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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Edit - Of course now i read the question ???? Yeah, I believe you are correct ????
  2. Stick a water softener (resin filter) in the line to the cleaner, just to be sure ????
  3. Putin dies and goes to hell. However, since he’s used to doing deals with devils, he manages to get a day off from torment and goes home to Moscow to enjoy Vodka and see how Russia is doing in his absence. The streets are clean, the shops are open, and people look well and relatively happy (for Russians). At the bar, he orders 3 Vodkas and sips them slowly, watching all the people nattering about sports and boasting about business, like the KGB spy he always was. Satisfied, Putin turns to the bartender and asks “how much for the drinks?” The bartender swiftly pulls out the cashless pay-terminal and tells him: “Five Euros”.
  4. Yes, he is definitely a Brit, I know him personally.
  5. She's a Thai actress, "k. Ratclao" or something like that.
  6. Important note - That's a white deposit on the bum-gun, not something, er, darker
  7. There's a video for that too ???? These videos play on loop in the BTS Admin building elevators, hence I've seen all the ruddy things a dozen times a day ????
  8. The video shows a passenger getting "burnt" by a naked bag of soup, solution put it in a fabric bag.
  9. There's actually an information video that plays on the screens addressing just this (along with hot food bags and other annoyances). I think I've actually seen it once on the trains in between the (paying) advertisments.
  10. Is the pool remote from the house??
  11. Ah yes, the subject of whether to export a TNC-S "earth" to your swimming pool area, a rather complex subject, and there's no "one size fits all" solution. i.e. You might be right, or equally you might be less right in your current solution, although with the pool equipment isolated from the pool itself (I'm assuming it's RCD protected - preferably 10mA) and low voltage lighting you're pretty safe. Firstly, your pool re-bar and anything electrically bonded to it (hand rails etc.) is already a pretty good earth (look up Ufer ground or concrete encased electrode), what we need to determine is whether to connect that earth to the TNC-S earth. It is imperative that whatever we do makes it impossible for a wet and rather conductive human to get between the TNC-S "earth" (the house electrical earth which can do horrible things in the case of an open-neutral) and "true earth" (the wet grass). So long as everything is at the same potential (even if that is not true earth) nobody dies. Where is your pool located with respect to the house? And what electrical fittings (outlets, lights etc) are in the pool area? Is it possible to touch the pool metalwork (steps etc.) whilst standing on the lawn? A few drawings / photos would be useful.
  12. What is shown in the Schneider documentation is correct for Thailand's implementation of MEN, you have to wire like that to pass the MEA/PEA inspection. But that only applies for the incoming supply, no N-E links on sub-units. If you bond after the incoming MCB it's electrically similar but if you then replace the incomer with an RCBO for safety it won't stay on! Do you have any earth-leakage protection? If not I would install forthwith. Your inverter wiring looks OK, I would cross-bond the grounds on each side and not rely on the inverter passing the ground reliably. Do you intend including any surge supression on your inverter mains and solar connections (recommended)? You definitely need DC rated fuses/MCBs on your batteries and solar array.
  13. No, you are not wrong. Sadly there's no prize for spotting my deliberate error, only a factor of 10^3 adrift ???? I thought it looked wrong but other things came along as they do ... So the leakage is up to 300mA!
  14. The bank will likely send someone to value the land, whether they will offer more than the land office number is unknown. What is the purpose of the loan? If it's to build a house you might be able to get a "construction loan" how that actually differs from a normal loan against the land is also unknown. Be prepared for the long game, especially if your income is involved, extra, and then more extra documentation is the norm. For some perspective our construction loan from SCB was actually approved a couple of months before we moved in (I financed the job in the meantime), SCB then converted to a mortgage for us without actually asking ???? As with anything in Thailand (and especially bank related) YMMV.
  15. Strike!! Block the roads! Then moan that they're not earning any money
  16. Yup, she renders pork fat in her cauldron. Pork Scratchings as a by product ????
  17. Agree, no licence needed (but roolz can vary office to office). Madam "owns" both our vehicles, never had a licence. I've seen her driving a shopping cart, no way I would ever inflict her on the motoring public (she's also blind as a bat which explains why she thought I was worth marrying)
  18. We are 60m from pole/meter to house, 4.x Baht per unit! Where is your meter on the last PEA pole or somewhere else? I'm sure someone is playing games and looking for a little "lubrication", like I said, there's always a solution, could be solution of ethanol in water labelled "Johnny Walker" EDIT It's possible they are saying that you wouldn't pass the inspection for a permanent supply due to distance, but with the correct cable that too should be fixable.
  19. White Spotted Slug Snake?? https://www.thainationalparks.com/species/pareas-margaritophorus I'm afraid I cheat by posting in one of the "Snakes of" FaceBore groups!
  20. There has to be a solution (we are in Thailand, there's always a solution), what are the reasons you're stuck on cuch a rate?
  21. Are you still on a "construction" supply at that rate?? Billed direct from PEA?
  22. The batteries are going to be the killer, the A/C will swallow about 1.2 units per hour if they are correctly sized and you don't keep polar bears. So say 14.4kWh per night. Say about 300Ah at 48V of LiFePO4 (double that for lead-acid). Do you have grid power for backup on dull days? Note, that's just for the A/C! Do you want to DIY install or use a contractor?
  23. Definitely both EasyPass and M-Pass, they've been integrated for some time and both work on each-other's locations https://www.tollway.co.th/en/our-service/how-to-pay-tolls Card readers are indeed active, but the QR readers are not as yet. Note that M-Flow is something different using plate readers and no barriers, not available on Don Mueang.
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