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Everything posted by dddave

  1. If OP is handy to Bangkok, Dr. Wicharn at BNH interpreted my Nerve Conduction tests for me in very clear terms. Excellent English.
  2. I was prescribed VALSARTAN 75mg (Diovan here) in 2016 after bypass surgery. I never noticed any side effects. Several years ago, prior to Covid, there was a report of carcinogenic contamination in Valsartan and it became difficult to buy for several years. I switched to LOSARTAN 25mg on Doctors advice. Similar to Valsartan but with a shorter active time span and recommended to take at bedtime. Neither "helps" with ED, both are just less prone to contribute to ED then other classes of BP medications. I recently resumed taking Valsartan (40mg) on my Cardiologists advice simply because of it's longer active effectiveness of 24 hours. It is considerably more expensive than Losartan. My BP has been between 115-130/70-85 for several years. When I experimented with TESTOSTERONE injections under a Doctors supervision for 6 months last year my BP notably rose 10-15 points, both sides. I was 80 at the time and it did not seem to help much with ED though it did give me more energy.
  3. Immigration has a lot of undercover officers in tourist areas. Easy to follow a suspicious person to their residence, then get info from the landlord.
  4. I think that's the unit a late friend of mine rented last year before he passed. He had been renting a lower unit but had to relocate. You are correct: huge unit but really useless space...like a big box and very difficult to make any sense of using furniture. Funny thing was, with all that open space, virtually no storage space: no closets, nothing. Did have incredible views though, dual corner balconies. He was paying 35K What I also recall is the very long walk from the lift to his door; felt like 1/2 Km.
  5. That was the "Asian Street Meat" guy along with other charming series. He and his crew were actually busted in Thailand. I don't know if he did any time but I believe permanently blacklisted. They busted a Russian crew in Pattaya prior to covid and that got a lot of media attention.
  6. In 2023, New York City had 18 fatalities from fires caused by e-bikes. Most of the fires were in apartment buildings where a resident had stored an ebike inside. There was one case where a night time fire in an ebike shop located in an apartment building ground floor spread and killed four residents.
  7. That may be a problem for management. Perhaps having so many caddies with "regulars" means other caddies, especially newer ones constantly get bypassed. As a kid I caddied at a local private club. Before you could caddie, you had to take and pass a tutorial from the club assistant pro. You'd show up at 6am Saturday morning and get a number. When your number came-up, you got a bag. The club did not allow members to pick caddies and no "doubles" were allowed. It was fairly run. Another private club I tried caddying at was the opposite. Members could pick whatever caddie they wanted which meant you could sit all day and not get a bag if you were a "New guy" My guess is your golf course is trying to spread work more equably.
  8. Some use L-Ion but many of the smaller 3 wheelers still use lead-acid. It makes sense it started in his wheel. Many e-bikes have hub motors.
  9. Thanks for posting. Unfortunately, I'm trying to disable it on my PC, not my mobile. The same options in settings do not seem to appear.
  10. I hate that when I close a YouTube video, it reopens in a small window, lower right and continues to play. Can't figure out how to shut that feature off. Answers appreciated.
  11. When I owned apartments in the US, I used to go around them with steel wool and a putty knife and fill every crack and crevice and pipe entry I could find with the steel wool. It worked pretty well but had to be re-done every 5 years as the steel wool would corrode over time. I tried to do the same in the condo I rent in Thailand but there were too many areas I had no access to without tearing out built-in fixtures. Anyway, as others have said, if you are in an older building with shared space, the insects will already be intrenched in the structure and nothing short of demolition will get rid of them.
  12. There were 2 cases this past year covered extensively by the local news where a hospital refused to treat an injured person. In one case, a Taiwanese was hit by a car 100 yards from a private hospital with an emergency ward and they refused to treat him. By the time he was taken to another hospital, he died. There was an investigation, fines were paid, wai's and flowers all around with promises to be good in the future. The 2nd case was almost identical though the person didn't die. Same outcome.
  13. Though a terrible situation, you were fortunate to have received such treatment. My friend hit 2 years ago by a car was taken to a crummy hospital and the substandard treatment he received contributed to his death.
  14. Ambulance services get paid bounties by private hospitals for accident victims though less so for uninsured ones. I suspect the victim didn't have much choice in the matter. You could be lying injured in the street in front of a Govt Hosp. and these "Volunteer" ambulance vultures will take you 20 km to the highest bidder.
  15. Not the first time. Colombian housebreaking gangs have been busted here several times. Ten or so years ago they busted a large ring in the Pattaya area. They'd identify houses in housing estates with absent owners and show up in trucks with genuine looking documents authorizing to empty the house. They would take everything which quickly went into containers heading for S. America. It seems that demand for modern household goods is huge in SA because of high taxes on imported goods.
  16. Valsartan 80 and 160 sold as DIOVAN. About B600/28 tablets for 80mg Hydrochlorothiazide 50mg 10tablets/B30
  17. Actually, young teens on "mopeds", usually in gangs have become a huge problem in many US cities. In NYC, they often descend on a high-end restaurant, rob customers of valuables and as the police respond, spread out all over...nearly impossible to catch https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/05/nyregion/nyc-restaurant-robberies.html
  18. Thanks Sheryl. One further question. I just checked the BPH immunization link you posted. I'm curious. What is the difference between the B2000 "over 65" flu shot and the B800 shot advertised picturing a younger family?
  19. Is SHINGRIX generally available now in Thailand? Hospital only or is it also available to clinics? Approximate current cost?
  20. No. Beacon Street, Boston in the basement of what was the Hampshire House. It was a genuine English pub, disassembled, shipped to Boston and re-assembled in the 1950s. When "Cheers" became the top-rated sit-com on US television, whoever actually owned the right's to the name: 'Cheer's" cashed in, opening up Cheers pubs in many locations including the airport, Congress St., Quincy and a few more.
  21. There's an upscale coffee shop on Jomtien Beach Rd, next to the Night Market that was featured in "Pattaya Heat" Now lines of Instagrammers at all hours posing in front. People are so weird about anything movie connected. My home city of Boston is known for it's multitude of historical sites and attractions yet the most visited place for ten years running was what was once called "The Bull & Finch Pub", the genuine pub that the pub in the famous "Cheer's" TV show was modeled after. Long lines from dawn to dusk daily just to see a fictional TV location
  22. I've seen certain windows stop receiving new applications after 3, sometimes 3:30pm. I usually arrive at 1:30 pm, just past lunch break for whatever I have to do and have never failed to complete the task except for things requiring next day pick-up.
  23. Isn't there also a daily fee assessed for sustenance? I forget the amount but somewhere in the neighborhood of B200?
  24. The Thai power structure really liked the British idea of a "House of Lords" and that is what the Senate actually is. A way for the people who have power to make sure that only their people continue to hold the reins. The Senate's nullification of FFP's majority election victory is a glaring example.
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