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Posts posted by Zack61

  1. This defense argument is a sad reflection of the Thai education system and their ability to apply basic mathematics to the problem.


    No. of Thais =69+ million. Number of days in a year = 365

    69,000,000 x 365 = 25,185,000,000   25.2 billion


    No, of tourists = 35 million.  Average stay = 15 days

    35,000,000 x 15= 525,000,000   525 million


    These figures alone offer a 98% to 2% spread and that's on the assumption we all share the same attitudes on waste disposal.  Enough said. It's about time they owned up to the problem and took responsibility for it.



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  2. 15 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    I think people should think of his CM Immigration public comments as a good TEST!


    If 3 or 6 months from now, folks are still having to queue up overnight or arrive before the crack of dawn just to get a queue ticket, then everyone will know just what Big Joke is about.


    On the other hand, if the guy actually forces meaningful changes and improvements at CM Immigration, then that will be the answer that will be plain and clear for everyone to see and know.


    It's one thing to round up and arrest a bunch of bedraggled overstayers.  It's an entirely different thing to try to force the Thai bureaucracy, his own bureaucracy, to operate with any efficiency or customer service focus.

    For sure. The proof will be in the outcome. Let's see how tough he really is or is it all lip service? Not sure he'll be getting a lot of cooperation if he is serious.

  3. 13 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    That reminds me of an accident years ago in Bangkok. A Porsche driver hit someone and ripped the body in two parts.

    Then he continued to drive to somewhere else - I think he somehow didn't notice the impact.

    As far as I remember the guy was never properly punished. TiT

    Porsche = $$$ = The laws were made for me = Nothing to answer for.

    But watch out the poor sapper who dares tell the truth about injustices and corruption.


  4. 16 hours ago, ukrules said:

    I wonder if there was any investigation back in the UK by the British police


    How did the Thais get the T-shirt, has it already been tested by UK authorities?


    She said there was evidence there, was this just a guess or has it been confirmed with a laboratory?

    Yes. Would be interested to hear from the old plod or have they been instructed to not comment to maintain the relationship for the sake of diplomacy.

  5. 16 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    You misquote me. I didn't say he contributed nothing. I said he contributed to the publicity of his own inflated opinion of himself. I am not interested in competing with a newbie who is trying to flex his muscles. Conversation closed.

    Just because he is a Newbie doesn’t mean he is wrong. I give it to the Newbie by way of a unanimous points decision by all three judges. 

    Pity it wasn’t scheduled as a full 15 round bout as it was getting interesting. 

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  6. 32 minutes ago, Ossy said:

    Jeez . . . just look at the shape of those cops. Only one, out of the four in shot, has a half-decent physique . . . the other 3, not all that surprisingly, have that Thai cop paunch . . . one of them almost competing with the Porky pod. They are a disgrace and so are their 'superiors' who should be laying down the law, regarding his men displaying good self-management and respect for the job they're lucky enough to have.

    Big, bigger, biggest....

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  7. 4 hours ago, colinneil said:

    In may the government hospitals changed their system, now they will do nothing without the 13 digit number.

    On tuesday wife took me to the local hospital for catheter change, now being a regular going every 3 weeks, porters wheeled me in, nurses changed the catheter.

    Then i was wheeled outside, 15 minutes later my wife came to the emergency room with my papers, moaning about the crazy situation having to wait, then handing over my 13 digit number just to get my papers.

    Some times the nurses wont change my catheter until they have my papers meaning i can wait anything up to 2 hours.

    So it looks like that poor man got the same nonsense, no action until they got his papers, bloody pathetic.

    Take a photo and keep it on your phone as a back up

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