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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. Others who support brexit, including the instigator of this poll, do not all think so...
  2. Good, we are clear then.
  3. I also know, repeat know, they could have chosen to award the passport contract to a British company, under EU rules as they stood at the time. They chose, voluntarily, to use the EUs open tender system. The result of this choice is that uk passports are now produced in Poland. No EU rules at the time compelled the UK govt to make this choice.
  4. Nope, we can comment on the negative impact brexit is having on the uk economy whenever it is relevant to a thread.
  5. Nonetheless, the uk govt CHOSE to use the open tender bidding at a time when they could have CHOSEN a uk company to produce their passports. The fact that uk passports are now produced in Poland is a result of that CHOICE, not EU rules.
  6. The U.K. bid was put up for tender in 2017. The U.K. govt could have ignored the tender process at the time and chosen to award it to a U.K. company. Let’s not forget this all happened after brexit vote. The U.K.s passports are produced in Poland because of U.K. govt decisions and not eu rules.
  7. Yeah, except the U.K. put its passports up for tender in 2017 https://www.designweek.co.uk/issues/3-9-april-2017/uk-passport-redesign-490-million-contract-following-brexit/
  8. The U.K. chose to use the eu open tender process, if they had wished to not do this they could have. This was a choice the government made and was not obligated to do so under eu rules. The French for example chose not to follow this process, but instead awarded the contract to a French company as allowed under eu rules. “French passports are made by Imprimerie Nationale, the state-run French printing organisation, with the French government having made the decision not to put the job out to tender, as allowed under EU rules” https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/2018/mar/22/contract-to-print-uk-passports-abroad-will-save-120m Stop spreading misinformation about why British passports are produced in Poland. It was the uks independent decision that led to this situation, not eu rules.
  9. It’s not a suggestion. It’s what happened. Once more Scotland and Ireland are not the same and neither are the situations. Here’s a clue for you: one is about independence and one is about unification with another country. The conditions for a vote on either are not the same.
  10. Deflect away, but be aware you have been called out for doing so.
  11. Scotland and Ireland are not the same and neither are the situations. You are trying to deflect from the fact you inadequately defended a poster who was wrong when talking about Ireland. Again Scotland and Ireland’s situation are not the same. Heres a clue for you: one is about independence and one is about unification with another country. The conditions for a vote on either are not the same.
  12. Here’s some reading for you. https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/explainers/irish-reunification
  13. Yeah, except I have backed up the statements I have made on Ireland with facts. Do try to keep up.
  14. You can make all the comparisons you wish. However do not be surprised when it is pointed out they are flawed.
  15. Was it? The U.K. govt could have chosen the U.K. bidder in 2018 but instead chose a French-Dutch company operating in Poland. Which eu rule forced the U.K. govt to reject the U.K. companies bid?
  16. That is for the Irish to decide under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement which ended the violence of The Troubles.
  17. Scotland is not Ireland and the situation of each country is not the same. What you mistake for superiority is simply pointing out evidence based facts….
  18. Where does my post refer to Scotland? You do know Eire, Northern Ireland and Scotland are not the same country? Thiugh in time Eire and the Ulster Counties may be united, if that be the peoples will. Intended or not your defence was inadequate.
  19. Really? I’d say the fact that sein fein is the largest party on both sides of the border is a better indication of the views of the Irish as a whole. The poster you so inadequately defend claimed the Irish populace, on both sides of the border, do not want unification, a claim that is wrong. And let us not forget polls show a majority in the Ulster counties support the Northern Ireland protocol. As did the last round of Stormont elections. A vote the unionist parties are not respecting.
  20. Garbage. You are absolutely clueless as to what the people of Ireland wish.
  21. Happy New Year ????
  22. Of course you prefer alleged experiences as you cannot refute the fact based reports showing evidence on the negative impact brexit has had upon the U.K. economy.
  23. The people of Northern Ireland have shown in elections and polls they are in favour of the protocol. The unionists are not respecting the vote by preventing Stormont meeting. Do some research.
  24. Gobbledegook to cover up your complete lack of any understanding on the subject of Northern Ireland protocol and the Good Friday Agreement.
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