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Everything posted by dddave

  1. I'm curious. If an individual lands at an international airport but is denied entry at PP control, then they have never officially entered the country. Is it the same with goods? If the phone never passed customs, is it officially in Thailand thus requiring an export license or in limbo land, not having passed customs, thus able to be returned to sender without an export license?
  2. Is the deal with the existing lease holder or the owner (or his agent) of the unit? If with the existing lease holder, you would have no legal standing unless his lease specifically permits sub-leasing which every standard Thai lease I've seen expressly prohibits. Very risky.
  3. I just bought an inexpensive smart TV for a friend living in a rural area. She will probably only view the broadcast digital stations. Are the outdoor antennas significantly better in weak signal areas than the small indoor ones? I use an indoor one with no problem but I'm in an urban area with generally strong signals.
  4. Wouldn't happen to be that beautiful Yamaha 250/V2 Phaser currently showing on FB with no green book? TGTBT ( Yamaha's answer to the legendary Honda NSR250)
  5. She got the punishment she deserved, she served her time and now should be allowed to move on with her life. Perhaps her book might wake-up some girl somewhere who is on a dangerous path.
  6. Disrespectful and pointless speculation.
  7. "Scabies" is very prevalent in Thailand and can look like dandruff. Easily contacted on hotel linens. a barbers unsterilized comb, a motorcycle taxi helmet, etc. There are special medicated shampoos but they are hard to get rid off.
  8. I wish Fuji-Xerox still made consumer level printers. Seven years ago, I bought the cheapest 3-in-1 lazar printer IT City sold: a B1900 Fuji-Xerox model that is still operating now without ever having an issue. Also never had a problem with aftermarket toner cartridges.
  9. I used SWIFT SCAN (Android) and it was easier to do than I expected.
  10. Spelling correction: Rudjasorn, not Rujasorn
  11. Too low. One of the immediate risks is dizziness if you stand quickly after sitting a while.
  12. If OP is in the Pattaya area, I have had several cortisone injections (knees) at the Dr. Rujasorn clinic on S. Pattaya Rd. I can say Dr Rujasorn is one of the best orthopedists I have ever consulted with. Excellent English and answers questions willingly. I was paying B3000 shot and Doctors fee at a hospital in Bangkok. Dr. Rujasorn was B1400 all in. His office hours start at 5pm as he practices at local hospitals in the daytime. The clinic is walk-in but I suggest op calls because closed certain days and I don't recall which. Can't post phone numbers here but easily obtainable on Google
  13. I flew professionally as an air courier out of Bangkok for close to 10 years. The Hong Kong based shipping agency I did the work for would NEVER book on China Airlines because of their very poor on time and connection record. Most often I flew on EVA, Korean, JAL, Cathey Pacific and ANA. Anything under 1hour30minutes is too short, even a 30 minute delay can cause you to miss a connection. Just not worth the risk. HKG, TPE, ICN, NRT are all excellent for a layover, especially ICN. HND not so much.
  14. Many of these 12 month SIMS have a lot of fine print attached, most often making clear that the advertised speed is neither unlimited nor always available. Usually the advertised amount is for only a limited amount of data a month after which it can slow dramatically. The wording makes it look unlimited but the devil's in the details.
  15. dddave

    The heat

    I thought you promised you were going away?
  16. dddave

    The heat

    This current heat wave is unusual in my experience. I live on the tenth floor of a condo just off Jomtien Beach. Yesterday, I put a decent quality digital thermometer on a table near my open balcony but out of direct sunlight. Throughout the day, from 1pm on it read between 33.5 - 33.7. That evening around 9pm, it was still 33.5. When I got up at 3am to take a wizz, it was 33.3. Only at 7am was it below 33, at 32.6. That's just only 1.1 degree variation over 24 hours. I never recall night time staying so hot ever before.
  17. He was traveling with the brother of a Reddit poster on one of the Thailand forums. According to him, it was probably from a previous trip and happened to be in the carry-on bag pocket where he put his passport. I once had a condom lodge in my PP the same way. I was fortunate to notice it before I handed it over.
  18. The 350 mps is only for domestic usage, not international. Also, everything is messed-up now because of cable sabotage in the mid-east.
  19. It's really difficult to find "Dumb" TVs now, that is TV's that only require an antennae or cable imput with no built-in "wi-fi" requirement. There are a few on lazada and some cheap electronic stores but most are low quality hold over stock. The thing to be aware of is most "smart" tv's now require a wi-fi connection to set them up, even if you do not intend to use an internet provided signal. You can't just turn most of them on and plug an antennae or cable in, the set-up routine can not be bypassed. One workaround if you buy in a store is to have the store staff set it up in the store.
  20. My former GF had it. She did the antibiotic regimen described by TANDOR and her symptoms disappeared. They reappeared 6 or 7 years later and she repeated the regimen successfully. It's pretty clear many of the food practices in Isan contribute to this condition.
  21. This forum has some excellent contributors and there is no reason why a person would not ask such a locally related question here. Maybe at one time Google was a reliable source but now the lines between information and promotion are blurred beyond the point of reliability. One searches for any medical topic and the majority of results are thinly veiled infomercials promoting whatever they are paying Google to help them sell.
  22. I was prescribed Lyrica among other meds for nerve pain in my leg similar to sciatica. The condition went away after a week or two, I have no idea if from the meds or just ran it's course. I didn't experience any side effects I'm aware of
  23. Many of Thailand's private Hospitals are owned by individual Doctors or the family of the founding Doctor and I suspect many are micromanaged by the owners who can be heavy handed, browbeating any staff that admit a patient incapable of paying. I know a nurse who worked in such a hospital in Yaowarat The staff were constantly yelled at and threatened with dismissal for any act the owners did not approve of. I would not be surprised if that is the case in this instance.
  24. Both Bolt & Grab base prices on supply/demand algorithms built in. Lot of people in town, super hot weather, probably unusually high demand. We'll see what the prices are for the same trip in July.
  25. What shelf? Fiction? Non-Fiction? Mystery? Fantasy?
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