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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Yes, you can continue paying for Social Security as a foreigner. Not sure what the rate is mind, I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will be along soon.
  2. Yeah, the bill has a history of 5-6 months too.
  3. You can use the PEA App, to check your billing history for > 6 months ????
  4. "My hovercraft is full of eels" This sketch is based on a very real and quite terrible Portuguese to English phrase book from 1855 called "O novo guia da conversação em portuguez e inglez". The author only spoke Portuguese, so he used a Portuguese to French phrasebook as a first reference, then used a French to English phrasebook to complete his translations. The result was so bad, it became infamous, and was popularized by Mark Twain as a kind of surrealist comedy.
  5. I have some "stuff" in-stock, let me try with a 30W panel, baby MPPT and a CV load. See if there's actually any actual correlation with our big system. It may be a "few days" due to other commitments (I always get a "list" from Madam and I have a real job too).
  6. I've found Support or Service [at] sofarsolar.com quite responsive. Don't try calling them unless you speak Mandarin
  7. This is worrying of course, wrong pins = CT doesn't work correctly. You could try this FaceBook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/2477195449252168/ There are a couple of other Sofar groups too.
  8. We don't have your exact inverter, but IIRC Auto-Test is only available for the Italian variant. Ours is stuck in Chinese so I don't mess with it.
  9. I pulled into the crowded parking lot at the local shopping centre and rolled down the car windows to make sure my Labrador Retriever Pup had fresh air. She was stretched full-out on the back seat and I wanted to impress upon her that she must remain there. I walked to the curb backward, pointing my finger at the car and saying emphatically, "Now you stay. Do you hear me?" "Stay! Stay!" The driver of a nearby car, a pretty young blonde, gave me a strange look and said, "Why don't you just put the handbrake on?"
  10. An elderly woman’s husband dies. She wants an obit in the paper but she’s a real penny pincher. She calls up the paper and says; “I need to get an obit for my husband in the paper. What’s the cheapest one you got?” The person at the paper says; “Well ma’am, you have to buy at least one line.” The woman says; “Ok, I want it to say ‘Frank’s dead.’” The person on the phone says; “Well ma’am, with one line you can have up to five words.” The old woman says; “Wonderful! Then I want it to say “Frank’s dead. Truck for sale.”
  11. Yeah, there are evidently many, many factors operating here, some of which would appear to be less than obvious. Sunny day with thin, high, cloud seems to slug it more than more obvious clouds, most odd. @gamb00lerare you looking for an automatic adjustment, or just a way of guestimating your current potential generation??
  12. OK, now I'm holding the correct end of the stick ???? I'm not sure you'll be able to simply use light intensity. It might be possible to use a small panel with its own MPPT and a constant-voltage load like a battery would be (or even use a battery provided it never gets fully charged - use it for your outside lights perhaps). EDIT Check online for "shunt voltage regulators" You can then measure the power going into the load and extrapolate to the potential available from your array. How you actually apply that to your loads is then "simply" a matter of determining which load best suits the current conditions. The problem is always going to be that, unless you have dynamically adjustable loads (think big light dimmer on a water heater) you're always going to be either over using (and drawing from the grid or your batteries) or under using and throwing away potential energy. Interesting problem ????
  13. Many branches of Amorn (which sell the batteries) also offer the spot-welding service.
  14. Yes, we have chihuahuas, yes, they would take on a rhino!
  15. Was the photo then part of the immigration submissions? Could it be that your agent is proving to their employer that you were taking to immigration??
  16. My filthy, gutter mind thought "Thai girls, take two they're small". Before I read Walker88's full post ????
  17. Become a Mod on the forum, it's a thrill a second minute hour day handling you lot
  18. Why post a "confused" reaction when you can ask about what's confusing you?
  19. H2FLY claims that a recent three-hour test flight, entirely powered by liquid hydrogen, could lead to sustainable long-range flights fuelled by liquefied, cryogenic hydrogen. Solaris, meanwhile, has started selling hydrogen buses in Italy. https://www.pv-magazine.com/2023/09/12/the-hydrogen-stream-liquid-hydrogen-doubles-aircraft-range/
  20. I really can't believe I had never seen this one before. Now, how to get beer out of my keyboard?
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