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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. Last night a friend asked me for advice that I could not properly give so I am here to ask for advice from those who know more than me.

    A man has sold a condo unit at the Nirun complex to a Farang but he has not received payment.

    I believe this man dealt through the office as he has no contact number or name of the buyer.

    When he talks to those in the office at Nirun he is told they have sold the unit but have no money to give him. He cannot get the name of the buyer either to contact him.

    I understand the condo has been let to someone but the man who sold it is not getting any income from the unit.

    The seller still has the paperwork for the condo that has been sold, so I am told.

    Does this sort of thing happen often at Nirun?

    What steps should he take to get the money?

    Can he simply evict the current renters and take back control of his condo.

    Thanks for any relative advice.

  2. Each to their own in this seemingly crazy world. More commonplace than at first imagined.

    Yes, it may seem disgusting to us, but so are many things. That does not make them bad things.

    When you consider the temple not so long ago with many many foetuses from the abortions also .......

    Different perspective here than we are used to.

  3. 13000 / 260.99 = 49.8 THB (yes?)
    And the rates are still nearly 2 Baht better than the ATM gives and no 150 Baht charge.

    The MasterCard rate you'd get at a (non dynamic currency conversion) ATM machine for 11 May was 49.809. However, since MasterCard doesn't change its rate until very late in the Thai day, you'd probably have gotten the 10 May rate at an ATM machine, which was 49.931.

    However, yes -- unless at an Aeon ATM -- you'd pay the 150 baht ATM owner's fee.

    Thanks for that.

    Easier and safer (for me to use a bank or exchange booth) as I have lost 2 U.K. cards to ATM machines so far and it is a pain to get it sorted. Had to cancel both and have new ones sent over.

  4. Thailand doesn't recycle. Funny we recycle at my house and have it taken to the recycling plant. If we didn't separate the recyclable goods, Im sure some poorer person would be sifting through it them selves.

    Every bag of household rubbish is sifted through by at least a half-dozen people, believe me very very little ends up in landfill or dumped in ocean like back home. The past six months there's a young lady makes the rounds with her son checking out inside our bins before the official collector comes around.

    Makes you very self-conscious about throwing away old cutting blades, broken glass and toxic liquids. . .

    It won't be long.

    Disagree, the capital investment isn't worth it with neglible wages, plus the hi-so's wouldn't stand for it.

    Same here. A little old lady who comes by 2 or 3 times a week collecting the cardboard, bottles, plastic and anything else I leave hung on the gate in a bag.

    Cardboard is especially welcome and can earn people real cash.

    The refuse cart that comes around segregate all the rubbish too where possible. Why would they do that if it was not worth some money to them.

  5. All this recycling BS in the U.K.. Seperate bins for this n that ( paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, garden refuse, household refuse all in seperate bins). A tiny amount of Pizza on a pizza box and you can get fined. Wash all bottles / jars out and take the labels off. 1 week for this rubbish, 1 week for that rubbish.

    Dare to put your refuse bin out a day early? Another fine.

    Here I put any bottles / jars / plastic into a carrier bag, hang it on the gate and someone happily takes it away to make some cash.

    Strange how you can get fined for paying such large amounts of council tax eh!

    Centre of London houses for example have almost no gardens at all, yet there are about 5 huge bins of a variety of disgusting colours taking up whatever little space you have.

    A new stupid idea every other month comes into play at a vast expense to the rate payer, then to become obsolete.

    Dont ya just miss itbiggrin.png

    Ah, the Global warming brigade, petty council officials, traffic wardens, yellow lines everywhere, excessive parking charges, toy town police 'helpers' instead of real policemen patrolling the streets. The list goes on and on blink.png

    • Like 1
  6. Maybe Im being thick , but how did you ask for £250 out of a thai ATM?

    I didn't ask for it from an ATM it was an exchange booth, as I said in my post

    Either way, if the FX rate for that day was 49.xxx and you got 13000B for 260GBP, the numbers work out correctly. If you are simply concerned with what the teller heard/thought you said, go ask her.

    The teller did hear me correctly. He wrote £250 on a sheet of paper to confirm the amount. Then played with his calculator and gave me me 13000 THB.

    I agree the numbers do seem correct. That is why I do not understand the discrepancy between £250 and £260.99.

    It is not the extra £10.99p as the figures do appear to match up.

    More of a case of me asking and him confirming the £250 and then the £260.99p appearing on the statement. I could not see any charges levied so was wondering what might have happened.

  7. What am I missing here that I do not understand? Using a Halifax Card with no withdrawal fees.

    11 May 2012 BBL.CARREFOUR PATTAYA (Exchange booth)

    Withdrawal 0544482213xxxxxxx 14 May 12 £260.99

    I asked for £250 and got 13000 THB yet it shows as £260.99 on my statement. No FX rates shown.

    As I recall the FX rate was 49.xxx THB - £1 on that day.

    13000 / 250 = 52 thai Baht (yes?)

    13000 / 260.99 = 49.8 THB (yes?)

    But if I asked for £250 why is it shown as £260.99 ?

    Maybe I am a bit thick, but i cannot see what is going on. Can anyone enlighten me please?

  8. I have 4 cards. 1 Thai & 3 UK bank cards.

    There is always one UK card in my wallet because you never know when some urgent cash my be needed and I refuse to have too much floating about in a Thai bank - but that is just me smile.png

    I do put my other 2 cards somewhere safe and only ever lock up my cards and money if I have a lady coming round for the night. Then again I do not live in a condo and my house is pretty secure.

    To carry a dummy wallet does seem extreme. Why not simply carry your wallet in a pocket that is less likely to be picked? In all my years in Thailand I have never had a wallet stolen though I did have money taken one night by a lady who slept over.

    Each to their own though.

    doesn't sound like much of a lady to me!

    anyways,the precautions described above do seem to me to be excessive, verging on phobic if not actually paranoid.

    seems to me a little care and attention would go along way to alleviate most risk in these situations

    Maybe I should have said, 'lady'. ;)

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