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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Hence my suggestion to contact Philips with your photos and a photo of the bulb packaging.
  2. Bummer, I thought you might be able to get a replacement lamp out of IKEA. Do you still have the bulb packaging? Philips may be interested (or may not but an email to their customer service dept. costs nothing).
  3. No reason not to believe you, but like others, I thought the tale may have been a little "enhanced". I take back all those thoughts immediately. Compensation will be paid in positive thoughts!
  4. Wow! Just wow. And I thought there was some artistic licence involved! Did the bulb come from IKEA too??
  5. Nigh on impossible these days. It's not all junk mind. We buy a lot of laser-cut stainless fabrications from a company called Shanghai Huaming Intelligent Terminal Equipment Co. Superb quality despite the company having a large sign outside that reads <read the initial letters>
  6. I was surprised to find (from their website) that Philips still make and sell incandescent lamps. They do list their production locations none of which is in China, of course that doesn't mean anything here.
  7. Do you have photos of the exploded lamp? A proper investigation needs photos ???? And, as others have asked, what's the IKEA catalogue number of the unit? (a link to the online catalogue would be nice) I have had incandescent lamps go bang on occasion, but very, very rarely.
  8. About a 12.5% increase. I wish cleaning ours would help today, not even covering local load let alone getting anything into the batteries ????
  9. My lady has encyclopaedic knowledge of the Roman Empire and Ancient Rome! She was a Thai-speaking tour guide in Rome (the one in Italy) as one of her many, many occupations whilst living there.
  10. Have a look at the work of George Cove ???? https://www.lowtechmagazine.com/2021/10/how-to-build-a-low-tech-solar-panel.html
  11. OK, a splash of reality. A 12,000 BTU A/C is known as "one ton" in some parts of the world because it produces the same cooling effect (if running at 100% duty cycle) as melting 1 ton of ice over 24 hours. Our 9,000 BTU unit would be 0.75 tons which would (using our 30% duty cycle) need 250kg of ice every 24 hours! The melting-ice coolers do work, but in reality, they only produce a stream of cooled air for a relatively short time.
  12. Any particular reason not to open new accounts with either of these? It "should" be rather less hassle.
  13. @MJCM has it right, the "correct" way to do this is number one do an energy audit. To start you off. A 9000BTU A/C (say 15m2 room) will run to 900W at full chat, if it's correctly sized for the room expect it to use about 0.3kWh per hour. Say 10 hours per day = 3kWh, that's already around 3 panel's worth. Of course, if you want to run at night then you're looking at that much storage. At 12V that's 250Ah of usable storage (so 500Ah of lead-acid). Give us an idea of just what you expect to be running and we can come up with some sensible suggestions. Do you want to be truly off-grid or will there be grid backup available for those dull days?
  14. You can't by yourself. You can simply hit the Report button and ask for it to be removed, or edit out the content (you'll need to leave a "." or something as the post can't be empty) then report it.
  15. Wait until you see them use bamboo Seriously, for re-finishing a driveway on ground that's reasonably sound then the mesh is just fine, it's not like you are driving big trucks over it, are you?
  16. In user manuals (not just Sofar) often functions are not adequately (or at all) explained. We have the 6kW version of the same inverter and that function isn't even in the installed version of the software. "Disabled" seems to be a sensible option. You might want to go through all the menu options recording what they are set to, just in case something forgets.
  17. Yeah, it's been reported before and not just in Thailand, poorly configured electronic meters counting up on export.
  18. Or a wiring error on the CT or your wiring. What settings did you change? Great that it's working as intended. Which Sofar inverter do you have?
  19. Yup, it's time to at least disable export on your solar then go hybrid with an Energy Storage System (ESS). Have you tried offering to sell your exported energy to the estate? This of course assumes they know how to configure / read the meter correctly.
  20. OK I'll get in before anyone else. They will be looking to unload rather more than just cash!
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