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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. If anyone can actually make the revised IATA travel site (which will be the airline's source of data) work with our OP's details I will stand corrected. Once upon a time it simply stated the requirement which was validity for duration of stay.
  2. Yup, you will have no problem. Thailand's requirement is for the PP to be valid for the length of your stay. Watch for restrictions on any transit countries if you are not flying direct.
  3. I made the mistake of trying to get a coffee in a Rotterdam "coffee shop" (I was young and naive). I did actually get a coffee, and an education
  4. An old couple is on a walk, when a pigeon flies by and deposits a poopy little present on the woman's head. "Yech!" says the woman. "Get some toilet paper." "What for? He must be half-a-mile away by now."
  5. I know your pain. If the car in front hasn't cleared the barrier almost immediately, I stop and leave a big "reversing space". Of course, you get the occasional wazzock nipping in front only to confront someone backing out. I have to go through 3 gates on my daily commute (one going in, two going out). On the way home yesterday, I got two RoS (one at each gate). Grrr.
  6. Does it have any sort of label with a part number?
  7. Sometimes it's faster to pay cash when someone in front has to do "the reverse of shame"
  8. Have you and your lady considered adopting? Fostering (is that even a thing here)?
  9. We don't get direct rice burning (just the second-hand crud) but we did have a similar idiot last year. Just outside the village was a rather overgrown plot, the owner wanted to sell it but needed to clear it first. A few litres of unleaded (ok it could have been diesel) and a match were procured and used. The resulting conflagration took out the 25kV feeding the village and (more annoying) the fibre trunk. Amazingly the internet was back on in a couple of hours with ToT running a temporary link along the ground whilst PEA sorted out the damaged poles and cables. Power was restored after about 6 hours.
  10. I admit to being more than a little surprised how much difference cleaning makes, even when the panels don't look particularly dirty. What I do notice is that the difference is only really apparent on good generating days. On a miserable day the difference between the control and cleaned systems is much less apparent.
  11. CCleaner is well regarded for removing the first "C", just Google it. Read the messages carefully or you may actually end up with some replacement "C" ????
  12. Yeah ^^^, EMS is reliable, tracked and cheap. I've never had any real issues with Kerry, but 99% of my "sent" items are Lazada returns.
  13. Yup, no issues for us in Northern BKK, even got a registered letter delivered into my hands when the postie spotted us walking round to the restaurant for lunch ????
  14. Nah, Apple don't get house room. I'll use whatever OS the job throws at me. Mostly Windows these days but Sun Solaris and several other Unix flavours, QNX for real-time. I run a machine with FreeBSD as a NAS at home.
  15. I can't answer from experience, yet, not got our EV. Seems a bit odd, I suspect your local PEA have never done a dedicated EV meter. Try this: - Talk to MG and get their installer's details. Get him to organise with PEA. Do let us know how you get on; this is all pretty new stuff. At least here. If all else fails you can still charge at a couple of kW with the Granny-Lead.
  16. As above, you can boot and run Windoze on an external drive. BUT What is the interface for the external, you may find things are really S-L-O-W ????
  17. "Day 1" is your day of arrival so you really only get stamped for 29 days on a "30-day" visa exemption ???? It's just a different style of entry stamp, not all are the same.
  18. Seen on another website: - On Cricket - “If I were to describe it to Americans it would be ‘what Einstein would do if he redesigned baseball while on acid’.”
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