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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. Now for something in topic…looks like another truss u-turn is in the offing…or at least a “clarification” of what she meant. So much of what truss says is misinterpreted it seems… https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/07/penny-mordaunt-denies-liz-truss-is-ruling-out-more-help-for-poor-this-winter?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  2. Must? Really…must? Why not be a good little boy and go dig it up if it interests you so.
  3. Must put a sarcasm alert on more posts. My nationality is none of your concern, so enough of the “foreign influence “ hyperbolic BS.
  4. Never had to pretend who I am and take great pride it’s nothing like some…
  5. Please, any members of the tory party base who may see these words, heed their wisdom and vote truss-the opposition’s choice.
  6. Yep that’s what he said. Looking forward to his words coming back to haunt him if he wins the vote of the tory base.
  7. Which party is mine? Please quote where I have stated I belong to any one party. No weasel like deflections either.
  8. Better? I believe he would be as terrible as the last few occupants of the seat. However he is better under pressure when questioned and comes across as being more plausible when explaining his policies. It is conceivable he could win an election though if the economy keeps heading down the rabbit hole, even he might not be able to. His boast on taking money away from more deprived areas in the U.K. could certainly be used against him. truss on the other is a terrible public speaker, has no grasp of the minutiae of her policies and comes across as being unconvincing when questioned or put under pressure.
  9. Party? What party? The opposition don’t need to do anything, truss, and increasingly sunak as he tries to appeal to the tory base, are doing it all by themselves. #votetruss- the opposition’s choice
  10. Now come on, that’s being unfair- you can’t expect truss to actually think through things before coming up with a policy. Pledge without comprehending is after all her modus operandi. The opposition must be delighted that so many of the tory base are lapping it all up. #votetruss- only she can overturn a 70+ majority.
  11. Neither is Iceland. Though it is part of the EEA.
  12. Should never have happened this time. Heard very similar promises and vows to act after the last club fire that ended in tragedy. I have my doubts about how much will change. I’d like to be wrong though.
  13. I’d imagine every time truss speaks the opposition whoop with joy. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/06/liz-truss-handouts-cost-of-living-crisis-tax-cuts-conservative-leadership?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other #votetruss- the opposition’s candidate of choice
  14. And the irony is? Be careful here and look up irony before replying…
  15. She certainly did imply it. No one broke any laws during their peaceful protest. Also truss directly mentioned extinction rebellion in her response and they are an environmentalist group. The wrong group as it happened but that’s what happens when you make assumptions without fact checking first.
  16. Adamantly? Don’t think so. I believe her when she says it was unintentional. And that isn’t the agenda I referred to in my post to you.
  17. Erm…I didn’t say she said it. I agree with chomper Higgot in that was the implication but I never said she said those words.
  18. She had played during the wnba off season for several years before her arrest.
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