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Posts posted by Zack61

  1. Transferwise is the one I’ve settled on. They charge $3.75 transfer fee and 0.6%. They pay out on the actual rate at the time you accept to make the transaction. Rate is updated in real time until you accept then is locked. 

    I recently transferred 5400Aud and paid a total of $35+ but got the official rate. There may be other providers but this is the best I’ve found and don’t get fleeced like the banks do to you. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, OneeyedJohn said:

    That's not what happens at my IO. I roll up with passport in hand, give it to the counter clerk, a quick tap tap tap on his computer and he staples a card  in my passport with the date of my next visit in 90 days.

    I do absolutely nothing. Up to 15 days before and 7 days after.

    I was a few days late, but still within the 7 days once recently, and I got the distinct impression he was not pleased, after he muttered

    " come on time in future ".

    I was told by IO 15 days early is ok but never late. This was back in July. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, amdy2206 said:

    I still don't understand where the problem is. You need to have money in the bank to live here - if you have, great. If not, you do not qualify to stay. Very simple. You need to have your income monthly into a Thai bank. If you do, where is the problem? If you can't, you don't qualify to live here. It is very simple. Do you qualify, or not? If so, stay, if not, go home. I would never think of leaving that much in a Thai bank, hence I would not live in Thailand. I live in Laos instead.

    How difficult is it to get a Lao visa?

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