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Posts posted by Dazinoz

  1. I was in church one time and a topless girl walked in just as the priest was giving his sermon. He said to her "you can't come in here dressed like that". She said "but I have a divine right". The priest said "you have a divine left too but you still can't come in here dressed like that".

    • Haha 2
  2. Finally received my card, well actually 2. I just applied for a card and received a Bangkok Bank Platinum Visa card and a Bangkok Bank Air Asia Platinum Mastercard.


    I am registered for iBanking and went online to add my card to the online bank. Received an email saying request accepted and would be online within 3 to 5 business days. That was on the 4th December. Yesterday (19th) I went to my branch for other reasons but while there I asked why it was taking so long. Staff were very good and made several phone calls to head office to find out. Turns out they still have my old passport number, which expired 5 years ago, as well as my current one and this caused confusion. No one bothered to contact me and enquire. Now another 2 weeks wait while they remove that number from their system and I can add my cards online.



  3. 2 hours ago, ross163103 said:

    It's pretty basic; shopowners own up to a certain area--which DOES NOT include the sidewalk or the street. Saying this I don't want my car damaged so do not park in front if certain shophouses. Obviously if you're a farang and your car is damaged the police will probably not help you.....possibly, but probably not. It has nothing to do with Thai customs.

    Like I mentioned in a previous post I was told by the shop owner I parked in front of that he paid for, and owned the sidewalk and the parking space in front of his restaurant. And he was French not Thai.

  4. 18 minutes ago, NancyL said:

    Looks like you did a nice job.  Don't have a fan running while you do this!  


    You're lucky your pet is a dog not a cat.  So much easier to coax a dog into taking a pill.  When Mr. Bitey had his surgery in August, he was sent home with six meds to be administered daily.  I thought the vet was kidding.  Have you ever tried to get one pill down a cat, let alone six?

    We used to have a cat a long time ago in Australia, and, yes you are right they are hard to get pills into. We actually bought a "pill gun" that fired the pill down its throat. I know sounds drastic but It was special for cats and did not hurt him. Much easier to get them into him.


    Also remember one time before we had the gun we were trying to get the pill into him and we just could not. Frustrated after many attempts i just sat there holding the pill between my fingers in front of him. He sniffed it, took it and ate it. Obviously a rare good tasting pill.

  5. Just a light hearted post on a requirement from taking our small dog to the vet the other day.


    As well as treatment in the surgery she was given medicine to take at home. Now i have heard half or even a quarter of a table but never one eighth (yes 1/8) of a capsule. Had to divide 2 capsules into 16 gelcaps.


    Never done hard drugs but reminded me of all the movies I have watched cutting their powder.


    Photo 1. The capsule to divide into 8.          Photo 2. The "cut".            Photo 3. The resultant "stash.






  6. 29 minutes ago, vogie said:

    I am very happy living here, but there again I don't go insulting Thais. But I do find some foreigners more of an odd ball than Thais, we have already a bad name here and banding insults about certainly does not help matters.

    I fully agree with you. Just saying no one has the right to tell someone else to go home.


    i have also met some really strange farang here and sometimes ashamed to be one. 

  7. Its not only the Thais that claim they own the road in front of their business. I once parked in front of a French restaurant in Chiang Mai that was closed. I was gone about 30 mins and when I came back there was a large sign taped, and I mean taped all the way around, on my windscreen. The restaurant had opened in the short time I was gone. I ripped the sign off and rolled it up and went to open the restaurant door to give it back to them and was welcomed by a punch to the face from an old guy inside. The owner of the restaurant arrived at the same time and told me I can't park there. I politely told him he does not own the road. He told me he paid for and owned the footpath and road in front of his shop. My Thai gf was talking to a shop owner next door and she said he had many problems with people parking there including one motorbike he dragged out into the middle of the relatively busy road and left it there.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    You make a good point...but I also understand what Gilly is saying.  I always find people who are overly friendly, or someone who just goes and starts conversations with random strangers, a bit, well, shall we say....creepy.

    Agree. If I go to a "group" function like CEC for the first time I would expect someone to come and welcome me. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Muggi1968 said:

    A friend could not pay the rent so I bought it cheap from him instead of letting the bank take it.
    (40 % below market price)

    Sounds a fair enough reason to me. Try it out and if you don't like it try to sell and probably still make a profit even if you sell under market value.


    Personally, unless I had a chance at a deal like that, I would not buy. I have been here 4 1/2 years and in my 5th house. Have moved for a variety of reasons but never needed to.

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