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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Please, just tell me he's not a Brit!
  2. In the UK it would be personally passed by HM King Charles III. Coca-cola hold the UK Royal Warrant: -
  3. I was never a great lover of Pepsi. Now ...
  4. Update: - The issue seems to have gone away for now at least.
  5. The problem is that the ruddy app is portrait mode only, so it fitteth not on a regular 16:9 screen ???? Unless someone knows how to make it rotate of course.
  6. Thais really do like their sweet things ???? Sugar sprinkled on chips/french-fries sounds gross. I know Maccas etc. use sugar in their fries to promote browning, but the amount should be very small. If the eggs are made to order, just order without milk, otherwise just don't go there.
  7. OK people. I think this has run its course, for now at least. We can resurrect when there's another EV fire.
  8. I know some members look out for this thread each year, so to avoid disappointment here it is. My usual Green House image. Pak-kret online level
  9. Crossy

    grass cutting

    Not in your area so I can't help directly. Do you have the kit and just need a man? Have a word with your local bike-taxi chaps, they know everyone and everything. Your village head-man will likely know a man who can.
  10. I know a decent window-cleaner. Very competitive rates to restore transparency
  11. Sex is that predictable then? If I remove all the off-topic posts we won't have a lot left ????
  12. Website and spec. here https://zappev.com/en/fullspecification
  13. Mine hasn't ???? Worse, now clicking on the password box only fills in the password. I need to go and lie down!
  14. You get hitched to your GF then extend on the basis of being married to a Thai. If your home country permits it (the UK no longer does, we just scraped in in 2004) you could get married there and get a non-O based on being married to a Thai.
  15. Good luck with that sir, many have tried and failed before you. Invariably "commercial issues" get in the way. Could you also see your way clear to paying my employer the 50 billion (yes that's 50 billion) Baht they are currently owed for operating certain parts of the system please?
  16. @Faranguz how old are you, is a retirement extension affordable??
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