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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. 13 units over 24 hours averages out at around 540W. If we assume the major consumer of juice is the A/C then 540/2000 would put it running at about 27% which is pretty ok for this time of year. Add on your fridge/freezer (which will also be working harder) and I don't think that's entirely unreasonable. For a (not very good) comparison: - Over the weekend when we have family visiting (so 3x12,000 BTU A/C running only at night) we will swallow >50 units in 24 hours. On a weekday when it's just myself and Madam (1x12,000 BTU A/C again only at night) our consumption is around 32 units in 24 hours. But our biggest single consumer of energy is Madam's ruddy 15,000 litre koi pond. Pumps, UV, air pump - The load isn't massive but it's 24/7/365. Cooling isn't cheap! Have you got that fan yet?
  2. You need to look at the actual PEA/MEA tariffs. Like income tax, it's on a sliding scale, the more you use the more you pay per unit. If you are comparing users with similar usage rates a simple Baht / Units calculation works, but if you have a very low user (who could even be getting his power free) vs someone swallowing 1,000 units a month it just doesn't work. Both MEA and PEA have online bill estimators which do the hard sums for you. The PEA one is here eservice.pea.co.th/EstimateBill/ Our last bill was 3.8 Baht / kWh. But that was for 85kWh so we get every low-usage discount available except the free power one (we have the wrong type of meter). EDIT We actually used >900kWh in that billing period. Now tell me having solar isn't economical ????
  3. I'll never understand the logic behind where immigration officers (not just here) place their incoming stamps (outgoing invariably go next to the relevant incoming). Is it just to annoy us or is there some mysterious reasoning.
  4. Medium sized X-breeds (soi dogs) can be very effective and are, as you say, low cost / low maintenance. In realty any dog will make potential intruders think twice. Even our two chihuahuas are effective alarms and set off the "real" security - geese! No intruder in his right mind will take on an annoyed gander!
  5. Provided you don't have any 3-phase appliances, you will need a "single-phase kit" for your distribution board and for PEA to replace your meter. Personally, I'd stick with 3-phase if you already have it, the main failure mode we have here is loss of one phase, of course it's always the one we are on. At least with 3-phase 2/3 of your kit still works.
  6. Our energy use peaks around April - June, so you are probably approaching worst case. Luckily the output from our solar peaks at the same time ???? EDIT Let's slide this over to "Electrical" where it will stay on page 1 longer and get more directed input.
  7. OK, so the A/C is about the right size. At 20C it's no wonder it was working hard, do you have a pet penguin? ???? I suspect you will see a significant improvement with the increased temperature. Buy a stand fan, that can help make you feel cooler and so you can wind up the A/C temp even more. We don't bother with A/C in the living spaces, just fans, A/C in the bedroom at 27C (with a fan).
  8. How big is the room and what temperature do you have the A/C set to? Your A/C will use about 2kW when running at full chat so 19 units in 24 hours suggests it's running at around 50%, I would expect more like 30% for a correctly sized unit.
  9. Yeah, our office wants a visit every year for marriage extensions. Same lads each time, we have the same witnesses, they take the same photos. No issues, Madam always offers tea / coffee / coke which they always decline.
  10. Absolutely! I hate following after someone has "had a look", they invariably have done more than look, and, of course, nobody thinks to take decent photos of what was there before someone messed about with it. @idiot babyis there any manufacturer's data on the machine which could be used to search for wiring details? As @bluejets notes, it shouldn't beyond a competent repair chap. If you are in BKK it might be worth taking photos etc. to the Ban Mo area (near the Old Siam Plaza) and asking around (you will definitely need a Thai speaker).
  11. Yeah ^^^, his usual job is to mediate local disputes and thus avoid things going further up the legal tree. Much depends upon the nature of the dispute. It certainly cannot hurt to ask him if he can mediate.
  12. The ONLY way to get accurate drawings is to measure it yourself (or pay someone to do it). Not houses, but sitting on my desk (ok in my PC) I have: - Architectural drawings - What the Architect designed. Shop (good for construction) drawings - Which the Contractor prepared in order to build it As-Built drawings - What was actually built. They are all different! And none of them (even the as-built) match the pile of concrete that I'm looking at and wondering why my equipment won't fit in the designed space!
  13. Yup, there really are some things that just don't work (or are at least less convincing) using the computer.
  14. There's nothing like the flustered lecturer fumbling with the acetates, dropping them and getting out of order, all to the great amusment of 100 students (I've been on both sides of that). PowerPoint just isn't the same
  15. I honestly have no idea. Maybe my foreign ATM cash withdrawals or even my IP address. They didn't elaborate ????
  16. I've seen a unit with a camera looking down at the transparencies and feeding the PC and then to a projector. I bet you could make one with a decent webcam, or use your phone with the IPwebcam App. Search for "document camera" https://www.lazada.co.th/products/document-camera-8-hd-a4-auto-focusing-usb-document-camera-scanner-for-scanning-files-notes-picture-document-scann-i4432085725-s17754179139.html Loads on Amazon that look like a camera on an anglepoise lamp. Now where's that old anglepoise?
  17. I thought the name looked familiar. https://www.flightglobal.com/airlines/former-nok-boss-sarasin-launches-really-cool-airlines/152561.article
  18. A woman comes home and tells her husband, "Remember those headaches I've been having all these years? Well, they're gone." "No more headaches?" the husband asks, "What happened?" His wife replies, "Margie referred me to a hypnotist. He told me to stand in front of a mirror,stare at myself and repeat 3 times I do not have a headache; I do not have a headache, I do not have a headache.' It worked! The headaches are all gone." "Well, that is wonderful," replies the husband. His wife then says, "You know, you haven't been exactly a ball of fire in the bedroom these last few years. Why don't you go see the hypnotist and see if he can do anything for that?" The husband agrees to try it. Following his appointment, the husband comes home, rips off his clothes, picks up his wife and carries her into the bedroom. He puts her on the bed and says, "Don't move, I'll be right back." He goes into the bathroom and comes back a few minutes later and jumps into bed and makes passionate love to his wife like never before. His wife says, "Boy, that was wonderful!" The husband says, "Don't move! I will be right back." He goes back into the bathroom, comes back and round two was even better than the first time. The wife sits up and her head is spinning. Her husband again says, "Don't move, I'll be right back." With that, he goes back in the bathroom. This time, his wife quietly follows him and there, in the bathroom, she sees him standing at the mirror and saying, She's not my wife! She's not my wife! She's not my wife!" His funeral service will be held on Saturday.
  19. Looking good ???? Now you know why it's called a "lump hammer" At least it didn't fall on anything important ????
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