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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. SCB (but I think the limits are general to all banks) Limit to 50,000 per transfer, 200,000 per day without the photo thingy. Photo thingy not available to foreigners at this time. You can get an "exemption" by calling the helpline which removes all the limits, but "you are responsible for fraudulent transfers", some have reported having to sign a disclaimer, I didn't. Some other banks are actually doing the photo thingy for foreigners. More info. here (not just SCB so worth a look): -
  2. Please continue in the other 30 days counting threads.
  3. A vision of the future in 1930 by Echte Wagner, a German margarine company, ring any bells? More disturbingly accurate illustrations here https://flashbak.com/wonderful-futuristic-visions-of-germany-by-artists-in-1930-381451/
  4. If no Bluetooth or Aux in the car then one of these ... https://www.lazada.co.th/products/car-mp3-player-bluetooth-mp3-i4038779268-s15706764267.html?
  5. Does your in-car entertainment system have Bluetooth or an external (Aux) input? Either should be easy to connect to your phone ???? Failing that there's the old technology "FM transmitter" that plugs into the phone headphone jack and transmits to your car FM receiver.
  6. The numbers for July are in, we're still on no-export due to PEA sniffing around. Last meter reading day a man (allegedly PEA) asked Madam if we wanted a new meter as ours was "very old", no mention of solar or energy export. Madam, being the smart cookie that she is, told him she was the maid and he'd have to talk to the owner who was at work. Nothing heard since. I'll give it another month then turn export back on. Anyway: - We had Thai family staying over the long weekend, so 60,000 BTU of A/C running at night, bet you can't see which days that was Still rather less than we saw when the UK grandkids were over, two weeks of regular 60kWh days with two days topping 90kWh!
  7. Sorry, Honda bike or car? (and which one?) Retrofit, LED, HID, nuclear fusion? They make jets too ...
  8. Senator McArthy discovered many Soviet agents in the US. So he pushed for the US to train agents that would operate in the USSR. It was the long game. They took Johnny right out of West Point and trained him to be Ivan. He learned to speak Russian, to write in Russian, to act like a Russian. This wasn’t a small course. It took Johnny 10 years to prepare, 16-hours per day, 7 days a week. There were no days off. Johnny studied Russian, spoke Russian, ate Russian, behaved Russian. After his bosses were satisfied, Johnny- no, sorry- Ivan boarded a U-2 and parachuted near a remote Siberian village; just to test the waters before he proceeded with his mission in Moscow. It was a successful and uneventful landing, so Ivan hid all his gear and made way to a small farmhouse that was visible from his landing point. He knocks on the wooden door and an old babushka opens it. “Dobryy den Babushka” Ivan says in Perfect Russian. “Dobryy den Foreigner” the old lady replies. No matter how much he tries, it is fairly obvious that grandma is not buying it. He gets a great cup of tea and some jerky but it is obvious that she’s onto him. Perhaps she saw the parachute. She bids him fair well and says: “Welll, Ivan, you speak lllike Rushian, you act lllike Rushian, but… Rushian you are not” Argh! No! How? Ivan says his dosvidaniyas and heads for the village. He sees a grocer’s shop open, and decides to try this guy “Dobryy den tovarishch” “Good afternoon you too” responds the guy. Dammit. He proceeds with buying some vegetables, haggle in much the same way a native Russian would haggle, and then says his goodbyes. But then the grocer says… “You knoo. You speak lllike Rushian, you haggllle lllike Rushian, but… Rushian you are not” Bloody hell! 10 years of his life. Millions of dollars invested. He can’t fail. Maybe those peasants have got a 6th sense or something. So he gets on the train to Moscow. Just before entering the Red Square quarters he decides to give it another try in a bar where Muscovites mingle with foreigners. “Tovarishch bartender, give me your best vodka, and two glasses- one for me and one for you!” He swiftly drinks the whole bottle with the assistance of the willing bartender all the while discussing the horrid weather in Novosibirsk, the never relenting mujahedin that will one day attack even the Americans, the lack of any type of meat in the butchers. After Ivan pays the bill, the bartender offers his once-in-a-month smile to a customer and says “You knoo Ivan. You speak lllike Rushian, you drrrink like Rushian, but… Rushian you are not” Oh damn, damn, dammit! One day to go. Next morning there is no real decision. He has to go through with it. So he musters all the courage he’s got and heads for the back door to the Kremlin. He enters the door and right at the first corner he is faced with 23 KGB agents with their guns aimed at him “ALL RIGHT YOU, YOU GOT ME! I’ve spent the past decade of my life studying Russia and Russians. Your language, your food, your drinks, your mannerisms. Yet- somehow everything is in vain. So, yes, I’m a spy. And I will sign whatever you want me to sign. On one condition: You need to tell me how you know! WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?” “You know tovarishch… here in Rushia, we do not make blllack people”
  9. Long ago in a galaxy far, far away. I think I was married to her...
  10. Yeah ^^^, the Huawei has 2 x 11A MPPT inputs so only series strings can be used, those two west facing panels will slug the other panels in that string. I'd shoehorn what panels you can fit on the south facing roofs and forget the west facing.
  11. I would suggest your guess is incorrect, and guessing isn't good engineering practice anyway. Did your installer provide you with even a single-line diagram of your installation? Post a copy here. Failing that, which 10kW inverter do you have? The problem is that under-producing panels on a series string could slug the whole string to the extent that you're actually better off without the extra panels.
  12. How are your panels arranged electrically (series / parallel)? Or are you using micro-inverters? Those two west facing panels may affect the rest of a series string they are part of.
  13. Crossy

    Bar Menu’s

    Speaking of menus ... Harga's House of Ribs is an eatery in Ankh-Morpork run by Sham Harga. Death worked there as a cook for a while. To see what's on the menu, all you need to do is look at Harga's vest. The most popular dish is "All-You-Can-Gobble-For-A-Dollar". (c) Terry Pratchett, Discworld! QED!
  14. OK, I see lots of RCBOs in there ???? I would ask for an itemised quote, 35k seems excessive for 20m of cable plus a "something" being replaced.
  15. Has your incoming breaker ever actually opened on overload? What rating (Amps) is it? Do you have electric water heaters? How big are they? Are you contemplating an EV in the near future? I'm assuming the man is suggesting a 30/100 meter, suitable cable from street to house (how far is it?) and a new 100A main breaker. If you are contemplating an upgrade, do you have an RCD / RCBO? They are a valuable extra safety device. Don't know? Post photo of your existing distribution board.
  16. That was lucky! Bad joint or actual broken pipe?
  17. Could he try the land entry from Malaysia?
  18. I think last time Madam used my hedge clippers ???? At least they can be sharpened.
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