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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. The general Thai guesstimate for A/C sizing is 600-700 BTU per m2. It's horribly basic and tends to over-size but with modern inverter A/C over-sizing isn't much of an issue. Your 16m2 bedroom would come out at 9,600 - 11,200 BTU, I'd look at the smaller end of that with a well-insulated room. The 32 m2 lounge would be 19,200 - 22,400 BTU, again well insulated would tend towards the lower end. Like many things, you can calculate to the nth digit and then have to pick from a limited range of available values. Definitely go for inverter units for energy savings.
  2. Some units will refuse to heat if no earth, but I've not seen one here. It's possible that your national regs. require this function.
  3. No, that will be fine, easier to get into your pipe ???? Rating is the same as the solid.
  4. Sounds a bit odd, if it's a government road the PEA should have an automatic easement to put up poles. But if you need to place poles on a non-government road you will need to obtain an easement from the property owners. I expect PEA will want to put your meter at the main poles, so the second will apply ???? For clarity could you include a sketch map or Google maps snap of the location (remove any identifying data for privacy). Maybe a little "lubrication" at PEA would smooth the flow
  5. I'll bet it has none, just a simple capacitor dropper, at these power levels they work well. Of course, it means that the internal electronics is potentially at mains voltage, but with no interface to the outside world it matters not. Note that this unit may be rather cleverer as it's dual AC/DC power supply (there are some dead clever PSU chips around these days), but I bet it's still not actually isolated. PMP20182 - Ultra-wide Input Range (10.8V to 264V AC or DC) Bias Power Supply https://www.electronicsdatasheets.com/manufacturers/texas-instruments/reference-designs/PMP20182
  6. If find Bard much more useful. Probably the only sense to come out of a @GammaGlobulin thread ????
  7. At 04.30! Frosties!! I need the sugar hit to prepare for a nice stressy morning of moaning at contractors. Real full-fat milk. And, as a Brit, tea of course (no milk or sugar). Lunch will be in the office canteen, rice and two sides - 35Baht. Dinner will be whatever Madam has prepared and a couple of cans.
  8. Yeah, at 17A they would be OK (but not recommended) particularly as most bedroom kit is low power. https://hitachi-magic-wand-massagers.co.uk/pages/magic-wand-massager Now someone will be along who runs a welder in the bedroom. There's no accounting for those kinks!!
  9. Yeah, if it was >20m I'd be thinking a bit. But for an intermittent load like a shower ... Unless, you have teens!!!
  10. No, if in conduit the conduit is the "double". Just use regular 6mm2 THW and you're good to go. EDIT For normal people 4mm2 THW would be OK for a short run. If you have teenagers go with the 6mm2???? Do ensure that you have a good earth connection to the heater!!
  11. For those who are interested: - https://engx.theiet.org/f/wiring-and-regulations/29739/adiabatic-plots
  12. What do the manufacturer's instructions for your Shelley device say? I suspect that the device itself will have internal protection (fuse) even if it's just a fine PCB track that will fail in the event of an internal short. In reality short lengths of "undersize" wire will still open your 20A breaker before the wire itself gets hot enough to be a problem if you do get a short-circuit.
  13. A truck loaded with thousands of copies of Roget's Thesaurus crashed yesterday losing its entire load. Witnesses were stunned, startled, aghast, taken aback, stupefied, confused, shocked, rattled, paralyzed, dazed, bewildered, mixed up, surprised, awed, dumbfounded, nonplussed, flabbergasted, astounded, amazed, confounded, astonished, overwhelmed, horrified, numbed, speechless, and perplexed. Meanwhile, those waiting for the shipment were at a loss for words.
  14. @LoeiI is it just your insulin, or do you (or yours) need room for beer! The peltier units are small and work well, but they are rather power hungry, so if you need long run times maybe look elsewhere.
  15. As above, fix your UK will to include both her names, AKA is just fine. Also as above, the legislation preventing her from owning land if she took your name is long since rescinded. When we moved to Thailand (long ago, there were dinosaurs roaming) Madam told me she was going to change her name (we married in the UK using her Thai married [and divorced] name). I thought she was going to change to my name, nope, she changed back to her original maiden name. No issues whatever, we have the relevant paper-trail. Thai's change their names with gay abandon and it's rarely an issue.
  16. An 80W fridge should be within the capability of pretty well any UPS (particularly if you can get an "inverter" type fridge), but how much autonomy (power-off run time) do you think you will need??
  17. I've been soldering since I was 10 or so plus spent 3 years as an apprentice honing my skills. Even now I've occasionally melted something that really shouldn't have melted. Modern plastics seem to be less resilient than they were when I was a lad... Case in point XT90 battery connectors. By the time you've heated everything up to solder the wires the ruddy pins are flapping about in the melted plastic.
  18. IF you are quick with a big iron, then OK. Remember it's got plastic innards.
  19. You need to consider the magnitude of the caps in the inverter and any startup leakage current that the electronics takes. A resistor small enough to charge things up in a reasonable time would send your LED into low earth orbit ???? I have 50 ohms and it takes several seconds for my LED (with 4k7 in series across the resistor) to go out when the pack is up near 55V.
  20. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/11/outcry-over-loss-of-features-on-bangkok-landmark-robot-building
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