigned.

    Next ...

    My exotic pan-Asian girlfriend drives an acid-yellow BMW. She's upper class, so she can basically do what she wants.

    But most Thais drive a car that's:

    1. white

    2. gold

    3. sliver


    Where I come from (London), people drive reds and blues and greens. But you seldom see these colors here in Thailand.

    Silver shows the dust less :)

  9. The police have lots of valid reasons to conduct spot-checks on those pesky motocycle drivers/riders. The ones I can think of off the top of my head include: (1) Licence and current registration, (2) Mandatory insurance, (3) Helmets [as you mentioned], (4) Front light turned on, (5) Drunk-Yaba driving, (6) Excessive riders, (7) Telephone use while driving. I'm sure I could think of a few more if I wanted too.

    Easy solution...buy/rent a car...in over a decade of driving a CAR in Thailand have never been stopped at any check-point smile.png

    Doesn't always work that way. I use my bike 90% of the time and have only been stopped twice in 11 years. In the car, on the other hand I have been pulled over 7 or 8 times despite rarely using it and obeying speed limits.

    You are an exception. They never stop cars.

    I am also an exception as I have been stopped a few times - albeit not in Pattaya - while driving the car. They check the tax disc, insurance and driving licence and send me on my way.

    There are often roadblocks when driving around in Thailand and you do have to stop.

  10. Up north a bit. Burmese maid (supplied via the BiB) was getting 3K a month live in + a payment to the suppliers of the maid.

    Maid was there at mothers house because mother was not so fit as she used to be and with a largish house. She took good care of the cleaning and everything else she was requested to do. Mother made sure of that :)

  11. Hahahahaha.


    Physical and mental endurance and stamina, including better concentration ??

    Willingness to work hard, over an extended period of time, to achieve objectives ??

    ^^^ In cricket?

    They stand around half the time doing nothing or one swinging a piece of wood at a ball ( A bit like Rounders the Americans play - sorry!! World Baseball LOL).

    Good joke topic though clap2.gif

  12. Tonal Thai. That is the problem for many of us older people who often have hearing problems to begin with and that makes it easier to get the tone wrong and land yourself in the sh*t.

    I mainly use English because it is an international language. Thai people soon learn how to speak English. I do understand some Thai but rarely have to use it - thankfully.

  13. As they do at weddings except they notice the names on the envelopes as opposed to reading the names out aloud. Then they know who the cheapskates are.

    I am surprised they read the names out in public but i am not a Thai. Not a situation I like at all.

  14. I am one of, I suspect many thousands, who have found the wife/girlfriend cheating in this way. I walked away purely because I see no reason to impose a severe penalty (certainly not capital punishment) for what is a "normal cultural practice"

    I think what you're advocating is a mature approach, if your hurt and lost all trust in a relationship.

    What amazes me about this case is that, according to the article, this guy killed his gf of 3 months, because she was chatting on facebook with a French geezer. I might be old-fashioned but I'm not sure that really counts as cheating ! and I hope that if this happened to me, that I would at least try and work something out with my significant other / partner of the time.

    I read that she dumped him for the french guy and when the french guy left they got back together and worked things out, and then he caught her chatting on facebook with him when she was supposed to be back with him.

    People handle emotions in different ways some people can handle it while others like this chap just SNAP and I am dam_n well positive the guy did not wake up that morning thinking he was going to kill her that day, it was not premeditated by the looks of it and could easily go down as a a crime of passion or manslaugter


    Why was he carrying a knife then ?

    It was a pocket knife - according to the report. Maybe he enjoyed whittling.

  15. We all have our breaking points. But for the short time they have been together and the relatively small amount of money he has given this woman his reaction does seem extreme. Maybe he was besotted by her. Some people can be even after only a short time.

    What she did, she did knowingly. Maybe lining up some other fool for future payments or maybe she discovered something in this German mans attitude that she did not like and was looking for something better. It may well be that like a lot of women she wanted more, more, more and got her comeuppance.

    When you lie, cheat, deceive and play with peoples emotions you should take care. Many a Thai woman has taken her revenge out on a mans penis with a knife. This man took his revenge on her with a knife. Justice? Maybe.

    And maybe it might (though I doubt it) make some other women think twice when they lie, cheat and deceive as many Thai women do with us foreigners.

    "Justice? Maybe"

    So you are implying that cutting someone's d*** off or even killing someone, "might" be justified because of cheating???? Get real!!! NOBODY has the right to do something like this!

    I did not say it is right or wrong but different people mete out justice in their own way. Especially when it comes about regarding affairs of the heart. Chopping some mans dick off is seen as arbitrary justice by many Thai women. Maybe this guy decided a few cuts were justified. At least it appears he did it in a fit of rage. Many women take their time and wait for the right moment to do the knife job. A knife job that could easily be fatal.

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