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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Yeah, our Sofar pure on-grid and on-grid hybrid will both kill all generation if the Grid Over-Voltage parameter is exceeded although they don't actually reset. They both come back online after a minute or so, so no mega impact on generation (and the hybrid keeps charging the batteries if they are not full). I have asked Sofar about throttling as the max grid voltage is approached but ...
  2. Well knock me sideways with a wet lettuce! Why didn't I think of that, works like a charm ????
  3. OK, that browser installed, let's see if it remembers tomorrow morning ????
  4. Recently my Chrome browser (3 different machines) has decided not to remember my Lazada username. Password remembered OK once I've typed my email address. Since I use a gmail address the "log in using Google" works ok, but it's still more clicks. Lazada really, really want us to use their App. I really, really don't want too! Just me??
  5. Yeah, an electronics "fire" was my first thought too since it was dealt with so easily. Electronics tends to let out the "magic-smoke" in a nice, showy, manner, loads of acrid smoke, maybe a good bang, then it all peters out. If left alone it very likely would have just stopped all by itself.
  6. @ExpatOilWorker do hybrids count (I know BYD don't make hybrids)? Do we limit to BYD or can any EV join? Since more and more manufacturers including BYD and Tesla (for their standard range models) are using the safer LiFePO4 chemistry rather than the earlier and somewhat unstable Li-ion packs, then I expect to see actual battery fires become an (even more) rare event.
  7. Enter the funicular ... https://www.amusingplanet.com/2019/02/water-powered-funiculars.html
  8. Indeed, but in this case the initial energy input was from tectonic action getting the rocks up there in the first place ???? Has to be a first!
  9. Yes, but you will need a new re-entry permit to preserve your "under consideration" date. On your return you should get a stamp to whatever the end of your "under consideration" period is.
  10. There are some who would disagree Note: - I didn't say I was one of the "some" ????
  11. A post discussing moderation in violation of the Aseannow Community Standards has been removed.
  12. https://aseannow.com/terms/ It's really just a re-hash of the forum rules.
  13. Here's an actual article. It does point out various inconsistencies between the sources, but whatever, the rocks going down generate more than enough energy to take the empty truck back up. https://insideevs.com/news/361095/edumper-largest-ev-world/ And one of the project partners https://lithiumsystem.ch/projects/edumper/?lang=en
  14. A number of posts which breach AseanNow Community Standards have been removed along with any replies.
  15. That's a really poor diagram to be honest, the brakes aren't involved at all so why show them.
  16. The energy recovered from 150tons (rocks and truck) going downhill is evidently more than sufficient to take 45tons (empty truck) back up. Only 30% efficiency is needed.
  17. The loads of rocks DO only travel downhill, the truck goes back up empty. You need to watch the video ????
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