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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. @GammaGlobulin how are you re-heating your egg dish (I'm staying out of any discussion of spelling of the "O" word)? Don't they go rubbery? Special technique? Have you tried the pasteurised eggs in a bottle? Just measure the relevant volume for 5 eggs and cook. No cracking etc. The British Army and Royal Navy use them by the gallon to make scrambled egg, it was luxury to use an RAF canteen coz you got actual handmade scrambled eggs ????
  2. I knew I'd seen one somewhere... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RevoPower
  3. Nearly https://www.solex-motobecane.com/documentation/80_Solex_4600_V2-V3_Owner_s_Handbook.pdf
  4. OK. I have noted that "some" lesser-known brands seem to be slightly under-size when measured. I have some "6mm2" stranded that fits comfortably in a 4mm2 crimp! Brand? Think German mid-20th century dictator. Bangkok Cable and Thai Yazaki are of the better kind, I would stick with them.
  5. I think at this point we should draw a veil over the unit things and get back to the real subject.
  6. Lightning would blast 1.5mm2 into next week
  7. I'll just go and install some number 12 cable for that water heater, or maybe number 10 would be more appropriate ... EDIT - Maybe we need a rule on "Unit Police" posts on the same lines as for "Grammar Police" ????
  8. OK, it's incorrect, but we all most of us understood what he meant. If I corrected every post where someone says they used XX Kw on their energy bill ...
  9. Isn't that what he said? Measure the diameter of each strand, calculate the area of each, multiply by the number of strands?
  10. This ^^^. But do verify that your switch is in the live side of the supply, a switched neutral can have similar effects.
  11. I've stayed out of this one, but a couple of weeks ago we were awakened to the sounds of a pretty large fire not a million miles away. Having looked outside and determined there was no immediate threat to our place we went back to bed, sleep punctuated by what sounded like every fire appliance in the area attending said conflagration. Enquiries in the morning revealed that it was a car that had gone "whoosh" in the parking of the resort just up the road, it had taken half a dozen other cars with it before being brought under control. Guess what, it wasn't an EV or hybrid! No actual detail of course. Meanwhile, the parking at the Yellow Line Park-n-Ride is prepared for anything short of nuclear Armageddon!
  12. A few years ago, walking back from a beach bar in Changi Village (Singapore), we were approached by a couple of the local "people in skirts". There were suggestions!! My mate said he wanted to make love with a woman, whereupon one of the "ladies" said, "ah, you'll like my friend here. He's got a pu55y!!". We didn't take them up on the offer!
  13. Didn't we just have a "great minds" moment on a different thread??? Spooky!!! Do do do do, do do do do!!
  14. General wisdom is that an AC rated switch can handle about a tenth of the AC voltage rating on DC. These knife switches have a large contact clearance so are probably capable of a much larger AC voltage than they're rated for (insulation notwithstanding). Move it briskly when swapping and give it a try.
  15. Yeah, no issues doing that. You could also run the two poles in parallel for extra safety margin.
  16. Great minds and all that carp ???? It's not rated to actually switch DC, but if the load is small when you switch, I reckon it will be the cheapest way to go.
  17. Daft thought. Do your BMS's have an on-off switch you can use to isolate one or other pack?
  18. Also, do you have a separate charge controller and inverter or an "all in one" inverter and charge controller?
  19. Are you intending charge and discharge via this switch? Manual changeover or auto? Will it need to switch whilst under load?
  20. It's worth noting that our OP has LiFePO4 batteries.
  21. Yeah, if the drain is blocked and you have a shop-vac (wet-n-dry) you can sometimes clear by sucking on the outside end of the drain. Do not blow or you may end up with a load of stinky water in your room ????
  22. We listen to our members ???? Sometimes Same place, just a different name.
  23. Menu here https://magicpin.in/Hyderabad/L-B-Nagar/Restaurant/Eat-Cock-Resto-and-Jail-Mandi/store/448637/menu/
  24. My friends at https://www.facebook.com/groups/thai.species.id/ say he's a Cox's Mud Snake (Homalopsis mereljicoxi) not dangerous.
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